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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/3/2009 10:56:47 AM
Hello Luka ... my double celebrated friend ;-)

Sorry for me being so long away but ... job first ... party next! ... and it was a rather crowded period for me lately! One day it seemed I'm going to have time and the min I said how happy I am about it ... I was gone! ... NOT WITH THE WIND ...

... now, I post my CONGRATS for you, before anything might come up!
Break Dancing
I loved your ... how to call it ... "ABOUT ME" would be the best I guess :-) ... very interesting and unique way of introducing yourself! ... in fact I read that a day or two ago but had no time for anything else.

(which is which and which is better?! - this IS a question?!)


Reading along the posts, I found Lia's Quiz, and wanted to post you in reply mine :-) - result I mean :-D and plaid around with the site a bit; it was really funny! For instance I just find out that in week days terms I'm:


You ar a big planner and you always worry about school. Some advice- losen up a bit and have some fun! You wake up bright and early every day and you LOVE TO READ.

VERY TRUE: I LOVE TO READ! Its a pity I do not have all the time I would love to, for this purpose?! ...

NOT THAT TRUE: I always worry about school! ... I would love to ... but ... and I'm on having fun all the time ...

I wonder if this makes me kind of FAKE MONDAY?! 


Than I also find out that:

On the inside, you are 17.

Emotionally, you've finally outgrown the drama of high school. Cliques and popularity don't matter anymore, because at this point, you know who your real friends are. At 17, you feel invincible, and you've set all your worries aside. This year, you've got lots of stuff to celebrate -- prom, picking a college, and (in some states) finally learning to drive. If your mental age is 17, you're in no rush to act like an adult... not as long as there's a party calling your name.

Seems to me I'm a little bit of a grown up retard - LOL - which is going to attend to her 30th anniversary of her PROM!

... on the other hand ... as there were a few questions which I had some troubles to choose my reply:

On the inside, you are 21.

No matter what age you are on the outside, emotionally, you're not a kid anymore. You're finishing up one phase of your life (college), and deciding where you want to head next. At 21, you've got a close group of dependable friends; you know they'll be there for you, no matter how crazy life gets. You're full of energy, and ready to do whatever it takes to find the job, apartment, or relationship of your dreams (or preferably, all three).

... and besides all


I would never think about me being the voice?! ... I always thought Georgios is?! ... and the "great something missing in my life" ...? Hm, have to go home and ask Nick what has he hidden?! ... or, as Lia says, its so DEEP, DEEP (maybe PURPLE) inside me that not even I could find out about! ... and don't bother, Lia already persued me to leave her comfort my sorrow... as soon as she finds out about it! LOL

Some may find wired to see my post for your party?! ... but I felt it fair to show myself as you did ... to us! :-) ... even if in my own way ... always making some kind of fun! Life without fun ... has no meaning - at least for me!

... and I very much hope these brought some smile on your face ...
even if we cannot see it  ... yet :-)
I will never understand why in official pics people are not ever allowed to smile?! ... as I do that all the time, why shouldn't I in my ID? ...
but this is another theme!

Now, I'm ahppy I had time enough to post you all I had on my mind! 8) ... who knows when I'll be able to come in again!

... but enough is enough, so I have to leave you now!
Friday Hugs

With friendship,

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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/3/2009 11:38:38 AM





I am normal when my friends take the pics ... but when the photographer do it ... I feel worse than one sitting at the dentist`s chair.


Will BBS.


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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/3/2009 11:55:40 AM
I HATE every picture I'm in. Like my profile pic. I look like some kind of.... jerk I guess is the only way to describe it. My ma tells me your 6'3". W-O-W. Now my mom has someone else to tease about their height :)
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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/4/2009 1:14:12 AM

Dearest Dimi,

Thanks for loving my new photo.

When I was 5-6 years old, our friend Sreten M. asked Mom to permit me to be an actor in one short commercial movie which he was producing. First, I have had to send my portraits for the casting.

Mom took me to the professional photographer, one of the best here.

He was impatient and nasty; howling and offending me with so wrathful words ... he was in the risk to see if lady near me really has an iron muscles (masseuse Branka :) ), and I earned my first and only one phobia . From then, any professional taking photography is a night mare for me.

Trust me, I look LOL LOL LOL beautifully on this pics. First two were much worse ... and when I told man who made that photography why I am in the schock - he couldn`t believe.

People usually have phobias from : lift, dentist and other medical specialists ... and I have photographer phobia :( .

Thanks for the sport shoes Dimi. I intentionally mentioned the number of the shoes. I think today you`ll se why :) ....

Here are some flowers for you dear friend :

Enjoy your weekend dear friend!

Hugs and love,




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Re: It's Time to Congratulate LUKA BABIC, the 182nd POTW:
4/4/2009 1:21:07 AM

Dear Andrea,

I apologize ! Your post wasn`t skipped intentionally. It was Friday :) ... and being in rush I read it ... and later messed up all what I have had to do.

I am glad to meet you.

Thank you for the congrats and for finding the time to make visit.

Have a beautiful weekend,



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