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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/31/2011 2:03:49 AM
Hello Peter, Evelyn, and Friends,

I agree with the "It's Time for a New Third Party" and it could very well be the "Tea Party" crowd. I have been advocating for Third Party for some time. It is time to end this Duopoly that has been infiltrated by the Progressive Movement, which has been taken over by the dark side.


Hello friends, what a coincidence this subject came up again in this thread. Here is an article from the WorldNetDaily today I found very interesting. Maybe it is time for a third party and give us a real choice.
Are both parties scrapping Constitution? end head
Posted: August 29, 2011
1:52 pm Eastern

Maybe now Americans will stop asking me why Republicans never challenged Barack Obama's clear constitutional ineligibility for the presidency.

The answer is one of the following:

  • They are too ignorant to understand that the definition of a "natural born citizen" is an American born to U.S. citizen parents; or
  • They are willing accomplices in the dumbing down of a simple constitutional requirement for their own political reasons – so their own ineligible candidates can run.

I don't know any other choices that make sense today as the Republican Party establishment along with leading candidates begin active consideration of vice-presidential nominees who are just simply ineligible to assume the top job.

Two candidates for the job are mentioned over and over again – two wonderful, charismatic public servants whose only problem is they are not constitutionally eligible to be president.

They are Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Don't get me wrong. I like both of these guys. If I were eligible to vote in Florida or Louisiana, I would vote to re-elect them. I would support either one for almost any job in America. But there is one job for which they are, by chance of birth, 100 percent, totally and inarguably ineligible to hold office – and that is the presidency of the United States.


Because both are sons of parents who were not U.S. citizens when they were born.

It's just that simple. To be a natural born citizen means to be the offspring of U.S. citizen parents at the time of birth.

Since the vice president, by definition, must be able and willing to assume the presidency in time of a national emergency, and because the vice president is often seen politically as an heir apparent for the top job, it makes absolutely no political or legal sense to nominate a vice presidential candidate who is not constitutionally eligible to become president.

But that's just what is happening in Republican circles and media circles – without even a hint that both Jindal and Rubio are ineligible.

Now maybe you can understand how the political and media establishment missed the biggest U.S. story of the last 50 to 100 years – the illegal inauguration of an American president wholly ineligible to take office.

I guess the Constitution has just been rendered moot by default.

What are they thinking about?

Is it because the son of a visiting foreign student was able to usurp office illegally that now anything goes?

Do we just totally disregard the simple rule book that forms the foundation of American governance?

Is it only the American people who care about the Constitution and the rule of law?

Is this a bipartisan conspiracy to make it easier and easier to operate outside the confines of the law and the Constitution's strict definition of limited government?

Do Republican elitists have any idea how widespread the concerns of Americans are about matters of constitutional integrity?

Are they willing to lose millions of votes from people who still revere and cherish every jot and tittle of the Constitution and especially the very minimal requirements for seeking the office of the presidency?

This is nuts!

But it explains a lot.

For more than three years – both during the 2008 campaign and the first two years of Obama's fraudulent administration – Republicans have been virtually mute on the scandal of his ineligibility.

Now we know why.

They don't care.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

They're ready to take full advantage of this latest nail in the coffin of the Constitution.

They're going to continue to thumb their noses at the Constitution and all those who believe in it by pretending that their own favorite sons are something they are not – namely, eligible for the presidency.
Read more: Are both parties scrapping Constitution?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/31/2011 2:43:18 AM

Jim I have thought for sometime now that the Republicans were guilty of omission or worse. The time to bring everything out into the open was before Obama became a candidate but none of them did and they still won't so if neither party is going to uphold the constitution then it is time for a party that will.

Hello Peter, Evelyn, and Friends,

I agree with the "It's Time for a New Third Party" and it could very well be the "Tea Party" crowd. I have been advocating for Third Party for some time. It is time to end this Duopoly that has been infiltrated by the Progressive Movement, which has been taken over by the dark side.


Hello friends, what a coincidence this subject came up again in this thread. Here is an article from the WorldNetDaily today I found very interesting. Maybe it is time for a third party and give us a real choice.
Are both parties scrapping Constitution? end head
Posted: August 29, 2011
1:52 pm Eastern

Maybe now Americans will stop asking me why Republicans never challenged Barack Obama's clear constitutional ineligibility for the presidency.

The answer is one of the following:

  • They are too ignorant to understand that the definition of a "natural born citizen" is an American born to U.S. citizen parents; or
  • They are willing accomplices in the dumbing down of a simple constitutional requirement for their own political reasons – so their own ineligible candidates can run.

I don't know any other choices that make sense today as the Republican Party establishment along with leading candidates begin active consideration of vice-presidential nominees who are just simply ineligible to assume the top job.

Two candidates for the job are mentioned over and over again – two wonderful, charismatic public servants whose only problem is they are not constitutionally eligible to be president.

They are Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Don't get me wrong. I like both of these guys. If I were eligible to vote in Florida or Louisiana, I would vote to re-elect them. I would support either one for almost any job in America. But there is one job for which they are, by chance of birth, 100 percent, totally and inarguably ineligible to hold office – and that is the presidency of the United States.


