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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Some of me Poetry, written from the heart
4/7/2009 1:52:54 PM

Shattered Innocence

Why is it you kept me so young and innocent
Why did you not warn me of the pitfalls of life?
I believed that no one would ever hurt me
Because you kept the stars in my eyes
You should have had more faith in me
If we had only sat down and talked
You left me open and vulnerable
Because I did not see there are bad men out in the world

My first encounter of dispicable men
was a teacher I had at Primary School, I was younger than ten
I was late leaving class on this particular day
He who took the notion he could look through my garments
asking me to name them on by one
I was timid and scared he was in authority
I felt it was wrong but did not know what to do
I was taught not to argue with my elders and betters

I learned that they will prey on innocent girls and boys
The papers and TV these days are just full of it
Nobody spoke of these violations against children back then
It was shrouded behind closed doors and never spoken
The lust in the mens eyes, I did not understand
Even when my spirit tried to warn me.
I doubted my feelings, how could this be?
These men are known to the family!

These lustful men don't care about friendship
when their lust rears it's ugly head
I did not get raped in body,
but was raped in mind instead
They undress you with their eyes
and make lured suggestions
It is rape no matter how you look at it
a violation was commited against my person

They make you feel dirty and that it was my fault
I know now it was not something I said or did
It is their problem not mine
I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
Even as an adult, I would get propositioned by married men
I was married at that time too, and it did not seem to matter to them
That their wife and my husband could be right nearby
If questioned look at me and say all innocent,
I didn't mean any such thing!

I hate the actions of these so and so's
They should all be behind bars
The devastation, hurt, have left such deep scars
You cannot see them because they are on the inside
and are not viewed to all
But are there for a long time, as it is hard to heal
A broken bone takes about six weeks to mend
Abuse never goes away on it's own
it festers up again and again, when someone picks the scab

These men think they can get away with it!
well let me tell you, you can't, one day if you do not confess
you will have to pay for your actions, whether it's this life or the next
You will have to stand before God and be accountable.
I will let God deal with you unscrupulous men
I have moved on and given it away where it belongs
at the foot of the cross, to my saviour Jesus
in His loving embrace the hurt has now gone

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©


My name is Jamey and I am only four,
My stepmom must hate me,
otherwise why would she lock me up
in the basement, behind cupboard doors?

She leaves me in there for hours at a time
It is so dark and scary, I could loose my mind
I cannot get out to go to the bathroom so
I have to pee and poop on the other side.

When she finally comes back to let me out
she pulls down my pants and beats my bare bottom with a belt
because I have left a big mess
and let the bad smell out

She locks me away in the bathroom, attic and basement
well away from staff's prying eyes
She leaves me alone in my misery
I don't let her see the fear or know that I cried

As I grew older, the abuse did not end
I was put in a childs home for bad boys with problems
Child abuse, sexual, verbal, bashings and bullying,
does this kind of hurting ever end?

These boys care was provided by the State
Their folks did not have the money to pay.
I was paid for by my rich parents to keep me away
from my stepmom who would hurt me if I stayed.

Where was my father and what has he to say?
Why was he quiet, surely he was aware that something was amiss
Was his love for his new bride more important than me
Why didn't he stand up and protect me from this?

I was not allowed to play with my brothers and sisters
or go out to play with the other kids on the block
I had to stay home and play all alone,
I read lots of books and played with my blocks

Or I was given some pocket money and dropped off down town
I went to the movies and spend the whole day there
Playing in the arcades, watching one movie after another
in solitude and away from my sisters and brothers

When I came home at vacation
My dad, stepmom two older brothers
and three stepsisters drove away
I was left at home and was not taken.

I was devastated, overwraught and overcome
My heart was broken, my spirit nearly broken
I cried out to God why has this happened
As my mind was completely shattered

What did I do wrong to make my stepmom hate me like this?
she drove out her eldest daughter away from the family
out from the house, no one speaks of this sister,
it's all a great mystery, secret as if she didn't exist

I am now an adult, and they have never been charged
this has been silent abuse that went on for years
Their rich friends and neighbours did not know I existed
you may think I am OK now - yet there are still scars

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©

Dedicated to James Shaver

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Some of me Poetry, written from the heart
4/7/2009 3:38:23 PM

Hello Friends,

Poetry would not be complete without writing about our love life, our ups and our downs.  These poems were mostly written when I returned to New Zealand and the year long separation from the love of my life James whom we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary last month.

