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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/24/2011 9:56:11 PM

Great new photo, Jim!

I don't like paying taxes for other Americans to doof around.

I remember when my son started pre-school, there was a free option if we met some of the requirements, low income or being teen parents, and my husband had his first child when he was 18 with his first wife, so we put that on the application, and another requirement for sending kids to free pre-school was to be registered voters, and I remember saying I was going to vote Republican, we would both vote Republican, and that was met with glares from the people around me...too if all free stuff in USA should be reciprocated with Democrat votes.

I don't like contributing to the "not really poor" people of USA, I'd rather send my money directly to my parents (actually they are both old Democrats) or to someone of my choice, instead of my voluntarily-paid homebased income taxes going to anonymous Americans, who may or may NOT be in need.

For everyone who's paying mandatory deductions from real jobs to anonymous "not really in-need" Americans...that's a bad deal for everyone, and that's why so many Americans are very annoyed.

I'd rather send my money overseas to hard working people who take days to make things by hand, and sell those handmade items to support their families, instead of paying mandatory taxes to American slugs who have no intention of ever doing anything worthwhile.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/25/2011 6:06:38 AM
Hi Kathleen, Evelyn, Jim & All,
The fact that people are playing the "poor syndrome" is known and recognized by all or at least almost all. There's no doubt that there are poor people who need assistance and unfortunately many of them are the elderly. On the other hand there are many if not the majority who play act the role in order to continue getting their handouts. The myriad of examples of these people having all the latest electronic equipment should be all we need to understand their mindset. Let's call it the "gimmee more" or "handouts anonymous". The problem is that these people are so brazen that they feel no shame or need to be anonymous.
We all know people like that some are even in this community. These are the people that voted for B Hussein the fraud and great pretender and will vote for him again. That said the people who are getting sick and tired of supporting them with their hard earned money is growing daily and they will refuse to have their money redistributed to those that earned nothing aside form being lazy and addicted to handouts. The tides are changing and B Hussein should take heed of his personal "ides of March". He will be a one term president.
P.S. Hmmmmm, I'm not so sure about that photo. :)
Great new photo, Jim!


Great new photo, Jim!

I don't like paying taxes for other Americans to doof around.

I remember when my son started pre-school, there was a free option if we met some of the requirements, low income or being teen parents, and my husband had his first child when he was 18 with his first wife, so we put that on the application, and another requirement for sending kids to free pre-school was to be registered voters, and I remember saying I was going to vote Republican, we would both vote Republican, and that was met with glares from the people around me...too if all free stuff in USA should be reciprocated with Democrat votes.

I don't like contributing to the "not really poor" people of USA, I'd rather send my money directly to my parents (actually they are both old Democrats) or to someone of my choice, instead of my voluntarily-paid homebased income taxes going to anonymous Americans, who may or may NOT be in need.

For everyone who's paying mandatory deductions from real jobs to anonymous "not really in-need" Americans...that's a bad deal for everyone, and that's why so many Americans are very annoyed.

I'd rather send my money overseas to hard working people who take days to make things by hand, and sell those handmade items to support their families, instead of paying mandatory taxes to American slugs who have no intention of ever doing anything worthwhile.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/25/2011 6:10:45 AM
Hello Friends,

The DHS is in denial in regard to Hezbollah working with the Mexican drug cartels in Mexico. Evidence is piling up that they are there and training the cartels in Jihadi tactics. In addition they are stockpiling weapons along the border that can be used in attacks against the United States. What's interesting is that this information has been available for some time now and yet the DHS is in denial. I wonder if there is any connection with Project Gunrunner? The Department of Justice providing weapons to the Mexican gangsters on the one hand and DHS covering up Hezbollah's training and stockpiling weapons along the Mexican/US border. Frightening stuff isn't it?

The B Hussein regime with its lackeys the DOJ and DHS are responsible for these coverups and should be held accountable.



homelearnactdonatelocal chaptersContact Congress
ACT! for America

News Report: Hezbollah working with drug cartels on the border

Dear Peter,

For years, ACT! for America president Brigitte Gabriel has been warning Americans about terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah partnering with Mexican drug cartels.

