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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/5/2011 11:06:35 PM
This says it all,
Just a guy commenting on the political clowns running the circus who are messing this country up
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/6/2011 2:23:37 AM
Hi friends, here is a great article from the Canada Free Press I think a lot of you will agree with. By the way, good video Rick.

Obama's quest to surrender our sovereignty and governance to that corrupt and devious One World conspiracy for the destruction of the United States and its Constitution

Obama Is As Destructive on Vacation As He Is When Working

- Jerry McConnell Sunday, September 4, 2011
Why so many people cringed when Obozo went off to play with the uber-rich and famous in the posh resort areas of Martha’s Vineyard puzzles me. Many thought he should remain on the job in these critical times for America, but he has shown that he can do as much damage when on vacation as he can while at his desk in Washington. The man is just a complete and total loss for executive leadership and steering our ship of state.

How much more damage control will be needed during these count-down months ahead until we can finally stop him dead in his tracks on November 06, 2012? How many more sneaky and devastating tricks of administrative deviousness like Executive Orders to further undermine our Constitution does he have up his sleeve?
The minute he is gone some worthy soul in Congress should propose the diminution of authority that can be wielded with Executive Orders so as to protect us from another power mad simpleton in the class of Kim Il Jong or Obama. Those documents should be totally restricted to administrative and procedural commands not affecting operations or finances of the country. They should never be used to pre-empt or side-step an established law or Constitutional authority. Recess appointments should be banned also
His latest planned use of the infamous Executive Order to grant amnesty to illegal aliens in the face of overwhelming public opinion against granting these self-made criminals any sort of access to United States citizenship without proper application through our established criteria is indicative of his brazen arrogance and insistence on being dictatorial.
This man should be ousted by impeachment instead of being allowed to continue his onslaught of terror against the American people in the form of broken laws and total disregard for our U. S. Constitution. He not only thumbs his nose at the American people he brings charges against them for the simple act of trying to protect themselves against foreign encroachment to the riches of our country.
State governments that abide by the Constitution in trying to control the massive amounts of illegal aliens seeking to take over our cities and towns, find the U. S. Department of (un)Justice suing to stop any actions that the Usurper in Chief and his head henchman, AG Eric Holder claim is a violation of federal law. The only violation of federal law is in the non-enforcement of such laws by the worst offender, the federal government.
Currently the states of Arizona and Alabama are under siege by AG Holder for trying to control and contain illegal aliens in their states and the deportation of same that the federal government ignores as their sworn duty and claims state infringement on these responsibilities that the federals will not enforce.
Obama doesn’t have to be working to be a danger to our economy and our health, mental as well as physical; his talons are long like a nasty bird of prey and can be felt with just about every government action.
Have you heard the latest? Well if not, hold on to your chair; he’s coming back for more billions to resuscitate the moribund and down to its last breath, job stimulus program.
That’s right, this time he is promising millions of jobs. He couldn’t manage even a few hundred on the eight-plus billion which with accompanying overheads ran into the trillion numbers, now he says he will add FOUR million new jobs and his crafty, crooked cohort, Nancy Pelosi says it is 3.7 million. (It’s more impressive to quote figures with decimal points which imply you did your homework.)
These two crooks, cheats and connivers, are pretty sure that you will be fooled again and they’re out to prove it. Well sucker, if you wanted any more reason for why the libDems wished to raise the debt ceiling, now you have it. If one trillion of our tax dollars couldn’t even create any jobs, just think about how many jobs WON’T be created if we give them even more tax dollars.
If you can’t smell the odor surrounding this planned rip-off, just think “Labor Union Payback” and you’ll get the idea of what is coming next from this charlatan.
It does absolutely no good to try to diminish Obama’s zeal for spending our tax dollars; he is indefatigable in that crusade. He accepts no criticism or avid suggestions of backing off his insistence in this matter. Shameless and uncaring are words that come to mind.
I can remember when Bill Clinton expressed a “dumped-on” feeling once when a news commentary reported that he was becoming an irrelevant president; he pouted that he was still very much relevant. Obama is clueless in that respect as the public becomes more educated to the villains behind his attempts at being ‘presidential’.
The Bilderberger Group and Council of Foreign Relations, including Obama’s friend George Soros, the socio-communist inspired billionaire, are United Nations voices of authority that are de-facto, behind-the-scenes controllers of Obama’s quest to surrender our sovereignty and governance to that corrupt and devious One World conspiracy for the destruction of the United States and its Constitution.
Obama needs a permanent vacation; and SOON.
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/7/2011 2:02:11 AM


