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Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - Re Pedophilia in Muslim countries
4/14/2009 7:50:15 AM
Hello Peter and Friends,

I believe the saying," evil triumphs when good men and women do nothing" is appropriate here. Sure we can just hide our heads an allow other countries to do as they please to their  women and children but do we not have a" moral" obligation to do something ? How many innocent people world wide have been murdered through genocide? Look at what is happening in Darfur right now as I type this comment!! No one is going to jail no one is saying a word against that
government-supported militia recruited from local Arab tribes genocide.That might be a bit off topic but I said it to make the point that evil no matter where it is should be Stopped by what ever means it takes to do so. Allowing evil to go unchecked only allows it to grow and spread.

Whether we like it or not we are in a battle for our country here in the US, Muslims are already getting special treatment because  of their religion it has already been stated  a man killed his wife by beheading and was only charged with 2nd degree murder. He should be facing the death penalty but due to his religion he is only going to spend some time in prision. Is that really justice? No its appeasing and making consession just because he is a Muslim. What I am trying to say here is that we CANNOT allow Islam to take over our country as it has in others.

Of course we have our own problems here what country is perfect ? None.

Jim my friend,

I am not trying to fight with you about anything. I just found your comment in bad taste. Nuff said :)



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: HSIG - Re Pedophilia in Muslim countries
4/14/2009 1:32:06 PM
Hello Peter, Geketa, Helen, Jim..

I am as outraged and sickened as you are, make no mistake,
there is so much evil in the world and it is getting worse.

We are in a war alright, in the heavenly's too.  The angels
are fighting with the demons on our behalf- we cannot
see them and take this on faith.  The more that God's
children submit and humble ourselves in prayer, the more power is given to the angels to fight our enemies.

'We do not fight against flesh and blood, but with principalities
of evil in high places'

There are many things that we as
earth bound, grounded
cannot do on our own -  they are just too big to
absorb, too complicated and overwhelming for our minds
to take in. 


There is an apathy in our respective countries that the people
are just too overwhelmed, stressed, tired, overworked, just
trying to meet their daily lives.  - New term for these people - Sheeple

Apathy is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation and passion. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest or concern to emotional, social, or physical life. They may also exhibit an insensibility

How do we stir up passion once again in the hearts of the
people to start praying earnestly and take back our power
from the Govt - and Obama who is just stampeding over
our rights, constitutions and laws.  How do we stop Sharia
Law from coming into our countries..Bombard our Govt
representations, emails, letters, picket, sign petitions etc etc.
although you do receive generic replies back!

I do not think we can go to their country and fight them on
their home front, our Military is already over there now and
their Sharia Law is still alive and well.  I also reckon that
unless I am prepared to go over there myself then I have
no right to expect someone else to do it for me.  So my
only course of action that I can do is pray, sign petitions,
write in forums, and anything else I can do from my end.

I receive email bulletins from various Christian causes that
is keeping me abreast of what is happening and they give
a link to sign petitions, give donations and links to rallys
etc.  I pass these onwards with the hope that more people
who are not as aware will start seeing for themselves that
we have real life threatening issues coming our way.
Prayer is powerful - it does return results.

I need to address a comment about if we waited for our
kitchens were clean..Hitler trying to start a new breed of humans with blond hair and blue eyes and the holocourse. 
I understand and agree that this event was an awful, brutal atrocity against mankind and especially against one race
God's children the Jews whom were slaughtered in their millions for just being Jews and no other reason.  We can
definitely learn from this and we also need to realise it was
back in the 1940s during WW11 when the media was not
as world wide as it is today and the news did not get out.

Our media today is biased, they do not report all factual
events -

they either don't care because it is not generating the great green $$$ into their business

They are forced by some means whether it is blackmail etc
not to report their factual findings

Which ever their reasons, they are keeping quiet so what
other methods do we have to get the word out to the people
to wake up?

Because not only do we worry about Sharia Law, but One
world Government, One World banking and trading system, One World religion - this is all started and just waiting for the
right time to finally put into place. - then comes the 'mark
on your right hand or your forehead' to do any trading

This is funny in its extreme - because there are so many
different Christian denominations, as well as the other
religious sectors.  No one can agree with each other in
the different denominations!
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Re Pedophilia in Muslim countries
4/14/2009 3:29:31 PM

Hello Peter

I may not have been clear about how getting the word out helps.  The last people I expect to do anything are the men in authority in any Muslim country.  They have their slaves (their wives) doing their bidding.  Why would they want to change that?

But on the other hand if we keep sending information via the internet some of it will fall into the hands of those who need to know that, for example, there are Muslim women activists out there and maybe, just maybe, they would be encouraged and made to feel they could speak up, too.  It is our job to get the information out there and let it fall where it may.  I agree with Amanda that prayer is powerful so praying for these emails to fall into the right hands or asking God what to put in them would be powerful.

The information we send may fall into the hands of Muslim men who are sympathetic to the plight of the Muslim women and who might forward the information.  Not all Muslim men are rogues who beat their women and rape their little girls, thankfully.

I believe that there are many Muslim women out there talking between themselves because of what they may have learned from an email or a website or another activist and many, like Ghada Jamshir, are saying enough is enough.  They need our support to realize that they themselves can do something.

Look at Wafa Sultan and other women fighting for women's rights.  Look at all the support and encouragement they are getting.  Surely, it can only serve to embolden them more.

An interesting thing about a bully is that 99% (or even all) of them are cowards.  Men who beat their women are such cowardly bullies.  Once a woman stands up to them and threatens them, they stop the beatings.  I told in a previous post of how a small woman tied her big husband to the bed when he passed out and whipped him until he promised never to come home when he was drunk.  He not only promised, but he stopped drinking and never beat her again.  On top of that, he bragged to the guys at work about his "spunky" wife.

What I am trying to say is we can help to embolden women everywhere.  With the speed of the internet, word often gets out to millions in just a few weeks.  I think it makes a difference, not just a little difference, but a BIG difference. 

We need to educate as many ordinary people as well as politicians and those in authority as we can and we need to KEEP doing. 

It is no different than what you are doing to inform people about Muslims and the problems of Israelis because of Islam.

Have a great day!


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Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Re Pedophilia in Muslim countries
4/14/2009 3:33:29 PM

Hi again

For those sending out information, please try to include a helpful video or the link for it.


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Re: HSIG - Re Pedophilia in Muslim countries
4/15/2009 4:13:36 AM
Prophet took his pupil wife Aysha, when she was 11 as wife.
It is well known, they deal with girls when children have two or three years.
When pure girl become first period, they consider as a woman.
There it is a normal act.
It is well known traffic with children go frequently in islamic countries.
especially child-girls, from another poor countries.
If somebody from family want to marry a girl, then she's reserved for that member.
Cousin of first level can marry such girl, to keep family welt together.
These are well known things.

For me the main question is: why other countries tolerate this?
I'll tell you. For welt.
Lack of resources lead to end of casino capitalism

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