Rep. Sue Myrick, recipient of our top legislative award the past two years for her courageous efforts to protect our national security from radical Islam, has relentlessly pursued the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on this matter.

DHS’s response has been “we see no evidence of Hezbollah partnering with drug cartels in Mexico.”


Check out this short news story, just the latest on the growing threat Hezbollah poses to the United States.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/27/2011 3:01:52 AM

Hi Kathleen, Jim and Peter. In my opinion too many Americans have lost their self respect and that is why they think nothing of not only asking continuously, but expecting a handout. They have no shame. Let me reminisce for a moment. I can well remember when people would never dream of asking for anything because they had too much pride and self respect. People did whatever they had to do to get by and no work was too menial either, as long as it was honest work. It was a way of life that we have lost over the years.

I had a mother-in-law that walked miles to and from work to support her three children after her husband died because there was no welfare or any other type of help at that time. She was a spunky little lady and lived to the age of 85 when she died from a heart attack.

I grew up long before there were any entitlement programs. Because there was no welfare or any other kind of financial help people knew they had to earn what ever they had and the times that a father or mother was ill, family and friends pitched in to help in what ever way they could. Maybe it was cutting firewood for a widow and her children, maybe it was the men and boys in the community harvesting crops for a farmer who was ill and couldn't do it, maybe it was gathering food to take to some needy family. It was a time of loving concern for your neighbors and your extended family but I think one of the reasons we've lost most of that is because of the "gimme" mentality. As Kathleen said "don't like contributing to the "not really poor" people of USA" and in my opinion that is what a lot of people think. People are tired of it and with good reason.

We as Americans are taxed on everything we buy, even our utilities, food and etc. Don't believe me? Next time you spend money for anything, look at your receipt and you will see that what I am saying is the truth.

Another thing is when I see people who keep saying they want more of the productive people, with a job, to pay more in taxes. SHAME ON YOU and you know who you are too. Even though I am now at the age to be retired, which by the way I worked years for, and yes paid my share of taxes, and now I am still paying taxes on every thing I pay for, so I feel as though I have the right to voice my opinion on this. I am not wealthy by a long shot, but thankfully so far, I have had enough to get by, but if the necessities, like food and utilities and etc. keep increasing in price then that could become another story.

I read this on the internet and I am reprinting it in response to those who like to quote the Bible when trying to defend their positions.
The Bible has a great deal to say about laziness. Proverbs is especially filled with wisdom concerning laziness and warnings to the lazy person. Proverbs tells us that a lazy person hates work: “The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work” (21:25); he loves sleep: “As a door turns on its hinges, so a sluggard turns on his bed” (26:14)

Proverbs also tells us the end in store for the lazy: A lazy person becomes a servant (or debtor): “Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor” (12:24); his future is bleak: “A sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing” (20:4); he may come to poverty: “The soul of the lazy man desires and has nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich” (13:4 KJV).

PS: Those who I keep seeing harping on the fact they want the wealthier to pay more in taxes also need to read what the Bible says about coveting what your neighbor has. It just might be an eye opener but then I doubt it.

Exodus 20:17

“You shall not covet your neighbor's house............... or anything that is your neighbor's.”

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/27/2011 3:47:35 AM

Hi friends, I got the following in an email from NewsMax today.

Quote:After reminiscing about the days of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and how he would make fun of them, Rush Limbaugh took a more serious tone when it comes to President Obama:

"Today, there is plenty of stuff to ridicule and there's plenty of stuff to laugh at and there's plenty of stuff to make fun of. I must be honest, it's harder and harder to do that. It's harder and harder to laugh at things which have destroyed people's lives. It's harder and harder to ridicule. What's funny about what's happening to the housing market? What's funny about what's happening to unemployment? It's not impossible and we have our share with all these things, but at the same time there is this fine line of balance.

"People's lives are being destroyed here. People know that their futures are being cut out from underneath them. In the past the country was no where near as near as risk as it is today. At no time in the past was it accurate to say 'four more years of President X' and this country as we've known it ceases to exist. That is today's reality. Four more years of an unchecked, unstopped Obama and America as we know it is transformed in ways that people have no desire to see it." [/quote]


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