Hey Peter, Jim and all,
I just must weigh in on the third party issue. With the Tea Party it seems like we already have three parties with a dog in the hunt. In the past a third party has usually diluted the outcome thus allowing the wrong party to win. In this case I suspect that Perry will be the choice and that the Tea Party and Moderate Idiots will fall in line. Moderate idiots are similar to Obama in that given the chance they would vote present. ---------------- We presently have from the last race 1. Those morons who voted for Obama and are stupid enough to admit it. This includes the majority of Jews that voted for the black man out of guilt 2. Those that voted for Obama but are now too embarrassed to admit it. 3. Finally those that voted for the other Democrat or should I say Rino that destroyed what should have been the Palin Campaign. And yes I wore a gas mask necessary to get past his stench. He threw the election away. Yes an idiot named by John McCain.
If I was making the decision I would choose Rick Perry and Marco Rubio and I suspect that if Obama must win he will have to create conditions for him to declare martial law and having collapsed the country. The conditions on the ground will be ripe for his defeat with 20%+ umemployment, massive chaos and unrest just short of civil conflict. He may very well succeed unless the military follows it's pledge to uphold our constitution and he will be in jail.