by Barbara Haney on Monday, September 5, 2011 at 2:33pm

The cornerstone of our foreign policy, our assistance to the Arab Spring in Egypt, our involvement in Libya, and our pending involvement on Syria, has been predicated on the notion that when a leader sanctions the use of violence on their people, they no longer have the legitamcy to lead. Obama must resign or he validates a foreign invasion. Obama's adulation of Hoffa after Hoffa's comments are quite troubling. Hoffa essentially made a declaration of war on a large segment of the American people, calling them "Sons of B*tches" and advocating the use of violence against those who oppose him. Obama's endorsement of Hoffa and his comments shows his approval and agreement that Obama advocates the use of war tactics on a large population group of the US. That suggests that Obama has also declared war on a large segment of his own nation and that Obama advocates the use of violence against the American people.

With all due respect, I find this most troublesome. When Mubarak was warned against using violence on his people, the Obama Adminstration forced his resignation. Indeed, Mubarak has been on trial for that very thing. When Qadaffi was accused of using violence on his own people, NATO and the US military were sent in as part of a NATO international response. As Assad is accused of firing on his own people, Obama calls for Assad to step down. In each of these instances, Obama claimed that the use of violence, or advocating that use, on a segment of a leader's own population was a human rights abuse that warrented an international response. Obama has repeatedly claimed that when a leader advoctes the use of violence against the leader's own nation, that the leader has lost the legitimacy to lead. What then are the ramificatons of Obama's comments for the US? If Obama, through Hoffa, advocates the use of violence against the American people, can he continue to be the President? Would this not, by virtue of our own foreign policy, constitute an invitation for an internation invasion of our nation by a foreign power or foreign group? Should not Obama's comments be considered with any less gravity than those of the world leaders he has condemed? Does Obama's endorsement of violence on the American people indicate that he has lost the legitimacy to lead?

For US foreign policy to have legitimacy, Barack Obama must resign. Barack Obama has indicated on several occasions that the use of violence by a leader against his people can not be tolerated by the international community. These words need to apply to Obama, as well for them, to have merit in both foreign policy discussion and domestic policy discussions.

Members of Congress must recognize the absolute hypocriticy here. Obama is clearly advocating a call to war on a large segment of his own population. He can no longer be considered a legitimate leader in the context of his own policy. He has lost the legitimacy to lead. He must resign. There can be no other recourse. Congress must force his resignation to maintain the integrity of our nation.

Sources: Breitbart video of Obama and Hoffa on Labor Day in Detroit, MI on September 5, 2011*****es/

Obama calling on Mubarack not to use force on his people condeming Gaddafi for use of violence on his people and calls for an international response Obama condeming Assad for use of violence on his people; calls for international repsonse

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/7/2011 3:30:40 AM
Hey Peter and Friends,

Here is a State REP from New Hampshire that justify's his $100.00 salery.


by Sharon Rondeau

Rep. Harry Accornero has stated that Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of treason against the United States

(Sep. 5, 2011) — New Hampshire State Rep. Harry Accornero has publicly named Barack Hussein Obama in the commission of the crime of treason. As far as we know, he is the first elected official to do so.

