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Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/29/2011 9:32:00 PM
[if !mso]> Yes Thank You Peter,

I am glued to this and other situations currently taking place. The house has added a balanced budget amendment requirement and made some other enhancements to their latest bill to gain the Tea Party votes. As you well know the Dems have been largely in control of our government for the greater part of 2 centuries. Their stewardship of our fiscal matters as of late has been ignored to rob our citizens of free enterprise and of our privately held health care in favor of socialism and our unelected czars to dictate what options our doctors will have in our treatment. Over the past couple of years they have been consumed with nationalization of various industries.

So I am sitting here watching Nancy Pelosi, former speaker unleash a sewer of lies about how the Republicans are destroying this country. As I can recall during the last couple of years most of the money spent has been to support our dictator’s stated health care and take over policies. Many were passed in the dead of night by the dems even though the bills had been voted on before allowing enough time even for the members had time to read them as admitted even by the speaker Nancy Pelousy who said that “you will have to pass the healthcare bill before you could read it”.

So here we are. The dems are crying their eyes out about the US defaulting while the Republicans are trying to stop the spending. Mean while their hope is that our credit rating is lowered so that they can blame it on the Republicans thus making their 2012 election possibilities.

The democrats have not passed a budget in over 800 days a time in which they have knowingly headed our country over a cliff.

This sums up the job our President Praise Allah Obama has directed over his time in office. I am not PC! I suggest he load his bus with his God and buddies and head for the cliff. He is not trustworthy, nor is his party and it time to get to saving the world the old fashion way. A good start would be to take out Iran’s nuke plants and leaders without warning and get on with the day.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/30/2011 5:31:36 AM
Hello Friends,

Rick I agree with all your comments and sentiments and as it stands now things are looking grim. Congress passed a compromise bill that was defeated in the Senate and now the ball is in dirty Harry Reid's hands. We'll see what he comes up with and it'll probably be a watered down version of the Boehner bill. What ever the case may be it won't benefit the American people quite the opposite in fact. More delirious and manic spending and come next year the United States of America will be in a worse position then she's in today. We'll remember the 9.2% unemployment as the good old days and the $ will be devalued even more then it is today.

While all this drama is going on in Washington the fraud and great pretender is committing America's money to the UN. As we all know America is the biggest contributor to the UN of all it's membership. As a matter of fact she "donates" more then most of the other countries combined. When you consider that the Islamic world has a strangle hold on the UN with its 57 member nations and that many of them are oil rich their contribution to the UN is minimal. When you consider that they control many of the UN's committees and organizations it seems that they would contribute more but in their minds they have no reason to cos their brother and sister B Hussein and Hillary will do their all to empower the UN and the Muslim control without their having to cough up any money.

In any case read the below article and weep cos while the country is fighting for its credit rating and upping the spending spree of the fraud and great pretender he's already spending the monies not on the American people but the corrupt UN. Sad state of affairs indeed. Let the whiners explain why their idol B Hussein is spending their hard earned money on the UN and not paying their Social Security and other entitlements.



President Donates $100 Billion to the United Nations Posted

Posted by CJ on July 27, 2011

President Donates $100 Billion to the United Nations Posted
By Paul L. Williams

The U. S. State Department yesterday announced that the Obama Administration
has agreed to contribute $4 billion to the United Nations Global Fund to fight
AIDs, Tuberculosis, and Malaria from 2011 to 2013.

The $4 billion represents a 38% increase over the previous U.S. commitment to
the fund.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that a total of $11.7
billion has been raised from 40 countries, the European Commission, faith-based
organizations, private foundations, and various corporations.

This means that over one-third of the money will come from the pockets of US

Oil-rich nations like Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and the United Arab Emirates
contribute next to nothing, and China, which holds most of the US $14 trillion
debt, agreed to provide a measly $14 million.

In addition to the annual gift of $1.33 billion to the Global Fund, President
Obama has agreed to provide billions more for UN projects.

These allocations are set forth in a 28 page document as follows:


* Funnel $63 billion to the Global Health Initiative during the next six years

* Make $1 billion annually to education programs
* Give $475 million to the Global Agricultural and Food Security Program’
* Provide $800 million from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation to
Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and North Africa. An additional
$3.2 billion will be provided by private equity capital sources to these Muslim
* Shell out millions more available through USAID for developing tech hubs in
Uganda, Kenya, Cameroon, South Africa, and Senegal.
* Dole out $80 million through the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for
small to medium enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa.
* Cough up $2.5 billion annually to 90 countries to “strengthen governance and
democratic institutions.”
* Make available $30 billion through the Obama’s Climate Change Initiative to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, $100 billion a year will be
provided through taxpayer and private resources to deal with the alleged threat
of global climate change [1].

The United States is assessed at 22% of the U.N. regular
budget [2] and more than 27% for U.N. the peacekeeping budget.
Mr. Obama has requested $516.3 million for the U.N. regular budget and more than
$2.182 billion for the peacekeeping budget for 2011.

The United States is also assessed for numerous other United Nations
organizations as well. More than $6.347 billion went to U.N. organizations in FY

The United States also provides money to the U.N. through the State
Department, Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, Department of
Health and Human Services, and other agencies.

