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Kim Stilwell

273 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Easter Story
4/18/2009 8:29:26 PM
Oh Amanda, I Love to hear such things! I believe you; it was not a dream! One morning during the time and story surrounding my hubby's healing back some time, I was still sleeping, and I very distinctly woke up because I heard these words: "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." I "knew" these words meant I needed to get my lazy self up and pray; it was very early. I heard these words so clearly and vividly that I knew I was not just thinking them; it was really neat. I do know how wonderful for you that Mum could tell you she had met Jesus; what a peace this gave you to face her going home. I am so sure that the joy is so much when we go to Jesus that there is no regret about leaving here. I bet you are too. The times alone that we have so vividly felt God's presence assure os of that, yes? My husband was very critical another previous time with a heart attack, in the hospital having to "wait" until the next day for heart cath. I was a wreck watching him turning blue! I had followed the ambulance with lights on for a long way from one hospital to a bigger one. I was an absolute wreck! You bet I was praying my soul out. We were newly married with a baby. He told me later that during that time he sort of went away it seemed and felt such a peace, a relief of all the pain he was having and all the worry, and he said he could have stayed there, but because of us he fought to come back. I can't help but remember such things when you bring them up; it's still such a wonder and unearthly joy to think on these things and to know that God is real, so much more real than any of us realize here. Have a good Night, Kim
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Easter Story
4/18/2009 9:21:57 PM
Kim, I agree because the Word says that old men will have
dreams and young men visions etc - not sure what chapter
and verse - I have hidden the bible in my heart but have
difficulty remembering chapters and verses, sometimes
remember which book though..*grin*  So the Holy Spirit
has no trouble speaking to us while we are sleeping which
will instantly awaken us to act upon. 

What a shock for you when you were nearly married and
a baby for your husband to have a heart attack.  Prayer
is just so amazing and so uplifting when we hear of God's
children who share with us as it does encourage that He
is in control.

I have learned from trial and error when I need to intercede
or stand in the gap in prayer for someone.

I have such a heavy heart like I am depressed and even
sometimes it feels like anger and I cannot shift until suddenly
a light goes on and I realize that I have to pray.  I have no
clue what to pray about to for whom so it is a prayer in faith.
As soon as I step out in faith and pray this load is lifted off
me and I feel happy and calm again.  I do not usually hear
whom it was for either which is kind of disappointing but I
reckon the Lord knows that I can accept this

This last episode was about 2 weeks ago and James was home
so we both prayed which was really special because this was
the first time that James has been with me and not at work
when this has happened.

My new girlfriend I met a couple of months ago when she
inquired about my business - she did not join, but who cares,
as she has been such a wonderful supportive and uplifting
friend.  She wrote me a short note just saying 'you crossed
my mind today'.  I wrote back to share some disappointing
news James and I are going through with her.  She completely
understood as she had been through the same similar event
and was able to suggest what she did.  - no one can ever
convince me that the Lord does not put people across our
path when we need them whom we can instantly connect with.


Kim Stilwell

273 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Easter Story
4/18/2009 9:38:43 PM
Oh how wonderful! Yes I have felt that heaviness too before when God wanted me to maybe pray for someone or go and say something to them! It's very real isn't it? I felt it the very most when God was drawing me to him; when I was feeling that I needed him when I was not yet saved. It was almost unbearable the restlessness, heaviness, anxiety I felt. I tried every way to escape it but couldn't. I finally surrendered and prayed very hard for God to save me and remember in all that, it was as if I heard words saying, "It's ok now, you can get up." And when I did I had an unearthly peace like I have never ever known so that it was astonishing! I just sat there feeing no need for anything now; feeling such a content that I was completely well to just sit there and be amazed in the peace. Since this healing awhile back hubby has had no further chest pains or chest pressures and no more Nitro, which he was having all of these for many years consistently! I worried about his heart for many years; he had 2 heart attacks in that time. He does have a bad bone spur on his heel but not 1 episode of chest pain whatsoever since then! During this amazing experience when he was laying on the couch looking to be dying and "seeing" the Lord, he was saying to me, with strange distant eyes, "I have to sleep awhile because He's gotta do some things in me." He did sleep alright; for about 45 minutes, and I turned around in a moment, never hearinf a thing though I was only feet away, and he was standing! He was talking and laughing with the kids as if nothing was ever wrong! It seems today like a foggy dream, but then I was given a word prior to that, that this visitation that was coming would later seem like a dream! But as you said, it was not! 911 had been here! They showed me a terrible EKG but he refused to go to the hospital. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen or experienced. And he had such a light in his eyes and such an unusual warmth on his face and spoke with an unusual intimacy about Jesus for days after! It was a marvel. love kim

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