© R L Macdivitt
I can’t draw, the lady said
I’ll just do some cross stitch instead
It’s artistic, it’s calming and I use lovely thread
But to draw don’t you need a to have a picture in your head?
I can’t draw that, the young boy insisted
When asked to draw a tree branch all bent and twisted
He made a start when the teacher persisted
But somehow his non-artistic belief still resisted
I can paint horses but that’s about all
Said the bright young man pointing to the wall
His drawing was terrific but the rider a little tall
But he really didn’t think that he could draw at all
I can only draw with a paint can, grafitti and stuff
On trucks, walls, bridges I just cant find enough
But call it art? That’s really tough
I thought that art was gentle not rough
Shouldn’t art be a result of everything you see and
Not an opinion on the method of delivery?
Shouldn’t it be experienced and set your feelings free?
About how it appears and challenges with spirituality
Surely everyone’s an artist way down deep inside
It’s just a case of looking and noting what you find
The thing’s that hold us back are firmly in our mind
Just let your artist do it its work and leave the doubt behind