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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/24/2011 2:40:16 PM
Hey Rick thanks for putting this into perspective the the typical Obama Crazed Democrat, Liberal Progressive or those so called social engineers. Obama has expanded government itself by 28%, adding billions to the entitlement spending.

If you want to call a spade a spade.

The shadow government continues to grow and those discretionary spending accounts that are basically off the record and not controlled by congress.

Plus all the trillions of dollars sent to foreign nations many of which are hell bent on our destruction. Yet they still wish to play the blame game. Fact Check to the peanut farmer and this is where most of these turmoils began. When he used our Social Security Trust Fund as collateral.

I was noticing that facts and history have many times changed depending on the desire of the person quoting the facts.......Take the Clinton Surpluses the Dems like to brag about. [if !mso]> [endif]Explaining the Myth of the Clinton Balance Budget is this simple:

When it is claimed that Clinton paid down the national debt, that is patently false--as can be seen, the Online US Treasury records indicate the national debt went up every single year. What Clinton did do was pay down the public debt--the claimed surplus is relatively close to the decrease in the public debt for those years. But he paid down the public debt by borrowing far more money in the form of intragovernmental holdings (mostly Social Security).

The Social Security Administration is legally required to take all its surpluses and buy U.S. Government securities, and the U.S. Government readily sells those securities--which automatically and immediately becomes intragovernmental holdings. The economy was doing well due to the dot-com bubble and people were earning a lot of money and paying a lot into Social Security. Since Social Security had more money coming in than it had to pay in benefits to retired persons, all that extra money was immediately used to buy U.S. Government securities. The government was still running deficits, but since there was so much money coming from excess Social Security contributions there was no need to borrow more money directly from the public. As such, the public debt went down while intragovernmental holdings continued to skyrocket.

You all remember the social security "LOCK BOX" Mrs. Clinton stored Billy's TESTICLES IN AFTER MONICA.

Check it out.

And how about those (Obama and Comrads) that attempt to justify and or blame their own spending on Bush?

For those of you who are posting all kinds of bogus numbers, these are the actual facts:

When President Obama took office two years ago, the national debt stood at $10.626 trillion. It now stands at $14.3 trillion -- a staggering increase of $3.7 trillion in just over 2 years (about $5 billion a day).

To put that into perspective, when President George W. Bush took office, our national debt was $5.768 trillion. By the time Bush left office, it had nearly doubled, to $10.626 trillion. So Bush's record on deficit spending was not good at all: During his presidency, the national debt rose by an average of $607 billion a year.

How does that compare to Obama? During Obama's presidency to date, the national debt has risen by an average of $1.723 trillion a year -- or by a jaw-dropping $1.116 trillion more, per year, than it rose even under Bush.

Fact check it!!!!!!

I'll just concede that Obama being smarter and more street savvy outperforms good ol dumb Bush. It does lead me question at this point who he gave the money to and whether or not we should trust him with another 4 trillion. It would probably be more effective to short stick his fuel tanks on the 747.

Debt per Day Comparison

1,141,601,083$ per day = Bush over 8 years
3,762,224,060$ per day = Obama over 4 years
Cut the debt... Enough said.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/24/2011 3:21:42 PM
Hello Friends,

Andrew Klavan asks a question "why do blacks vote for Democrats" and has some answers too. His satire is brilliant and hopefully many will watch this and get the message. This could easily have been posted in the joke thread but it's to serious a subject to simply laugh off as a joke.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/24/2011 3:37:11 PM
Hello Friends,

Ever since Michele Bachmann declared her candidacy for President the progressive left MSM are going apes*hit and trying to demonize her in any way possible. True or not makes no difference to them cos they know there are idiots out there that believe anything they say. The last thing now is her so called migraine headaches and how it'll hamper her doing her job. Well she's been in Congress for some time now and to my knowledge she's been there all the time and doing her job extremely well. Now the fraud and great pretender spends more time playing golf, throwing hoops and going on verrrrry expensive vacations and that my friend is a problem and the results are self evident.

In any case here's Klavan's take on Michele Bachmann's so called "gaffes" the MSM is harping on. Idiots.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/24/2011 5:13:12 PM
Hello Friends,

The below daily Rasmussen Presidential Approval Index shows the highest level of strong disapproval since last November -21. It appears that the American people aren't buying his lies anymore and the fact that the strong disapproval is at its highest level seems to show that even his supporters are losing faith in him and his teleprompter. There will always be some that still believe his lies but as Lincoln said "you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time". He's gonna be a one term president just like peanut brain Carter.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/24/2011 5:41:44 PM
A very humorous yet informative video. Unfortunately the truth keeps being overlooked due to Political Correctness and an ignorant electorate being played by the politicians.

Hello Friends,

Andrew Klavan asks a question "why do blacks vote for Democrats" and has some answers too. His satire is brilliant and hopefully many will watch this and get the message. This could easily have been posted in the joke thread but it's to serious a subject to simply laugh off as a joke.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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