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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
11/21/2011 7:55:46 PM

Ancient Stones

© Roger Macdivitt 2011



Anyone who’s been close to ancient stones

Knows that there are memories there just like in human bone

Once erected by human hand

They seem to posess a quality hard to understand


Whether Cuzco, Stonehenge or Pompeii

The echoing stones seem to say

They tell us of times both epic and mundane

The diary of man in his earthly domain


Mystery hides deep inside of these rocks

Science cannot feel it like we can

But it can read carbon like we read clocks

But it takes us to feel the man


Every cell has memory and the need to pass it on

Instinct based upon memory is real

The message received not always can be relied upon

But there’s still unmistakeable feel


Caves too have echoes of spirits passed

Where countless scenes were enacted

From man’s first minutes to the very last

In stone, centuries seem contracted

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
11/21/2011 8:02:10 PM

BURSTAJOY! (It deserves to be called what it is!)

I'd like to write a poem about a color
and if you think there could be nothing duller...

You are WRONG!
Here's a song...

About the warmth and the sun
there's a color, a great one

That has no rhyme, is it cursed?
No! It has joy, like a burst

Of our heart and our love
flying high as the dove

This great color is also a fruit,
a basket of these is the sun's loot...

Radiance and life surge thru it's fine luscious juice
Color & fruit share the name, no war, a truce

Wear the color, drink the exuberance!
Burstajoy juice, give it remembrance!

Orange deserves eternal adoration and daily fame.
Warmth, radiance, joy: color & fruit of one name.

by Kathleen VanBeekom 2011

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
11/22/2011 8:13:16 AM

Great Kathleen,

I like a bit of positive.


Patricia Bartch

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
12/2/2011 7:29:00 AM
very good poem Roger. i'm reading through this poetry thread. I wish you'd publish your poems.



Was it only yesterday??xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

© Roger Macdivitt 2010



Yesterday’s not far away

It’s clearer each day that you live

The older you get

It gets clearer yet

Till you’ve no more of today to give


Yesterday’s skies were much bluer

And holidays rolled on and on

Some days in the sun

Seemed like lifetimes of fun

Can those halcyon days really be gone?


Yesterday’s just a past word

A label to give now a place

For yesterday stays

Where our memory plays

And brings a broad smile to our face.


Yesteday encompassed several years

Our chilhood, our teens plus our prime

But it really seems short

Like a brief passing thought

Like a journey through fantasy time.


Yesterday’s friends now departed

Some early and sad in our lives

And some went just now

They took life’s final bow

But somehow their spirit survives.

I'm Your AVON LADY: *Ask me how to get FREE Shipping.
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: My Poetry.... Roger Macdivitt
12/4/2011 8:38:08 PM

[quote]very good poem Roger. i'm reading through this poetry thread. I wish you'd publish your poems.


Thank you Pat.

I may try that


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