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Nick Sym

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Re: Easter Story
4/14/2009 11:43:36 PM
Hey Brother Alain

I hope you had a great Easter and we are all happy to see you back safe and sound!

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Nick Sym

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Re: Easter Story
4/15/2009 1:07:43 AM
I received a letter from Terry and being an honest and truthful person to my friends and family I refuse to keep this from you all but share it with you. This man is a strong believer in his faith and I would never try to change what makes him happy so Terry please do not tell my friends and yours that there is no Christ and Easter is a false holiday and when children circle around the Christmas tree they are worshiping a false Holy holiday. What makes me happy will not necessarily make you happy but lets just be happy and respect each others views !

From Terry Gill: How sad!


I have always enjoyed your forums and postings, except the ones that involve subjects that I know Jehovah God and His Word condemns.  And I know you don't do this deliberately, but out of lack of accurate knowledge, because I believe you have a good heart and I know you like to make people smile!  That's a very good quality of a good man, one that would not purposely oppose God and his teachings.

I want you to understand that I once held the same beliefs and practiced the same traditions that you and your forum followers hold.  Yes, for over 50 years I too did the easter and christmas and halloween things, etc.  As well, until about four years ago, for all my adult life I turned away those pesky Jehovah's Witnesses when they came to my door.  Why won't those people leave us alone, I wondered?  They must be religious fanatics or a cult, as Satan has unfortunately misled many to believe.

But then one day I was very depressed and I decided to listen to what they had to say, which led me to then accept their free Bible-based literature and actually read it, which led me to then accept a free in-home Bible study.  That was the best thing that ever happened in my life!  Actually studying God's word in black and white on the printed page and seeing for oneself what it REALLY teaches instead of just blindly accepting what they have been told all their life from the pulpit is so enlightening that it makes one angry at their former teachers!

I know you don't realize it right now, but removing me from your friend's list and banning me from your forum will not change the truth and is probably the worst thing you could do for yourself, your family, and for your forum followers.  You also don't know this, but you are in reality making Satan's work of misleading the masses much easier! 

Nick, it is Satan the Devil, the father of the lie, the original opposer of Jehovah God, that wants you, your family, your forum followers, and as many people as he can mislead to suffer everlasting death.  And he is very powerful and has done a superb job using his tools of false religion to mislead the majority of mankind.  In the very first prophesy in the Bible, found at Gen. 3:15, Jehovah God tells us that He would put enmity between the woman's seed and Satan's seed.  The woman is God's heavenly organization, and her seed is Jesus Christ and his true followers.  Satan's seed is his demons and false religion.  And that prophesy, like all in the Bible, has proven to come true.  All religions on the earth persecute and oppose and lie about Jehovah's Witnesses.  Why, there are even some countries that still ban Jehovah's Witnesses just as you have now banned me from your forum.  JW's are still jailed, beaten and murdered in many parts of the world, and suffered that same treatment even here in the United States for many years, simply because they try to spread God's Word!  And all this persecution they suffer is always instigated by the religious leaders of the world, most commonly the Catholics, but also other denominations. 

Why all this mistreatment when they are the most peaceful, law-abiding citizens in any country?  Why when they simply are displaying love for fellow man by spreading the good news as God's word counsels us to do?  Who do you think is behind this?  I think you know it is Satan the Devil and his coharts, which goes back to the fulfillment of the first prophesy in the Bible!  Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONLY people in the world who obey God's counsel to not be a part of the world because it belongs to Satan, and also the only people in the world who, young and old alike, obey Jesus' command to go and teach and preach the good news of God's Kingdom, to the tune of over 3 million hours per day!

In closing, I just want to say that I think you have a good heart, as evidenced by your love of people and trying to make them smile, but only Jehovah God can truly read hearts, and when He perceives that one's heart is right, He sends His loyal earthly servants to them to invite them to partake of His lifesaving spiritual food.  For your sake and that of your loved ones, I hope and pray that you very soon develop the kind of heart that is rightly disposed for truth, for everlasting life for you and your family on a restored paradise earth is hanging in the balance!

