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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/2/2011 11:38:14 PM
Hello Peter,

'Kook' :- an eccentric, strange or crazy person; a weirdo.
someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group, odd fellow, odd fish, queer bird, queer duck, odd man out.fantastic, or insane : screwball

I have to sadly admit I do not know much about him at all and have only viewed
and read the good things about him and I did not know he was anti semite which immediately takes him off my 'consider list'


Hi Amanda,

The reasons are many and I've written about that in the past and just recently in this thread as well. Here are just a few reasons.

1. He blames 911 on the United States. Claims that the Iraqi war and the deaths of Arabs in that war were the cause for 911.

2. Sees no problem with Iran becoming a Nuclear Power.

3. Has no foreign policy aside from basically doing nothing.

4. He's a racist and anti Semite in addition to being anti Israel. His racism was quite blatant during the years when he sent out news letters to his readers. He tried to disassociate himself from all that he wrote and signed his name to but it was an unsuccessful attempt.

The list goes on and on Amanda. His saving graces are his fiscal policies and fight against the Fed. Other then that he's way out in left field. To top it off he and B Hussein are being supported by the Russians (posted about that recently). The Russians said they would like B Hussein to be reelected and also came out in support for Ron Paul. That alone should say it all.




I am having difficulty where I will 'sling my cap' for next year's election as I do not see anyone whom 'shines the brightest'. I have seen a lot of people talking about Ron Paul and I have watched a few videos that have impressed me due to his honesty - although it is still not enough to sway me one way or the other just yet.

I am looking for a 'strong character of morals and values', that can lead us and stand up to the naysayers and pressure from the opposition. if there is such a person..

I am curious as to your opinion why you call him a Kook?


What is clear to me though is that none of those already in the race can be worse then B Hussein aside from the kook Ron Paul and most are much better then the present resident in the WH. What's clear to me is that whoever will win the Republican nomination will get my support aside from Ron Paul.

Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/3/2011 12:07:09 AM
Dear Peter,

Your argument no longer makes sense to me. Both parties are guilty of collusion and no candidate coming from this duopoly will get my vote... It is time for a Third Party

Hello Evelyn, Jim & All,

Both parties are guilty of ignoring the greatest political crime and scam of all time. While I abhor the reality that elected officials some of whom I still consider decent and right minded people and politicians still haven't got the guts to stand up and call a spade a spade and say this fraud has gotta go. Either impeach him or force him to resign and leave town in disgrace.

This has been done in our lifetime when Richard Nixon was forced to resign for his crimes and attempted cover up. The major difference between Nixon and B Hussein is that he was a good president and accomplished much during his presidency until his resignation. Another difference is that he was a Republican president and not Democrat like the criminal in the White House is. Take that as you may but these progressive liberals think they can get away with everything and anything.

That said until someone has the guts to stand up and say what has to be said that this guy is a fraud, imposter, criminal and has to go we are stuck with the two parties. I can understand the desire to make a clean sweep and clean house with a third party but unfortunately that would be defeating the purpose of the upcoming elections. A third party would insure the reelection of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. It would split the conservative vote along with the independents and democrats who are straddling the fence now who are deeply disappointed with the fraud and great pretender.

I have my "druthers" of who I'd like to see as the Republican nominee some of whom haven't declared their candidacy yet. What is clear to me though is that none of those already in the race can be worse then B Hussein aside from the kook Ron Paul and most are much better then the present resident in the WH. What's clear to me is that whoever will win the Republican nomination will get my support aside from Ron Paul.




Jim I have thought for sometime now that the Republicans were guilty of omission or worse. The time to bring everything out into the open was before Obama became a candidate but none of them did and they still won't so if neither party is going to uphold the constitution then it is time for a party that will.

Hello Peter, Evelyn, and Friends,

I agree with the "It's Time for a New Third Party" and it could very well be the "Tea Party" crowd. I have been advocating for Third Party for some time. It is time to end this Duopoly that has been infiltrated by the Progressive Movement, which has been taken over by the dark side.


Hello friends, what a coincidence this subject came up again in this thread. Here is an article from the WorldNetDaily today I found very interesting. Maybe it is time for a third party and give us a real choice.
Are both parties scrapping Constitution? end head
Posted: August 29, 2011
1:52 pm Eastern

Maybe now Americans will stop asking me why Republicans never challenged Barack Obama's clear constitutional ineligibility for the presidency.

The answer is one of the following:

  • They are too ignorant to understand that the definition of a "natural born citizen" is an American born to U.S. citizen parents; or
  • They are willing accomplices in the dumbing down of a simple constitutional requirement for their own political reasons – so their own ineligible candidates can run.

I don't know any other choices that make sense today as the Republican Party establishment along with leading candidates begin active consideration of vice-presidential nominees who are just simply ineligible to assume the top job.

Two candidates for the job are mentioned over and over again – two wonderful, charismatic public servants whose only problem is they are not constitutionally eligible to be president.

