Hello Dear Kathleen and Dear Thomas!
Great job as usual Dear Friends...
Congrats to Georgios and Luka for being such great supporters of this forum and for being recognized here as the NOTW...
To our new Prince POTW, King of Adland Luka...

I want to tell you that I am so proud of seeing you here as the new King of Adland Luka... You so much deserve it My Friend... You are such an asset for AdlandPro that it would simply and really not be the same without you here My Friend...
You are a true source of Fun, Joy, Happiness and Party...

You are such an Inspiration to all of us here - and, your bio ;-) is just a perfect example... as Kathleen says it... for your age, you have experienced so many aspects of life that many of us will never experience and even think about... there is so much that you can inspire us all about... Thank You for being YOU!

“I am ready,” he said at last. And Jonathan Livingston Seagull rose with the two star-bright gulls to disappear into a perfect dark sky.
"The only true law is that which leads to freedom," Jonathan said. "There is no other."
Richard Bach
Jonathan livingston Seagull

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"It was originally published in 1943 in French and has since been translated into tons of other languages. At first glance The Little Prince may look like a book for children but it contains a lot of valuable lessons about life and love that adults would do well to learn."
You are the most amazing Friend, a Best Friend to so many of us, always present to support, share, recognize and so much more...

...that I want, with all of my Heart, send some Love your way My Friend so that you can keep it with you forever...
Lots of Love Little Brother!

and, HUGs and Kisses to the King...
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Enjoy your week fully My Friend,