Hi Roger,
I can relate to the "Common Cold"...but it was a late recognition...my father NEVER got sick or NEVER let people see if he was sick, he wouldn't slug around milking his illness for sympathy...
On the other hand, my husband acts like a giant 4-year-old, sitting in the living room, wrapped head to toe in a thick blanket, sniffling, with all the accessories on his table, tissues, pills, a hot drink, and generally just being a centrally-located snuffling attention-getting germ, and I do say that in the nicest way possible! I also found out his brother does the same thing at his house! What's the REAL symptom? An overly-doting mother who raised them with aspirin crushed in jelly sandwiches or stirred into heavily sugared tea! THE MOM-IN-LAW ruined them!!
THANKS for sharing your poetry, writing is something we hope people like, in such a personal way, like nothing else that can make us hold our breath and hope no one says "What IS it?"
My husband also says poetry is a waste of paper, why not just say what we mean in ONE LINE? That's coming from a person who has TONS of music albums, and I reminded him that music IS poetry BEFORE it's set to music. Oh, yeah!! If he wasn't such a nice guy, he'd really get on my nerves...LoL.