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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/30/2011 11:51:43 AM
Hello Friends,

I guess with the above post the editor out did itself in screwing up. I would apologize but it simply is due to a crappy editor.



Peter Fogel
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/30/2011 1:47:49 PM
oueee those last 3 post threads were hard to read.. I am going to have to get new glasses! lol I kinda like the font size around 4 so I can read better.

I reckon you have noticed like myself that each time something of great interest is about to be exposed e.g. 'the birth certificate', new law trying to get passed... we can expect something else of greater magnitude to crop up to distract the public.

I have my doubts that anything will ever really come of Obama's birth certificate that it is a fake once and for all while Obama is still in office. However it could be finally revealed to the public when he has been voted out and it will be all over the news under the guise that 'we were all hoodwinked and how could that have happened... bla bla

I reckon the news will be held as a 'trump card' being held for the 'right moment' to reveal for the greatest impact.

Maybe we will see a movie made...!?

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/30/2011 2:12:15 PM
Hello friends, what a coincidence this subject came up again in this thread. Here is an article from the WorldNetDaily today I found very interesting. Maybe it is time for a third party and give us a real choice.
Are both parties scrapping Constitution?
Posted: August 29, 2011
1:52 pm Eastern

Maybe now Americans will stop asking me why Republicans never challenged Barack Obama's clear constitutional ineligibility for the presidency.

The answer is one of the following:

  • They are too ignorant to understand that the definition of a "natural born citizen" is an American born to U.S. citizen parents; or
  • They are willing accomplices in the dumbing down of a simple constitutional requirement for their own political reasons – so their own ineligible candidates can run.

I don't know any other choices that make sense today as the Republican Party establishment along with leading candidates begin active consideration of vice-presidential nominees who are just simply ineligible to assume the top job.

Two candidates for the job are mentioned over and over again – two wonderful, charismatic public servants whose only problem is they are not constitutionally eligible to be president.

They are Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

Don't get me wrong. I like both of these guys. If I were eligible to vote in Florida or Louisiana, I would vote to re-elect them. I would support either one for almost any job in America. But there is one job for which they are, by chance of birth, 100 percent, totally and inarguably ineligible to hold office – and that is the presidency of the United States.


Because both are sons of parents who were not U.S. citizens when they were born.

It's just that simple. To be a natural born citizen means to be the offspring of U.S. citizen parents at the time of birth.

Since the vice president, by definition, must be able and willing to assume the presidency in time of a national emergency, and because the vice president is often seen politically as an heir apparent for the top job, it makes absolutely no political or legal sense to nominate a vice presidential candidate who is not constitutionally eligible to become president.

But that's just what is happening in Republican circles and media circles – without even a hint that both Jindal and Rubio are ineligible.

Now maybe you can understand how the political and media establishment missed the biggest U.S. story of the last 50 to 100 years – the illegal inauguration of an American president wholly ineligible to take office.

I guess the Constitution has just been rendered moot by default.

What are they thinking about?

Is it because the son of a visiting foreign student was able to usurp office illegally that now anything goes?

Do we just totally disregard the simple rule book that forms the foundation of American governance?

Is it only the American people who care about the Constitution and the rule of law?

Is this a bipartisan conspiracy to make it easier and easier to operate outside the confines of the law and the Constitution's strict definition of limited government?

Do Republican elitists have any idea how widespread the concerns of Americans are about matters of constitutional integrity?

Are they willing to lose millions of votes from people who still revere and cherish every jot and tittle of the Constitution and especially the very minimal requirements for seeking the office of the presidency?

This is nuts!

But it explains a lot.

For more than three years – both during the 2008 campaign and the first two years of Obama's fraudulent administration – Republicans have been virtually mute on the scandal of his ineligibility.

Now we know why.

They don't care.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

They're ready to take full advantage of this latest nail in the coffin of the Constitution.

They're going to continue to thumb their noses at the Constitution and all those who believe in it by pretending that their own favorite sons are something they are not – namely, eligible for the presidency.
Read more: Are both parties scrapping Constitution?
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/30/2011 8:35:22 PM

Goodbye Boy'O

by Richard A. Guthrie on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 at 11:53am

The President May be in Deep Trouble!

This will be an interesting turn of events if it does come to the surface...bring it on!!

Our New Dictator May Be In Deep Trouble...with Chief Justice John Roberts, U.S. Supreme Court.

According to sources who watch the inner workings of the federal government, a smack-down of Barack Obama by the U.S. Supreme Court may be inevitable.