Rep. Accornero represents Wards 1-6 in the town of Laconia in Belknap County, NH and serves on the Municipal and County Government Committee. He is a great-grandfather and a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. A statement from his campaign website reads:

I am a fiscal conservative, Pro Life and Pro 2nd Amendment, I am for school choice and merit raises for teachers. I believe our government, both federal and local, is too large, and forgot that the people are in charge. We need to stop the spending and begin to live within a budget. We need to privatize and consolidate government agencies.

New Hampshire contains the largest legislative assembly in the United States with a state population of 1,300,000. Members of the House of Representatives garner $100 annually in compensation for their service as confirmed by The Post & Email’s interview of Rep. Laurence Rappaport last year and Rep. Accornero himself.

A letter to the editor of The Laconia Daily Sun dated September 3, 2011 states that a reader of that publication had asked Rep. Accornero to “explain his charges in The Sun that President Obama is guilty of ‘treason.’ I have asked him to explain this before but to date, he has not responded, either personally or in a letter. While I am not one of his constituents, I think that as an elected state official, he owes an explanation to the readers of The Sun as well as to the voters.” The writer suggest that Accornero “does not really understand the Constitution. Or perhaps, as I suspect, he really does understands [sic] it but instead chose is [sic]use the charge of ‘treason’ against the president as inflammatory populist rhetoric to further his Tea Party agenda.”

Rep. Accornero told us that he has sent a response to the above-cited letter today.

The New Hampshire House of Representatives was established on October 31, 1783. In 1945, New Hampshire adopted the state motto of “Live Free or Die,” although Rep. Accornero told us that a bill has been introduced to change the state motto by “progressives.”

“Treason” is defined as:

  1. the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
  2. a violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state.
  3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.

The Post & Email asked Rep. Accornero when he became concerned that Obama was guilty of treason.

REP. ACCORNERO: He’s been in office only two and a half years. Probably about a year ago, I started looking at some of the things he proposed. With all of the czars, I was concerned, and certainly with the health care, because the government cannot force people to buy anything; a dictatorship can, but not the government.

During the last six months or so, I couldn’t take it anymore. When the President of the United States tells a company that wants to move from one state to another that unless they’re union jobs, they can’t move, that sends up a red flag. The way he’s treating our allies is another thing, but the biggest thing is this invasion that we have across the border with these illegals coming in. He is supposed to protect and defend the Constitution and our country, and he’s not. He’s allowing illegal aliens to come in. Not only do they get a pass; now, just recently, they are able to be granted work permits. We have a country that is on the brink of bankruptcy – and I’m sure we already are; it’s just the way you manipulate the figures – but we have millions of people out of work, and we are allowing these illegal immigrants – and we don’t know who they are; I’m not talking about just Mexico. I’m talking about anyone who comes across our border illegally, and our enemies have already attacked us once. They come through the border from Mexico, and they come here with no strings attached. You can’t even arrest them if you find that they are here illegally.

MRS. RONDEAU: As far as we know, you are the first elected official anywhere who has come out and stated clearly that you feel Obama is guilty of treason against the U.S. Constitution. Do you know of anyone else who feels the same?

REP. ACCORNERO: I don’t. As a matter of fact, I was very surprised when I got the call from LCDR Fitzpatrick, and I didn’t know where he was coming from or how he got the information about me. I’m just a little old legislator here in New Hampshire, formerly from New York. I’ve been up here for 33 years now. I was surprised that he picked that up, and then he told me how he got it from Googling “Obama’s treason.” I was pleasantly surprised because I had been out here thinking, “Does anybody else see this? Does anybody else want to stand up and say something?” You see some, but everybody edges around it. The difference is me. I was never like that – I don’t care if you make $100 a year, which is what we make as a legislator here – or $100,000 a year; there’s a principle which you have to stand up and fight against. I think that the selling out of our country by Obama and his administration certainly warrants treason. When you start giving illegal aliens work permits, and then union wages…and we’re giving money to China to the tune of millions. They own us anyway. So why are we paying them U.S. taxpayer money to teach their people English or whatever it is? To me, that falls in the category of aiding and abetting, giving comfort to the enemy. So this free lunch that we want to give them at the expense of our own people by giving them work permits…over 300,000 illegals are going to be able to get work permits and stay in this country, and probably, it’ll wind up being, “OK, they work here, they have a job here; they pay taxes…why don’t we just grant them citizenship?” That’s where I’m afraid that is going.

