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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/9/2011 7:38:03 PM
If you have to hold your nose and close your eyes to vote then it is truly wasted. Just my humble opinion. May as well research me, then because I do advocate for a third party. None of these on podiums speak for me, yet.

Much more at stake than simply beating zerObama. We have to clean house of the relics that have sat by and got fat and powerful on both sides of the aisle. Any elected prior to 2010 should be charged with their crimes. Again my opinion.

You're jumping to conclusions Jim. I haven't seen in any of the many different sources and sites I visit on a daily basis anyone advocating a third party. Sometimes in the comments on different articles I'll find one that says a third party might be an option but immediately after the comment a myriad of replies that a third party would split the conservative vote. Therefore the majority of those drawing their lines and standing together will vote for the Republican candidate IMHO.

"If's won't win elections but supporting a nominated candidate will. Standing together and drawing our lines is getting rid of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein in 2012 and as I said in previous posts a third party will insure him another four years. I certainly hope you're not advocating that cos that's what'll happen if a third party'll be in the cards in 2011.

I'm sure you know the progressive liberal democrats had fake Tea Party candidates in different elections around the United States and they succeeded in splitting the conservative vote. This whole third party farce sounds like something outta the Alinsky hand book and since they'll be the only ones to benefit from a third party you should seriously research anyone advocating a third party.



If those you quoted will not vote republican under any circumstance they will support a third party and it may well wind up being the majority party.

I believe there are more of us fed up with this duopoly than they are willing to continue down the same path.

Hi Jim & Jack,

Thanks for posting Jack even though I have other threads that might have been more appropriate for the "We Noticed" article. On second thought this might be the right thread since the fraud and great pretender B Hussein is a joke and a bad joke at that.

Now Jim I agree that our objective is to get rid of B Hussein in 2012 if not earlier but as I've commented in the President That Hates His Country thread I can't support a third party that will split the conservative, Independent and Democratic fence sitters (who are fed up with B Hussein) votes. You rightly wrote that we have to "draw our lines and stand together" but by splitting the vote with a third party the exact opposite will occur. So in the meantime I'll have to add the third party to the bad joke list until someone can show proof and convince me that the vote won't be split.



Yes we all noticed and that is why we must know where we stand and who agrees with our positions. Draw our lines and stand together. You will find a majority comprised of elements from all sides, whose voices are just being heard from. A third party is in the making. This is no joke.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/10/2011 3:22:19 PM
Hi Jim,

We've known each other for quite a few years and there is not much I need to research about you. That said what you're doing is not advocating a third party but using words without giving any logical reasons for a smidgen of success for this idea. Advocacy is always followed by reason, logic and a plan. So far aside from holding your nose you've done none of these things.

Yes, there are some on the "podium" as you call it that aren't my favorites yet they're all a better choice then the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. And here I totally disagree with you the most important aspect of the upcoming elections is getting rid of B Hussein. Retaining control of Congress and getting a majority in the Senate is also crucial. So your so called advocacy for a third party without a plan for success is a lose lose situation for conservatives and a win win situation for the progressive left.

You know one of those on the "podium" is Rick Perry and there are many that are against his candidacy for a few reasons. One of which is the fact that in the past he was a democrat and strongly supported Al Gore's run for the presidency. In addition his association with Nordquist and the Agah Khan with their Islamic school curriculum's make him an unattractive candidate for many.

Changing political parties in mid stream is always suspect and can cause many to decide that this person is not their "cup of tea", needs to be vetted and researched thoroughly since their true agenda might be totally different from what they publicly state. The same applies IMHO to those advocating a third party without explanations, logic and plans aside from using words that are meaningless and knowing that this will cause harm to the conservative movement. As I said in previous posts only the Democratic Party will benefit from a split conservative vote.



P.S. You haven't even mentioned who this third party would nominate for the presidential run or who the prospective candidates might be. As I said words alone are meaningless.

If you have to hold your nose and close your eyes to vote then it is truly wasted. Just my humble opinion. May as well research me, then because I do advocate for a third party. None of these on podiums speak for me, yet.

Much more at stake than simply beating zerObama. We have to clean house of the relics that have sat by and got fat and powerful on both sides of the aisle. Any elected prior to 2010 should be charged with their crimes. Again my opinion.

You're jumping to conclusions Jim. I haven't seen in any of the many different sources and sites I visit on a daily basis anyone advocating a third party. Sometimes in the comments on different articles I'll find one that says a third party might be an option but immediately after the comment a myriad of replies that a third party would split the conservative vote. Therefore the majority of those drawing their lines and standing together will vote for the Republican candidate IMHO.

"If's won't win elections but supporting a nominated candidate will. Standing together and drawing our lines is getting rid of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein in 2012 and as I said in previous posts a third party will insure him another four years. I certainly hope you're not advocating that cos that's what'll happen if a third party'll be in the cards in 2011.

I'm sure you know the progressive liberal democrats had fake Tea Party candidates in different elections around the United States and they succeeded in splitting the conservative vote. This whole third party farce sounds like something outta the Alinsky hand book and since they'll be the only ones to benefit from a third party you should seriously research anyone advocating a third party.



If those you quoted will not vote republican under any circumstance they will support a third party and it may well wind up being the majority party.

I believe there are more of us fed up with this duopoly than they are willing to continue down the same path.

Hi Jim & Jack,

Thanks for posting Jack even though I have other threads that might have been more appropriate for the "We Noticed" article. On second thought this might be the right thread since the fraud and great pretender B Hussein is a joke and a bad joke at that.

Now Jim I agree that our objective is to get rid of B Hussein in 2012 if not earlier but as I've commented in the President That Hates His Country thread I can't support a third party that will split the conservative, Independent and Democratic fence sitters (who are fed up with B Hussein) votes. You rightly wrote that we have to "draw our lines and stand together" but by splitting the vote with a third party the exact opposite will occur. So in the meantime I'll have to add the third party to the bad joke list until someone can show proof and convince me that the vote won't be split.



Yes we all noticed and that is why we must know where we stand and who agrees with our positions. Draw our lines and stand together. You will find a majority comprised of elements from all sides, whose voices are just being heard from. A third party is in the making. This is no joke.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/13/2011 6:31:17 AM
Hello Friends,

When you start watching the below video from Aaron Klein Investigative Radio you might think it belongs in my joke thread but keep on listening and you'll see that it's not a joke but a compilation of facts that just might change the minds of the strongest and most loyal B Hussein supporters. The rest of us are already aware of most of what is mentioned in the video and much more for that matter.

If it doesn't convince the supporters of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein then I guess we have to write them off as lost causes and or believers in the communist way as well.



See more here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/13/2011 6:39:51 AM
Hello Friends,

Normally Evelyn posts the Dick Morris videos so my apologies for posting before you had a chance to.

In this video he discusses who in his opinion won the latest debate between the Republican candidates. His thoughts are interesting and well worth watching.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/14/2011 1:30:37 PM

Thank you Peter for posting this video. As far as I know we're not in competition with each other but we are both on a mission to post as much information as possible for those that want to know the truth.


Hello Friends,

Normally Evelyn posts the Dick Morris videos so my apologies for posting before you had a chance to.

In this video he discusses who in his opinion won the latest debate between the Republican candidates. His thoughts are interesting and well worth watching.




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