I am Sorry

I'm sorry for the things that I said
for not showing you understanding instead
I let my mouth say words that stung
instead I should have bridled my tongue

I love you for who you are
to even smoking on your cigar
love is not blind, because I can see
the magnificent person you are to me

I love your humour, your slant upon life
you make me see things on the funny side
I love your hairy fingers and your knobbly knees
because these things do not matter at all to me

You are compassionate and thoughtful
and I can be to you, quite awful
I have written this poem, with the view
To say, I am sorry and I love you

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©


I'll give you a rose just a blooming
It isn't a rose in bud
Nor is it a rose in full bloom yet

Our love is more than a rose bud
Young and still coy and shy
It has matured more than the rose bud

Our love is not at full maturity
Like the rose in full bloom
That has experienced all before

No our love is like the rose just blooming
Past the young stage of immaturity
We still have experience to conquor

So I present you my love, with this offering
To remember a time when we are old
That our love was just like this rose bloom

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©


I often sit and wonder why
You made me leave, you made me cry
I felt so lost and very much alone
My future was gloomy and very unsteady

I left felling you did not want me anymore
It felt like you could not wait to get me out of the door
A tender smile, a hug or a kiss
Would have made such a big difference

I got on that bus and did not look back
It was much too hard to do that
So I looked ahead to the long drive away
To hope and pray that I will get back one day

The streets of LA could have been my undoing
I could not find the bus stop to the airport
I walked and walked those seedy streets
A black man pointed out the 42 bus down the next street

I had 14 hours to kill at the airport
I got on the morning bus in Eugene instead of the evening
I could not check in my baggage until 3pm
Six hours to carry my stuff around with me

I landed in Auckland at 6am
With barely enough money just enough to buy a phone card
Just as well I had my nephew Ron I could phone
To come collect me and take me to his home

When I got to Ron's and talked to my brother Dave
I guess things felt a little bit brighter
They were on my side as they said
I am family and I needed a place to lay my head

Well, Dave drove me down to Taihape
Sandy and Dwayne had invited me
But after 10 days it was too much
Cause Wendy asked me to leave

I was scared, where was I to go?
Where could I stay, I had no money
The unemployment benefit had not started
It is times like this, where you know who are your friends

I wandered down to Betty's
To ask her for prayer
When she heard my plight
She said I could stay with her there

I stayed with Betty for nearly 2 months
Never really knowing where I was going
I still had no prospects and still not knowing
How I was ever going to get away from there

Well, Jesus popped an idea into my head
One I had been asked before which turned down
I did not think I could do it
Well the seed grew and took root
That I just knew I could do it

I made inquiries as to how I could get started
In two weeks I was accepted and found board
Packed my few belongings and drove down south
Where I started Care and Support of the Elderly course

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©


I made a decision to make plane bookings
To fly out of the country for awhile
It would be two months that I'd be gone
Just so I could be with you, to see your smile

I counted down the days as each week passed
I walked through the scenes in my mind
I remembered the last time I saw you, touched you
And kept looking at the calendar one day at a time

The day got closer, just three weeks to go
I had told everyone that needed to know
I would be flying to America for the summer break
Going to winter, just for our sake

But alas, it was not be, for you told me
It was with your father you needed to be
He took ill and has got much worse
His life in the balance, my man is so hurt

I canceled my bookings and stayed in NZ
Watched the clock on the day I was to leave
Felt disappointed, tearful and I couldn't sleep
I wanted to be with you, cause your need was so deep

So I think of you with your sick dad
And lifting you up in prayer
Hoping and believing our prayers will be answered
Your dad will believe and you will not be scared

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©

Prayer for Dad

I asked the Lord in prayer
To lift you up on high
Grant you His highest blessings
So we can both sleep well at night

I asked Him to lift up your family
And let your Dad live
Until Jesus comes to meet him
And ask him for his life to give

I hope your Dad meets Jesus in his dreams
And lets you know, so you know what this means
Cause I know the joy when my mother told me so
So in peaceful heart I could let her go

We cannot bargain with the Lord
To let another take our place
For if we could we would be praying
After they were gone from this space

God does not have grandchildren
And I hope you understand
That each person is accountable
And each alone we must stand

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©

Dedicated to James

Memory Lane

When I woke up this morning and got out of bed
You were on my mind, I could not get you out of my head
I remembered the great times we had together
The way you made me laugh and the funny faces you pulled
These are some of the things I miss when you played the fool

I worry about you. Did you know?
I wonder how you are really doing
Do you find the time goes by real slow?
Do you wander around the apartment, or sit in the room
Picturing me and remembering what I use to do?

I find myself thinking about you in your chair
Smoking your cigar, the way you brushed your fingers through your hair
How you sat on the floor sitting cross legged
Cracking your fingers and your knees would make me bandy legged
Watching TV for hours of wrestling and hired movies

I don't know whether to look forward to coming over next year
Maybe just let the time to come just happen
I do not think I could handle another cancellation
So in the meantime I will walk down memory lane
And remember the good times and the reasons I came

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Some of me Poetry, written from the heart
4/7/2009 11:49:14 PM


Thanks for the latest oems.

I hought that A Prayer for Dad was wonderful.

Thanks for sharing and revealing so much.


Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Some of me Poetry, written from the heart
4/10/2009 11:39:17 AM
Hello Roger,

Thank you for returning. 

James was in a terrible state when I wrote Prayer for Dad
as he had to undergo a triple by pass operation and it was
touch a go there for awhile.  James flew over to North
Carolina and stayed for a month while his father had his
operation and recuperation. His father is coming up to his
80th birthday next year.

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Some of me Poetry, written from the heart
4/10/2009 1:06:46 PM

Poetry is really good therapy.

I'm sure that it helped you.

I had a powerful inspiration last night. Visit my poem forum and take a look.

Where does this stuff come from?



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