They are Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Don't get me wrong. I like both of these guys. If I were eligible to vote in Florida or Louisiana, I would vote to re-elect them. I would support either one for almost any job in America. But there is one job for which they are, by chance of birth, 100 percent, totally and inarguably ineligible to hold office – and that is the presidency of the United States.


Because both are sons of parents who were not U.S. citizens when they were born.

It's just that simple. To be a natural born citizen means to be the offspring of U.S. citizen parents at the time of birth.

Since the vice president, by definition, must be able and willing to assume the presidency in time of a national emergency, and because the vice president is often seen politically as an heir apparent for the top job, it makes absolutely no political or legal sense to nominate a vice presidential candidate who is not constitutionally eligible to become president.

But that's just what is happening in Republican circles and media circles – without even a hint that both Jindal and Rubio are ineligible.

Now maybe you can understand how the political and media establishment missed the biggest U.S. story of the last 50 to 100 years – the illegal inauguration of an American president wholly ineligible to take office.

I guess the Constitution has just been rendered moot by default.

What are they thinking about?

Is it because the son of a visiting foreign student was able to usurp office illegally that now anything goes?

Do we just totally disregard the simple rule book that forms the foundation of American governance?

Is it only the American people who care about the Constitution and the rule of law?

Is this a bipartisan conspiracy to make it easier and easier to operate outside the confines of the law and the Constitution's strict definition of limited government?

Do Republican elitists have any idea how widespread the concerns of Americans are about matters of constitutional integrity?

Are they willing to lose millions of votes from people who still revere and cherish every jot and tittle of the Constitution and especially the very minimal requirements for seeking the office of the presidency?

This is nuts!

But it explains a lot.

For more than three years – both during the 2008 campaign and the first two years of Obama's fraudulent administration – Republicans have been virtually mute on the scandal of his ineligibility.

Now we know why.

They don't care.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

They're ready to take full advantage of this latest nail in the coffin of the Constitution.

They're going to continue to thumb their noses at the Constitution and all those who believe in it by pretending that their own favorite sons are something they are not – namely, eligible for the presidency.
Read more: Are both parties scrapping Constitution?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/3/2011 5:49:27 AM
Hi Jim,

I'm always willing to hear other opinions and I wouldn't think of forcing my opinions on others. But, while you don't agree with what I had to say and aside from using terminology like "duopoly" with out a convincing argument that a third party won't split the conservative vote and insure B Hussein another four years in office you've actually said nothing. Show me how it could work and you might have a convert to your opinion.

In the meantime I'll stick with my opinion and support a Conservative candidate as long as it's not Ron Paul.

Not voting is a vote for B Hussein if it's a lost conservative vote so you might want to rethink your options.



Dear Peter,

Your argument no longer makes sense to me. Both parties are guilty of collusion and no candidate coming from this duopoly will get my vote... It is time for a Third Party

Hello Evelyn, Jim & All,

Both parties are guilty of ignoring the greatest political crime and scam of all time. While I abhor the reality that elected officials some of whom I still consider decent and right minded people and politicians still haven't got the guts to stand up and call a spade a spade and say this fraud has gotta go. Either impeach him or force him to resign and leave town in disgrace.

This has been done in our lifetime when Richard Nixon was forced to resign for his crimes and attempted cover up. The major difference between Nixon and B Hussein is that he was a good president and accomplished much during his presidency until his resignation. Another difference is that he was a Republican president and not Democrat like the criminal in the White House is. Take that as you may but these progressive liberals think they can get away with everything and anything.

That said until someone has the guts to stand up and say what has to be said that this guy is a fraud, imposter, criminal and has to go we are stuck with the two parties. I can understand the desire to make a clean sweep and clean house with a third party but unfortunately that would be defeating the purpose of the upcoming elections. A third party would insure the reelection of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. It would split the conservative vote along with the independents and democrats who are straddling the fence now who are deeply disappointed with the fraud and great pretender.

I have my "druthers" of who I'd like to see as the Republican nominee some of whom haven't declared their candidacy yet. What is clear to me though is that none of those already in the race can be worse then B Hussein aside from the kook Ron Paul and most are much better then the present resident in the WH. What's clear to me is that whoever will win the Republican nomination will get my support aside from Ron Paul.




Jim I have thought for sometime now that the Republicans were guilty of omission or worse. The time to bring everything out into the open was before Obama became a candidate but none of them did and they still won't so if neither party is going to uphold the constitution then it is time for a party that will.

Hello Peter, Evelyn, and Friends,

I agree with the "It's Time for a New Third Party" and it could very well be the "Tea Party" crowd. I have been advocating for Third Party for some time. It is time to end this Duopoly that has been infiltrated by the Progressive Movement, which has been taken over by the dark side.


Hello friends, what a coincidence this subject came up again in this thread. Here is an article from the WorldNetDaily today I found very interesting. Maybe it is time for a third party and give us a real choice.
Are both parties scrapping Constitution? end head
Posted: August 29, 2011
1:52 pm Eastern

Maybe now Americans will stop asking me why Republicans never challenged Barack Obama's clear constitutional ineligibility for the presidency.

