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Kim Stilwell

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Re: Easter Story
4/12/2009 5:12:20 PM
Thank You Roger for your thoughtful and kind heart, that goes about lifting people up. If there's a Spirit of this word we preach, then this is it. It's not so much what we know in our minds as what is in our hearts! And it's not so much what we give to the mind of man, but to the heart of man, amen Cheryl? If I come with enticing words of man's wisdom, what does it profit you? But if I come with a demonstration of the power, which "is" the Love of God, and if the power of that Love reaches into your heart and makes a "good" difference, then you might know that I come in the "Spirit" of the Lord, Amen? Because what is his Spirit, but the brotherly Love that is shed abroad in our hearts? When I think of Roger, I think of the child that God says we must become in order to enter his Kingdom...If I possess all the knowledge of the world, but have not Love, I am like sounding brass. Knowledge is good, and Yes, the God of all knowledge, who made us in his image, has given us access and capability to search out the riches of his knowledge that is all about us, but without Love knowledge cannot be known or understood in the light of it's truth. Hey Cheryl, God seemed to show me once that you cannot truly really know someone unless or until you view them through God's own eyes of Love, Amen? There are many perspectives to see a person through, and to see knowledge through, but it's through the 1 perspective of Love that we see what's True. Love is greater than knowledge, but yet if we see through love we see through the greatest knowledge! Love is the doorway to the highest wisdom. Happy Easter! To All of the people Christ died for, and that includes us all! May his Love humble all of our hearts today, and enable us to see not only our friends, but those who we have issues with, with a merciful heart of compassion, understanding, and love, Amen. Sis Kim.
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Easter Story
4/13/2009 9:29:12 PM
Thanks for your words of wisdom Kim.  I receive your words and agree that love is the doorway to the highest wisdom. 

Yes, love surely gives us a differing perspective.  He loved us so much & in Him we can love others to the extent that we have hearts of compassion and mercy.  Even though we may disagree with their points of view.  "Love is the perfect bond of unity." 


Thank you for your love that you spread around here.  I appreciate you.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Nick Sym

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Re: Easter Story
4/14/2009 12:02:00 PM
Dear Cheryl And Friends

I think by now you may have noticed that Terry's posts have been deleted. I will not stand by and have somebody put down one of the Holiest days of the year and upset my friends in this forum. Terry has always been abrasive and abusive when it comes to religion and when it starts to effect others then it is time to say goodbye. I stand strongly for the right to free speech and will defend anybodies right to do so but when it upsets people to the point that they leave me personnel mail saying how upset they are it is time to take action ! 
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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Easter Story
4/14/2009 1:31:10 PM

Hi Nick,

I'm so sorry that Tom seemed so confrontational. Tom sent me a PM at the same time as posting here. I replied, and in my reply I pointed out that we were unlikely to agree but that we had very different views.

I will say here, that he was gracious and polite, just saddened that we could not see what he believes is the truth. When somebody is that sure that they have the truth they are sometimes lost in their passion and I am sure that he really believes that we should know what he is sure is true.

You are welcome to remove this if you wish the episode closed.


Kim Stilwell

273 Posts
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Re: Easter Story
4/14/2009 1:32:31 PM
Well Nick, On the human side it always feels good to be supported and looked after, and it is your Forum, and I know that you did not intend it to produce dispute, but only a good spirit, and I am sure that you are a faithful ally to any who are your friends, so I am sure everyone feels goodness in your support, and I can't help but feel that too. I feel "another" message though coming up here, and feel compelled to say it. I have gathered that Terry is coming from a Jehovah Witness stand, and many likley are aware that it's a strong stand so that these people feel truly convicted about their beliefs, and they also feel that what they are doing is trying to provide the real truth for our benefit. So even though we may disagree and might be offended by the differences in beliefs, these people's feeling is sort of like they are trying to help you, to offer you the true way to God. So I can't really despise anyone for that. But I learned myself along the way that I don't have the full copyright on God, but he is able to make himself known to other people just as he has to me, and other people are ale to hear and know him, just like me. When I get into trying to give someone the entire outline, which points out all their lack of knowledge, it only offends people and it can give the impression that "How could I ever meet the standard if I have to know all this." God isn't that hard, and how can he be if he says a child can perceive him? It may be true that the Holidays originated from pagan ideas but God looks on man's heart and many a heart sees and feels and celebrates the rising of Christ on this day, and I am sure God is not offended by that. The J. W.'s have never been willing to believe me that I do know God and am saved, because my Salvation doesn't coincide with their beliefs, but regardless of what "religion" someone claims, and even being a person of long time and strong faith, with obvious evidence of God in my life, I have come to realize that I cannot judge another man's faith, which is between him and God. God is not restricted by man's forms of religion, but he can meet any man's heart in any place, and I have seen evidence of Christ and his Spirit in people who participate in religions that I do not agree with. But anyway, if Love is God's Spirit and we claim his Spirit, and the presence of his Spirit of Love is the evidence of him far more than any knowledge or beliefs we claim, then this kind of Love that is his is able and willing to understand and care for even those who disagree with us, to look past even offences and recognize what may be sincere motives. We ought to not let pride divide us or cause us to have anomosity toward others, because Jesus did not have anomosity even toward those who crucified him. Even if we are right about something, religious debate stirs up strife and God himself assigns this to evil, and perhaps because human pride rises in these kind of atmospheres, and human pride is like having a log in my eye while I try to pull the sliver out of my brothers; it's blinding. God's Love and feeling anomisty toward someone are contrary; we can't possess both at the same time. If God is not offended by our lack of understanding, we should not either be offended. Man is not our enemy or God's enemy, but he loves us all. I'm sure you all agree. Love kim

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