Andrea Lafferty of The Traditional Values Coalition writes: “The U.S.
taxpayer is forced to pay billions to an inefficient organization run by world
leaders who hate America and the free market system. This doesn’t make any sense
– nor does our paying 22% of the cost to keep this bureaucracy alive when we
have only one vote in the General Assembly.”

Several candidates have called for the U.S. to sever its relationship with
the United Nations. The list includes Dennis Ross, a Republican candidate for
Congress from the 12th Congressional District of Florida.

In a statement to The New American, Mr. Ross said:

An organization that allows nations like Iran and Libya to chair committees
dedicated to human and women’s rights makes a mockery of both. The UN, like any
bureaucracy, must constantly be evaluated and put to the test, and if found
lacking, be dismantled. I believe the US government is perfectly capable of
conducting bilateral and multilateral relations with other nations on our own.
Despots, human rights violators, and tyrants should be confronted, not

Such concerns over the U.S. involvement with the UN are not new.

Senator Barry Goldwater was quoted in 1971 by the Congressional
Record as saying:

The time has come to recognize the U.N. for the anti-American, anti-freedom
organization that it has become. The time has come for us to cut off all
financial help, withdraw as a member, and ask the U.N. to find a headquarters
location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy
of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/30/2011 7:11:10 AM

The facts that you brought to light have been the way things have been done by our government, other countries like China, England, France, Cuba and other colonial powers for decades as you well know. I was lucky to have served in the US Peace Corps in the Congo 1973 thru 1975. Robert de Merode and I worked within a block of each other at N’Dolo Airport in Kinshasa but we never met at that time. I was working for the Civil Aviation Department while he was a pilot. I was there for 2 years and Robert was there for much longer. My wife work for Air Zaire and the Salvation Army High School teaching English to employees and students respectively. I worked as the head of their mechanical division which was a new2 twist for one of my back ground. In my position taking the PC position was a necessity as my presence displaced the former department head.

Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/30/2011 3:28:10 PM

Wow Peter, what a must see video by this Steve Wynn!! If he had not said he was a Democrat most would think otherwise. He certainly nailed it but want to bet that there will still be Obama supporters who will not grasp what he said?

Hello Friends,

Seems like things are changing when known tycoons and Democratic supporters are ranting AGAINST the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. This is the second time in the past week that Steve Wynn goes on rant against B Hussein. The worst administration he can remember and in his words it's all Obowma's fault. Listen to the short video.



Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/30/2011 4:48:11 PM
Hello Friends,

While the drama on the Hill is the major issue of the day there are other events that should be mentioned and for once something positive.

In 2007 Arizona passed the Legal Arizona Workers Act (LAWA) which protected legal citizens of the state from the encroachment of illegals on their jobs. It made employing illegals finable up to and including the loss of a business license. Of course the progressive liberals and the Federal Government were enraged that Arizona would dare pass laws that upheld the constitution and took the state to court. Two lower courts upheld the law and declared them to be constitutionally sound yet the liberals didn't give up.

This past week the Supreme Court upheld the lower courts decisions by a 5-3 margin. Guess what? Sotomeyer voted against and Kagan recused herself. Had she voted (Kagan) it still would have been 5-4 so the Supreme Court isn't a lost cause yet even though B Hussein has those 2 in there doing his bidding. So kudos to the Supreme Court this week. Now let's see them rule that B Hussein is Constitutionally ineligible to be President and voila the country just might be saved from the great pretender and fraud.



Flash: US Supreme Court Shocks Nation by Upholding the Constitution

In 2007, the state of Arizona passed the Legal Arizona Workers Act (LAWA). The law penalizes businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens. Penalties can range from fines up to and including the revocation of the firm’s business license.

Of course all of the liberals in Arizona and the federal government were outraged that Arizona would take such a measure to defend its borders and citizens right to jobs that were being stolen by hundreds of thousands of illegals. LAWA was challenged on the basis of constitutionality and whether or not the states have a right to establish their own immigration laws.

Our founding fathers did their best to limit the role and power of the federal government while retaining most of the rights of government for the states. In 2008, two lower courts both ruled that LAWA was constitutional, but the opponents continued to fight it and pressed on to the US Supreme Court.

Today, in what is sure to be a landmark decision, the US Supreme Court upheld Arizona’s law. Justice and Obama appointee, Sonia Sotomayor voted against the Arizona law and Obama’s other appointee, Elena Kagan, recused herself from the Court’s hearing on the matter. However, in a vote of 5-3, the Court upheld LAWA as being constitutional.

This case has tremendous implication for the Obama administration’s plans of overhauling the immigration laws and allowing nearly 15 million illegals to suddenly become citizens and have the right vote just in time for the 2012 elections. This decision paves the way for many states to pass more immigration laws which could include the denial of citizenship and the right vote in that state.

This will also have a strong impact on the challenges pending against Arizona’s SB70 Immigration bill that passed last year and caused so much controversy among illegals and liberals. This case is being challenged by the Obama administration, but in lieu of today’s decision, I would hope that the Obamanites would save taxpayer dollars and drop their challenge.

For once in a long long time, this author has to take his hat off to the US Supreme Court for having the integrity to actually defend the Constitution as they are required by law to do.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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