Dearest Alain -
Thank you for such a worthwhile topic....
My grandfather once told me,"you must respect yourself before you can expect others to respect you".
A teacher once told me, "respect is to be earned and nurtured, and never taken for granted".
A friend once said, "I would prefer to be respected and liked, but if I had to choose one, it would be respect... as long as I'm respected, it doesn't seem to matter as much if I am well-liked".
Can one respect anything if you have no respect for self? Can one truly live if one does not respect life? Can one attain knowledge if one has no respect for the teacher or institution at which they teach? Can one respect the law and then break it when convenient?
A true leader will never inspire those that follow without first earning their respect; a true friendship cannot develop unless there is respect; and love will not flourish where there is no respect.
If one wants to truly make a difference, wants to do something better with the life they've been given, then one must respect themselves and those they interact with.
Respect does not mean you must agree.... respect means that you agree it's okay to disgaree....
We may never agree on certain issues, but it never lessens the love and respect I hold for those I interact with... especially my friends!
Hugs to all,
