Hi Peter,
It’s a raining Sunday afternoon here, so after a nice lunch I read your post and understand your point of view as well as your standpoint. I also understand Georgios’s and believe it or not, I have my own. J
I know full well that it is ‘in-line’ to consider that all are equal in this community, but one would need to give a detailed definition of this equality; must it be with knowledge of the English Language, age, business aptitudes or being allowed to post our thoughts? I believe that whoever tries to sort this one out will surely have a greater job on hands than regulating any of the polling activities that the Adland community enjoys far beyond other communities.
To consider anything else than the established democratic way of life to be as you say; “something which was both caused and exacerbated by the burden of a grossly inequitable system of privileges and relations" is very different to what your new foreign relations Mrs Hilary Clinton said in Brussels only this very week. OK, I was amazed to hear this. Yes, She is picking up the idea that there is to be a huge effort to be undertaken in her country to make its citizens understand that other cultures, traditions have their rightful and justifiable differences. We must, sais she, understand them before even starting to argue or fight and thereby imposing our own systems unto them. That is a very different talk from your side of the Atlantic. As for you Georgios, is it not time to bring your King back to his rightful position? Hehehe!
There are two things for which I disagree with you Peter, one is as pointed out above, “everything that is not democratic belongs to some sort of feudal fiefdom,” (That is just political) and the other is your having resigned from your position of managing the weekly and yearly ballots. If whenever there is an error that this causes a step-down of the responsible, would you please explain how anyone is to gain the necessary experience in that field? I believe you are the best qualified, and it is not because of some hitch that you agree about that a resignation is called for. I could understandably have a slightly modified approach to the subject were it a function with retribution, but this not being the case. So you have my vote if we need to go voting once more. Unless there is a hidden agenda of sorts, a conspiracy, a POTgate in the making. J
Wow! The sun has come back, will go walk the dog.
Friendly yours,