Hello Jim and friends,
It has been a while. Unfortunately, I have not been so actively frequent in the community cos recently I've been sadled with too many responsibilites back home. But as I have always maintained, this is my first-love community and I'll try to keep tap on it especially with some good friends.
I see we have some interesting issue here "THE POTW" case. I, for one do not have any inkling of what lead to the withdrawal of the last POTW team, I had thought before now that it was a terminal thing, like a decision of the CEO of the community to mave the team around. Whatever was the case, I believe the Peter & Co team did a mavelous job. I know it is not easy to manage an all-community award forum like the POTW and because of the enormity of this responsibility, some of us had to shy away from it when we were approached to come aboard. So any one or group that is able to manage such a forum should be duly commended.
Also, eventhough I have not really relaxed to look critically at Kathleen's program, the little I could put together does not negate her idea. I think she has an interesting plan probably to stimulate the spirit of forum ownership participation. However, what I think could have been done is to have subjected those plans and idea to other members' inputs where most of the flaws observed here could have been taken care of.
I see a lot of sense in the issue where very active and supportive member are being disqualified from participation because they don't have forums. Maybe some kind of clause could have been included to take care of these set of members. I know that there are very few forums in the community that are really committed to community spirit rather than their business interest. And also the idea of having to nominate same set of members will eventually get monotonous and take the shine off the award. Which is why I like Roger's mode of initiation. I mean that of seeking the community members' input before kick-starting the Photo of the Week Award forum again.
All the same, I am always for peace and co-existence of members and I think with it, all things are possible. I should believe the POTW team of Kathleen & CO should look at this forum as one with interesting input that can be intergrated into the POTW operation to make it more vibrant rather than otherwise. And to Roger, I say, you have our support, but make sure you do your homework well as you have already started.
Shalom to everyone and God bless