Here is my latest little ditty.
Please enjoy

Room for God?
© Roger Macdivitt 2011
Part of me once was a tree
A rock, a star a speck of history
A molecule, a quark, a proton
Nothing new, just merely a photon
Dust to dust and so it is
That, return we must to life’s petrie dish
And so it is for all around us
That whoever we are our origin is thus
In this creation we see destruction
Re-cycled, re-formed by physics instructions
And all of the time we are never alone
Attracted by gravity our couse still unknown
Our fate, like the universe is sealed in time
A black-hole destination, absurdly sublime
Trillions of billions or whatever it takes
What nonsense of time eternity makes
But what of our spirit is it merely just matter?
Will our brittle hopes like glass just shatter?
Will Einstein be wrong, all his theories disproved?
And will God reveal truth all mystery removed?
It is said that we come from a primeval bang
That every atom combined like eggs in meringue
That all is expanding, flying apart
It’s been that way since the dynamic start
One thing we’re told is that we are almost all space
In fact everything is in this atomised place
We are ninety percent nothing, just a wisp, just a dot
Yet despite our nothingness we think that we’re not
One thing’s for sure and without any doubt
That there’s no such thing as inside or out
And no matter what road our two feet have trod
With all of that space isn’t there some room for God?