Skype ID = Skypeme91451

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Kim Stilwell

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Re: Easter Story
4/15/2009 2:13:45 AM
There are Christians suffering persecution greatly also all over the world and being killed daily for their faith. I too was almost persuaded 30 years ago by the JW, who came into my house and tried to convince me that I had not just been saved. This after I, a girl who never knew God at all had just had the most amazing encounter with God and came out of that Salvation experience with a peace that was unworldy, and a joy God describes as unspeakable. I was instantly delivered or pot and alcohol and my life was entirely transformed, and instead of searching for the next high we were out praying with drinking teenagers at the lake on saturday night. It's God that saves, delivers, and transforms lives, not the doctrines of any religion. Just because in a moment of weakness Terry surrendered belief in the crucified Christ, we must remember that the Apostles warned the early saints passionately to guard against apostacy and most of all and more so near their deaths. And that was 2000 years ago! You have your limits Nick and I have mine, and when such a word comes out to try to sway people against the Cross of Christ, I too will not be silent, and not because I am so concerned about "religions" or doctrines, but because I am protective and concerned about God's people. Who said, was it Paul...follow me as I follow Christ, and if I don't truly follow him, then do not follow me! It's the most ridiculous thing in the world for someone to try to tell me I'm not saved and am not God's after all I ahve seen and felt and heard and known of him. It's also ridiculous to try to convince me that it was satan who raised my husband off a dying bed and not God! It was not satan my husband saw before he was healed but Jesus. Satan does not give such brilliant and warm glow of love into someone's eyes and onto their face as I saw! Not even in his deceiving ways can such a light of love as Christ's be mistaken! You people remember the Truth that was once delivered to the early church Saints, and do not be removed by the enticing words of men that deny the redemption of the Cross of Christ! Kim
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Easter Story
4/18/2009 6:32:38 PM
Hey Nick,

Thanks for posting Terry's letter.  I don't agree with him at all & I want to echo support for Kim here.  There are times when we need to speak up and I understand why Kim did.  Ever since Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected from the dead 3 days later, there have been people trying to tell the followers of Christ that they were in error.

It's God's choosing and not man's that determines who will be included in the kingdom of God & He clearly tells us how we can be included & He warns us that false teachers will come.

Believing in our heart that God sent His son Jesus Christ to die on a cross for our sins & accepting His sacrifice in our place...that's how we know that we can have a relationship with God. He paid the penalty for sin.  He is the Son of God & He Himself is God.  This is something JW's do not believe. 

When any one group tells every other Christian group & denomination that they are in error and won't be included in the kingdom of God, I think we need to take heed because it's not the name above the door of a building that gets us's the name above the door of our hearts.  Jesus said that He stands at the door and knocks & if anyone opens the door and lets Him in that He will come in and dwell with them (or sup with him and he with me). Revelation 3:20

There will be countless numbers of Christians in heaven from every denomination both Catholic and Protestant.  Whether Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Church of Christ....or any others who name the name of Christ as their redeemer and Lord.  We will see that HE (the Lord Jesus Christ) is the one that binds us all together and makes it possible for us to spend eternity with HIM.

Since Jehovah's Witnesses had their modern-day start in the 1870's, & then in 1931 they adopted the name Jehovah's must logically follow that they would say that no one could have known the truth who died before this time since they view it all as error.  We know that this isn't true because of Jesus' own testimony, "today, I tell you the truth you will be with me in paradise" is his response to one of the thieves who was crucified the same day as he was & who had asked the Lord to remember him when he came into his kingdom.

Personally, I do know just as Kim does that I am saved and that I answer to God and not man.  I am proud to name to name of Christ as my redeemer, my God and my friend.

Because of Him,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Easter Story
4/18/2009 8:14:55 PM
Hello Nick,

Thank you for sharing, I must admit I did not come back in
until I just read Cheryl's post - and then I saw Kim's before

I did not want to get into an argument because I and other
members have had the run-around with Terry and another
J.W alandpro member who after numerous paragraphs of
very long verse after verse just completely caused chaos in
an ALP member's forum that it just disbanded from sheer frustration.  No-one has a chance as they will not agree to
disagree either.

I also felt to come in and lend support and thank you for
taking the stand you did before this forum got over thrown
and hijacked completely.

I also reckon people have the freedom to share their beliefs
and why, however I agree with you that no one should just
take over and dominate the forum thread, if they are so
passionate, then start one of their own.

Kim  wow, what an amazing and inspiring testimony.
Thank you for sharing.

I also had an amazing meeting with the Lord Jesus as I was
so down after accepting Him into my life and I received a lot
of doubt and disbelief that I was saved.  I knew I was because
the sin that I had heaved around with me for years was
removed and I knew it.

Jesus came to me when I was is despair and I was laying in
bed and I had my eyes closed praying.  A bright light that
illuminated the room that I had to keep my eyes closed. Jesus
came and hugged me and straight away my despair just went
away that I very soon fell into a peaceful sleep.
When I shared this event there was doubt and I was told it
had to be a dream.  I know it wasn't.

My mother not many months before she had her terminal
stroke that she could not speak to us and passed away 3
months after and being in hospital.  Mum shared with me that
the Lord Jesus appeared to her 3 times in 3 different and separate dreams. 

I had been praying that she would know Jesus as she was
getting on in years and she had come through a miracle life threatening anuryism of her aorta at 78 years old and it was
two whole days before she was operated, then doctors had
to put her in a coma for 6 weeks to heal.  She was in hospital another 3 weeks before she could come home.  Then just over
a year later she had contusions of her intestines after 40 years
of suffering and underwent another major operation as she
was in her 80s.  Then about 9 months later it was found
she had cancer on her lung - what a blow we her family felt
after all these miracles. 
So when Mum told me she had met Jesus I was estatic.