I’m sure you heard from LCDR Fitzpatrick, “How can he chair the UN Security Council and the United States at the same time?”

MRS. RONDEAU: Yes, we’ve reported on that.

REP. ACCORNERO: Politicians, in general – and I am one – think, “Wait a minute. I want to get elected. So how do I get re-elected?” In New Hampshire, as you can imagine, $100 a year doesn’t appeal to many people, so people do run because they have a concern for what’s going on in the state and what we can do to get out of this financial mess we’re in. That being said, there are some people who continue to run – and they’ve have been there forever – who like that term “Representative.” They like all the pomp and circumstance that goes with it. As far as I’m concerned, that you can keep. I did not run to be re-elected. I ran because there was a job to do in New Hampshire, and I wanted to be part of the solution. But on the national level, you get good, conservative, God-fearing people, if you will, who get up there and say they’re going to do these great things, and they believe it…but there must be something in the water when they get to Washington, because after their first year, all they care about, as far as I can see, is getting elected again. They have to bring home the bacon to their state so they can get re-elected.

The Democrats say, “I need to go back so I can finish up what I started…” That’s what the Democrats keep doing: holding down the African-Americans for decades. They keep promising the same thing year after year, and then when they get it…they don’t even bother. Are they any better off than they were?

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you believe that the black electorate will still vote for the Democrats in 2012?

REP. ACCORNERO: Yes, I do. I don’t understand why they do. The Democrats are not “for” the minority; they’re for keeping the minority down so they can continue to make the same promises year after year. The Black Caucus and the so-called “black” leaders – Jesse Jackson, for example – where are they when people are taking part in these flash mobs? They don’t speak up for their people. All they do is antagonize, and they spawn racism, just as this president does. If you don’t agree with him, you’re labeled a racist. Well, since when? That’s why we have a two-party system…we’re not always in agreement, but we still have a point of view, and you don’t just shout down the other person and call them names as has been going on. I don’t know if people will speak out; I just know that I couldn’t take it anymore.

I believe in this country, not like Michelle Obama who was “proud of this country” only when her husband was making points during the campaign. I have been proud of this country every day of my life, and my parents have and my kids have, and I think most of the American people who are true Americans feel that same way. But we have a president – and I’m still not sure if he’s an American – but he certainly is anti-American.


Editor’s Note: Our interview with Rep. Accornero will be continued.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/7/2011 12:06:03 PM
Hi Evelyn , Rick & All,

Great videos and articles. The basic problem is that the fraud and great pretender B Hussein is guilty of so many crimes that many are accepting it as the norm and that my friends is dangerous as h*ell.

Just a few days ago B Hussein participated in a labor union rally (second year in a row that he participates in this rally) where the usual hate filled rhetoric was the flavor of the day. Of course the Tea Party was the major victim of their hate and vulgar attacks. The worst part is that B Hussein praised and was "proud" of these hoodlums including Jimmy Hoffa Jr. of Michigan who actually for called for a war against the Tea Party. That shows how much B Hussein feels a part of the union goons and gangsters and of course is interested in their financial support as well as their physical presence to intimidate those opposing him.

Below are videos of Jimmy Hoffa Jr.'s vile attack against the Tea Party, the fool Joe Biden speaking at the AFl CIO rally and the DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman's inability to answer direct questions about Jimmy Hoffa's "take the son of b*itches out" call to war. This is the true face of the Democratic party.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7