Hello Dearest Kim and Roger...
and, Hello to my new friend Cheryl,
Sorry for my late reply... I was away for three days on a small business trip.
Happy to see you back here My Friends considering other sides of RESPECT... this is a very interesting topic indeed! Happy that you enjoy!
Hello Cheryl!
Nice to see you here and get a feel of your own sense of respect... Happy to get to know you and, I am sending you an invite to be friend right away.
I could not agree more with the fact that if I respect myself in the first place... this will command respect from others automatically. This is interesting when we take time to reflect upon this... because, in some occasions, when I feel that I am not being respected, I could change my focus onto myself and ponder on how or when am I not being respectful of myself. I so often felt not being respected in the past and, when I started feeling that respect for myself... it was not an issue anymore.
And, YES, showing respect to anyone Makes a whole lot of a Difference... like so well demonstrated in the movie. But, Kim has it right also when saying that not being respectful also Makes a Difference... but, one is more of a positive difference vs a negative one. So, here is another interesting aspect to consider... Since I am to Make a Difference anyway, why not look at how I can make a positive difference as often as possible.

With Friendship and Love,