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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Hamas Accused Of Torturing Palestinians
1/30/2009 10:34:58 AM

"Like I told Helen, I am not blaming anybody nor taking sides"

Rina with all due respect, you will have to choose sides before this is over.  The extremists will force you to and there is no neutral position on this issue.

Passiveness will cost millions maybe billions of lives.  Most of which will be those that choose to remain neutral at a time when their actions could make the difference. 

Please Wake Up to the world around you as you are living in the belly of the beast, are you not?



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Hamas Accused Of Torturing Palestinians
1/30/2009 10:48:05 AM
Hi Jim,
I do have to say you are right in your oppinion.  However, if you ask me to choose a side, I will choose the children's side cause I know one thing - too many Palestinian have tortured and too many Israelis are fighting.  Where is the end to it?  Israelites are someones son, father, grandfather, husband, etc. What can I do to stop them from going to war?

Jim, I believe in GOD and GOD will know who to punish for the sins and HE knows all truth.  You ask me to kneel down one whole day to pray to the LORD and ask him or beg him please help the children irregardless of race, religion or country, I will because of one simple thing, children are innocent.  They cannot think.  I cannot choose between Israelite or Palestinian children because they are still children.

We are adults, we can think.... they can't, they are forced to mature so fast because of wars, they loose limbs and body.  If you ask me, I will put on the war gear, run in and grab the children and put them somewhere safe so that adults can deal with this.  They should be laughing, playing, singing, doing mischiefs......

Jim, from my heart, I did not come here to debate about the war and whose side I should be on.  I came here to voice my oppinion about the children.

To all respect to Peter, I am amazed at how you fight for your people and I am so proud of what you are doing.  You are a believer in what you believe and that is important for you and your people.  I am never going to come here and say you should not cause I have no right to do it at all.

Thank you for all your time.

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Hamas Accused Of Torturing Palestinians
1/30/2009 11:03:21 AM


I do respect your position and let me end with this.  To save the children!  Choices need to be made now, not after more die from this useless slaughter. 

I see the combatants hiding in schools, hospitals and places of worship.  We all ALREADY know what is right.  We are born with that knowledge as that is one of God's gifts, the rules to live by.  There are 10 of them. 

Old or New you have to choose the side of good over evil.  When one side preaches peace and tolerance and the other preaches peace through intolerance and jihad.  The choice has to be simple enough.

Why try to play the fence?  It only prolongs the suffering.  When more of the world starts condemning the actions of these extremists no matter the side then change will come.  Live your message don't hide behind it.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Hamas Accused Of Torturing Palestinians
1/30/2009 11:48:10 AM
Hi Jim,
Thank you for your oppinion.

Again I say, I cannot choose between a Palestinian Child and Isrialite child and I am a Christian.  Does that give a human right to take another human life?  How is that possible?  At the end, they are all CHILDREN... child, babies.

I started this reply with again I say, children in mind.  There is no sides to be taken here when it comes to children.  Say for example. Its like I have 2 small baby cousins and I have to pick a favorite just because 1 cousin's father is a murderer and 1 cousin's father is a CEO.  Why does the 2 children have to pay for the sins of the adult?  Where is the justice in that?  It is of no difference because the child can change with upbringing.

So at the end of this message, aren't I condemning the extremists - ADULTS?  I have been living my message for the past few threads - that children is the one that I am siding, children.

Thank you and Peter, I just want to apologise before hand for making this a hard one.

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Hamas Accused Of Torturing Palestinians
1/30/2009 11:56:11 AM
Hello All!

To not create any aggressions or bad feelings I do my comment with a picture.


Happy Week End
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