The answer is one of the following:

  • They are too ignorant to understand that the definition of a "natural born citizen" is an American born to U.S. citizen parents; or
  • They are willing accomplices in the dumbing down of a simple constitutional requirement for their own political reasons – so their own ineligible candidates can run.

I don't know any other choices that make sense today as the Republican Party establishment along with leading candidates begin active consideration of vice-presidential nominees who are just simply ineligible to assume the top job.

Two candidates for the job are mentioned over and over again – two wonderful, charismatic public servants whose only problem is they are not constitutionally eligible to be president.

They are Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Don't get me wrong. I like both of these guys. If I were eligible to vote in Florida or Louisiana, I would vote to re-elect them. I would support either one for almost any job in America. But there is one job for which they are, by chance of birth, 100 percent, totally and inarguably ineligible to hold office – and that is the presidency of the United States.


Because both are sons of parents who were not U.S. citizens when they were born.

It's just that simple. To be a natural born citizen means to be the offspring of U.S. citizen parents at the time of birth.

Since the vice president, by definition, must be able and willing to assume the presidency in time of a national emergency, and because the vice president is often seen politically as an heir apparent for the top job, it makes absolutely no political or legal sense to nominate a vice presidential candidate who is not constitutionally eligible to become president.

But that's just what is happening in Republican circles and media circles – without even a hint that both Jindal and Rubio are ineligible.

Now maybe you can understand how the political and media establishment missed the biggest U.S. story of the last 50 to 100 years – the illegal inauguration of an American president wholly ineligible to take office.

I guess the Constitution has just been rendered moot by default.

What are they thinking about?

Is it because the son of a visiting foreign student was able to usurp office illegally that now anything goes?

Do we just totally disregard the simple rule book that forms the foundation of American governance?

Is it only the American people who care about the Constitution and the rule of law?

Is this a bipartisan conspiracy to make it easier and easier to operate outside the confines of the law and the Constitution's strict definition of limited government?

Do Republican elitists have any idea how widespread the concerns of Americans are about matters of constitutional integrity?

Are they willing to lose millions of votes from people who still revere and cherish every jot and tittle of the Constitution and especially the very minimal requirements for seeking the office of the presidency?

This is nuts!

But it explains a lot.

For more than three years – both during the 2008 campaign and the first two years of Obama's fraudulent administration – Republicans have been virtually mute on the scandal of his ineligibility.

Now we know why.

They don't care.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

They're ready to take full advantage of this latest nail in the coffin of the Constitution.

They're going to continue to thumb their noses at the Constitution and all those who believe in it by pretending that their own favorite sons are something they are not – namely, eligible for the presidency.
Read more: Are both parties scrapping Constitution?
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/3/2011 10:47:38 AM
Hey Peter, Jim and all,

I just must weigh in on the third party issue. With the Tea Party it seems like we already have three parties with a dog in the hunt. In the past a third party has usually diluted the outcome thus allowing the wrong party to win. In this case I suspect that Perry will be the choice and that the Tea Party and Moderate Idiots will fall in line. Moderate idiots are similar to Obama in that given the chance they would vote present. ---------------- We presently have from the last race 1. Those morons who voted for Obama and are stupid enough to admit it. This includes the majority of Jews that voted for the black man out of guilt 2. Those that voted for Obama but are now too embarrassed to admit it. 3. Finally those that voted for the other Democrat or should I say Rino that destroyed what should have been the Palin Campaign. And yes I wore a gas mask necessary to get past his stench. He threw the election away. Yes an idiot named by John McCain.

If I was making the decision I would choose Rick Perry and Marco Rubio and I suspect that if Obama must win he will have to create conditions for him to declare martial law and having collapsed the country. The conditions on the ground will be ripe for his defeat with 20%+ umemployment, massive chaos and unrest just short of civil conflict. He may very well succeed unless the military follows it's pledge to uphold our constitution and he will be in jail.
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
9/4/2011 1:22:28 PM
Hello Rick & Friends,

Rick, I do agree with your points and there are additional ones as well. It's a sore point with me that so many of my Jewish brethren voted for the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. Hopefully this will be remedied in 2012. If the polls are right Jewish people willing to vote for him is in a downward spiral and by 2012 I hope it'll become an avalanche against him.

Hate seems to be the name of the game with the progressives as a whole and Democratic lawmakers in particular. I'm sure many of you have already seen the disgusting video with Rep. Carson of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and other members. The vile statements made by him and other members all Democrats is a testament to how afraid these people are of the Tea Party. Rep. Alan West the only Republican member of the CBC is threatening to resign his membership if the leadership doesn't distance itself from these radical idiots.

The funny part is that when the Tea Parties first started the MSM and progressive politicians tried to minimize them and claim they are nothing to be afraid of. But, after the past elections in which the Tea Parties succeeded in changing the face of Congress they've become the "enemy". Any derogatory name you can think of they'll use in order to delegitimize these patriotic people. No racists there but as you'll see from the below video the racists are those slinging the mud at the Tea Party. They're espousing violence and worse ....... that's what they do best. Truth doesn't seem to interest them aside from their violent rhetoric something you've never heard from the Tea Parties.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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