In the middle of the night
Roger Macdivitt 2011-05-12
Thoughts monopolise and control me
Minutes morph into hours and time loses real perspective
Why does the mundane take on the cloak of importance
Worrying about lack of sleep leads to worried thoughts of tomorrow
Tomorrow, although inevitable becomes feared
Discomfort and the wish not to disturb others becomes paramount
I would be so easy to just accept not being tired
Perhaps we are over-tired
Whatever the truth the desire for sleep takes on disproportionate priority
The alarm clock’s setting looms huge
Hunger or over-eating are to blame
There has to be a reason
Something that was unimportant becomes tomorrow’s reason
Money, bills and time comittments combined
Disaster seems inevitable
Sounds travel in nocturnal air
No daytime traffic polution intervenes
The sound of a disturbed bird makes us think of danger
The sly old fox becomes a bloodthirst killer
The morning will reveal feathers and blood on the grass
Slowly, so slowly the time passes
But then
Resolution to problems seem more likely
Fitfull sleep brings snippets of dreams
Real but absurd in their detail
Morning approaches and the sleep that evaded us now presses
We fear now that sleep that we sought
What if we sleep too long?
Give in, we do, to that healing rest
Morning arrives and our fears prove unfounded once again