Ever since Obama assumed the office of President, critics have hammered him on a number of Constitutional issues. Critics have complained that much, if not all of Obama's major initiatives run headlong into Constitutional roadblocks on the power of the federal government. Obama certainly did not help himself in the eyes of the Court when he used the venue of the State of the Union address early in the year to publicly flog the Court over its ruling that the First Amendment grants the right to various organizations to run political ads during the time of an election. The tongue-lashing clearly did not sit well with the Court, as demonstrated by Justice Sam Alito, who publicly shook his head and stated under his breath, 'That's not true,' when Obama told a flat-out lie concerning the Court's ruling. As it has turned out, this was a watershed moment in the relationship between the executive and the judicial branches of the federal government. Obama publicly declared war on the court, even as he blatantly continued to propose legislation that flies in the face of every known Constitutional principle upon which this nation has stood for over 200 years.

Obama has even identified Chief Justice John Roberts as his number one enemy, that is, apart from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and so on. And it is no accident that the one swing-vote on the court, Justice Anthony Kennedy, stated recently that he has no intention of retiring until 'Obama is gone.' Apparently, the Court has had enough. The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues could potentially cripple the Administration. Such a thing would be long overdue.

• First, there is ObamaCare, which violates the Constitutional principle barring the federal government from forcing citizens to purchase something. And no, this is not the same thing as states requiring drivers to purchase car insurance, as some of the intellectually-impaired claim. The Constitution limits FEDERAL government, not state governments, from such things, and further, not everyone has to drive, and thus, a citizen could opt not to purchase car insurance by simply deciding not to drive a vehicle. In the ObamaCare world, however, no citizen can 'opt out.'

• Second, sources state that the Roberts court has quietly accepted information concerning discrepancies in Obama's history that raise serious questions about his eligibility for the office of President. The charge goes far beyond the birth certificate issue. This information involves possible fraudulent use of a Social Security number in Connecticut, while Obama was a high school student in Hawaii. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

• Third, several cases involving possible criminal activity, conflicts of interest, and pay-for-play cronyism could potentially land many Administration officials, if not Obama himself, in hot water with the Court. Frankly, in the years this writer has observed politics, nothing comes close to comparing with the rampant corruption of this Administration, not even during the Nixon years. Nixon and the Watergate conspirators look like choirboys compared to the jokers that populate this Administration.

• In addition, the Court will eventually be forced to rule on the dreadful decision of the Obama DOJ suing the state of Arizona. That, too, could send the Obama doctrine of open borders to an early grave, given that the Administration refuses to enforce federal law on illegal aliens.

• And finally, the biggie that could potentially send the entire house of cards tumbling in a free-fall is the latest revelation concerning the Obama-Holder Department of Justice and its refusal to pursue the New Black Panther Party. The group was caught on tape committing felonies by attempting to intimidate Caucasian voters into staying away from the polls. A whistle-blower who resigned from the DOJ is now charging Holder with the deliberate refusal to pursue cases against Blacks, particularly those who are involved in radical hate-groups, such as the New Black Panthers, who have been caught on tape calling for the murder of white people and their babies.

This one is a biggie that could send the entire Administration crumbling--that is, if the Justices have the guts to draw a line in the sand at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
8/31/2011 12:26:07 AM
[if !mso]> President Obama has Tour Buses Flown to Stump Speeches

Obama has been touring all over the midwest these past few weeks, giving speeches to crowds of fans, anxious to hear what’s next on his agenda. One could be forgiven for believing that these are less about pushing the president’s current agenda, and more about launching the reelection campaign, however this is a charge that the administration adamantly denies.

But there is a very simple reason that this is viewed as more of a campaign effort. Boasting bulletproof windows, five inch thick doors, and it’s own oxygen supply, the President has made the rounds for these speeches in a multi-million dollar bus, dubbed “The Beast” by it’s critics. There’s been no shortage of opinions from people and pundits on this bus and how having the President tour around the midwest in a caravan of cars and seated on a tour bus sends the message that he is on the campaign trail and using taxpayer dollars to do it.

It appears however, that this might not be the case. According to some sources he hasn’t really been riding these buses much at all. They say, he’s been flying them.

Apparently President Obama only rode the buses for a couple of miles at a time, spending the rest of the time flying from community to community in Air Force One. What’s more, the buses were flown from stop to stop as well. It’s normal practice for the President’s entire motorcade to be loaded up on cargo planes and flown from destination to destination. The buses were just a new part of that motorcade.

But why wouldn’t the presidential limousine have sufficed? Or one of the other armored vehicles that routinely travel with the President? Apparently because the President wanted the imagery of a bus. And buses are what he got.

So good news America! If these reports are true, then not only do you get the pleasure of having a $1.1 million dollar bus carting the President around to “enlist” voters to fight for his reelection, but you get to marvel at the hypocrisy of an administration hell bent on destroying industries with carbon footprints too large for comfort, while they themselves are flying entire caravans of SUVs and buses in giant 747s flanked by fighter jets.

All so the president can travel a couple of miles per stop with the image that he’s on the ground with the people when in reality, he couldn’t be more detached from them, their problems, or this continually declining economy. You couldn’t ask for a better metaphor.

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