Because both are sons of parents who were not U.S. citizens when they were born.

It's just that simple. To be a natural born citizen means to be the offspring of U.S. citizen parents at the time of birth.

Since the vice president, by definition, must be able and willing to assume the presidency in time of a national emergency, and because the vice president is often seen politically as an heir apparent for the top job, it makes absolutely no political or legal sense to nominate a vice presidential candidate who is not constitutionally eligible to become president.

But that's just what is happening in Republican circles and media circles – without even a hint that both Jindal and Rubio are ineligible.

Now maybe you can understand how the political and media establishment missed the biggest U.S. story of the last 50 to 100 years – the illegal inauguration of an American president wholly ineligible to take office.

I guess the Constitution has just been rendered moot by default.

What are they thinking about?

Is it because the son of a visiting foreign student was able to usurp office illegally that now anything goes?

Do we just totally disregard the simple rule book that forms the foundation of American governance?

Is it only the American people who care about the Constitution and the rule of law?

Is this a bipartisan conspiracy to make it easier and easier to operate outside the confines of the law and the Constitution's strict definition of limited government?

Do Republican elitists have any idea how widespread the concerns of Americans are about matters of constitutional integrity?

Are they willing to lose millions of votes from people who still revere and cherish every jot and tittle of the Constitution and especially the very minimal requirements for seeking the office of the presidency?

This is nuts!

But it explains a lot.

For more than three years – both during the 2008 campaign and the first two years of Obama's fraudulent administration – Republicans have been virtually mute on the scandal of his ineligibility.

Now we know why.

They don't care.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

They're ready to take full advantage of this latest nail in the coffin of the Constitution.

They're going to continue to thumb their noses at the Constitution and all those who believe in it by pretending that their own favorite sons are something they are not – namely, eligible for the presidency.
Read more: Are both parties scrapping Constitution?
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/31/2011 2:46:11 AM
An unusual economy?
Thomas Sowell - Syndicated Columnist - 8/30/2011 12:40:00 PM

Many in the media are saying how unusual it is for our economy to be so sluggish for so long, after we have officially emerged from a recession. In a sense, they are right. But, in another sense, they are profoundly wrong
The American economy usually rebounds a lot faster than it is doing today. After a recession passes, consumers usually increase their spending. And when businesses see demand picking up, they usually start hiring workers to produce the additional output required to meet that demand.

Some very sharp downturns in the American economy, such as in the early 1920s, were followed quickly by bouncing back to normal levels or beyond. The government did nothing -- and it worked.

In that sense, this is an unusual recovery in how long it is taking and in how slowly the economy is growing -- while the government is doing virtually everything imaginable.

Government intervention may look good to the media but its actual track record -- both today and in the 1930s -- is far worse than the track record of letting the economy recover on its own.

Americans today are alarmed that unemployment has stayed around 9 percent for so long. But such unemployment rates have been common for years in Western European welfare states that have followed policies similar to policies being followed currently by the Obama administration.

Those European welfare states have not only used the taxpayers' money to hand out "free" benefits to particular groups, they have mandated that employers do the same. Faced with higher labor costs, employers have hired less labor.

The vast uncertainties created by ObamaCare create a special problem. If employers knew that ObamaCare would add $1,000 to their costs of hiring an employee, then they could simply reduce the salaries they offer by $1,000 and start hiring.

But, since it will take years to create all the regulations required to carry out ObamaCare, employers today don't know whether the ObamaCare costs that will hit them down the road will be $500 per employee or $5,000 per employee. Even businesses that have record amounts of cash on hand are reluctant to gamble it by expanding their hiring under these conditions.

Many businesses work their existing employees overtime or hire temporary workers, rather than get stuck with unknown and unknowable costs for expanding their permanent work force.

As unusual as 9 percent unemployment rates may seem to the current generation of Americans, unemployment rates stayed in double digits for months and years on end during the 1930s. Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration followed policies very similar to those of the Obama administration today. He also got away with it politically by blaming his predecessor.
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/31/2011 10:07:48 AM
This might be a bit off topic and in the wrong forum but it’s consistent with BHO’s many business engagements and “agenda”!

Obama's uncle arrested on suspicion of DUI; White House not commenting
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/31/2011 3:43:26 PM
Hello Friends,

There are so many different reasons to impeach the fraud and great pretender and so far Congress and our elected officials are totally ignoring them all and that's true of both sides of the aisle. It is ludicrous that this man is getting away with the greatest scam of all times and aside from the public, "we the people" no else is paying attention. Ok, granted many of "we the people" are ignoring it too but the majority are asking questions and demanding answers and so far no one in Washington has the balls to get up and say this man is a fraud and has got to go. You know all it takes is one brave politician to stand up and start talking and the snowball will grow and grow and grow until it becomes an avalanche. One brave politician is all it takes and so far they're all a bunch of gutless wonders.

Below is a very short video which en capsules what's happening in Congress. It says it all in less then two minutes. In addition you'll find the latest Presidential approval index which is at the lowest ever. "We the people" are talking and and the polls show exactly what they're saying. B Hussein you're a failure and the sooner we see the last of you the better.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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