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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
12/4/2011 8:41:23 PM

The Hunted becomes the Hunter

© Roger Macdivitt 2011

Understandable hatred and suspicion exists

Neighbours at the length of a gun

Personal tradgedy on both sides and the truth twists

At the sound of bombs both sides run


Sometimes a lie becomes the truth

Believed about another, fueling contempt

When stories abound without proof

Retaliation prevents conciliatory attempt


Those whose own people were unjustly treated

Do the same to others in their turn

Common-sense disappears when things get heated

And the book of reason is burned

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
12/4/2011 9:04:51 PM

Highs and Lows of the Artist

© Roger Macdivitt 2011

Only an artist knows

The pain, the ease the wasted hours

Ideas, but how to achieve?

The disappointment and determination

Sleep, the solver of problems, bringer of dreams and nightmares

What guides the brush, the knife, the chisel?

Focussed now on an image but failed by nature’s resistance

Blaming the tools, the light, the sitter the stone or the pigment

Then, like images viewed through fog, the unknown emerges

Oh the frustration of a technique’s failure to achieve

Oh the joy in a job well done

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
12/4/2011 9:18:55 PM

Images conjoured by mere words

© Roger Macdivitt

Monica, Monica, Thesalonica

Personica, Irrigonica, Electronica


Betina, Betina, You should have seen her

Leaner, Meaner, and Nothing between her…..


Rita, Rita, meet n greeter

Nothing sweeter, neater, tweeter


Sarah, Sarah, carer, rarer

Tearer, scarer, good news bearer


Bob, Bob, slob, demob

Rob, sob, get a job


Peter, Peter, never a defeater

Sister is Rita, oh what a speaker


John, John, leaned upon

Memory’s gone, once he shone

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
12/4/2011 9:50:29 PM

Cupcake Therapy

© Roger Macdivitt 2011


Cupcakes jostle upon their three tiered stands

Swirly and bright with their icing and strands

Coffee flows amid frothy chatter

Discussions about calories and avoiding getting fatter


Diets dismissed and creations consumed

The last few crumbs and conversations resumed

Lattes, cappuccinos and mochas with cream

A nice pot of tea and a marshmallow dream


Time to collect the children then home for their tea

Fix a day to meet, check diaries, agree

Pay the bill, not looking at total

Put onto the card, expenses, social


Tip for the waitress? She’s been very sweet

She was still very friendly but run off of her feet

Won’t be long, back here on Thursday

We’ll all have something new to say


Cupcake Therapy has really hit the spot

We’ve put the world to rights ok and pleased with what we’ve got

Cupcake Therapy now an international cure

Keeps the ladies chatting and coming back for more

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
12/4/2011 10:47:51 PM

The Hunted becomes the Hunter

© Roger Macdivitt 2011

Understandable hatred and suspicion exists

Neighbours at the length of a gun

Personal tradgedy on both sides and the truth twists

At the sound of bombs both sides run


Sometimes a lie becomes the truth

Believed about another, fueling contempt

When stories abound without proof

Retaliation prevents conciliatory attempt


Those whose own people were unjustly treated

Do the same to others in their turn

Common-sense disappears when things get heated

And the book of reason is burned

Hello Roger,

Read all you new poems.
They are great but this one seemed to be kind of reminiscent.

I wished I had the ability to express my words using poetry.

Can I ask you to write another poem?

Write a poem which builds on this one but describes outcome where "book of reason" is preserved and actually used. This would be just hypothetical one.

Bogdan Fiedur

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