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4/13/2009 6:14:32 PM

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for trying to explain but I know all about it and have done it many times in the past but in a way that it was understood. I've used satire many times and got my point across.

This topic is a very important one as I explained in my last response to Jim. It affects all of us and the freedoms we all love and believe is our right according to the constitution. Shariah law is contrary to all our beliefs and they wish to impose it on us and that is what we have to stop and the sooner the better.

Your efforts are much appreciated.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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4/13/2009 6:27:53 PM
Hello Helen,

I understand what you are saying and I agree that the
atrocities practiced in the name of Allah in the muslim
lifestyle and Sharia Laws are wrong and abhorrent.

However, do we have the right to go into their countries
and put a stop to this? 
Are we not being 'one eyed' and pointing fingers in their directions while there are some of these same atrocities
in our own western countries..  e.g.

polygamy is alive and very well in many areas around
the States, the men in these Sects marry children..There
was a Sect group exposed in Australia just over 10 years
ago. The husband has many wives (do not recall how many)
all receiving child support from the Australian Govt and he
had 64 children from all these wives.  Talk about living 'high
on the hog' from the tax payers dollars!!

Sodomy is alive and well in many of our countries - behind
closed doors - this is not just with consenting adults either
but with children.

Incest is alive and well in our countries

Spousal, child abuse and
murder of our innocent children



murder of our unborn babies in the name of abortion and
now the new law of partial birth abortion - people let this
happen when they voted for Barak Obama!! Many members
here in ALP tried our best to open members eyes and make
them aware who were voting for Obama - they did not

and the list goes on, right here in the USA.

Aren't we being just a little too righteous when we cannot
control these crimes against our own people in our own
countries and we want to go over to Muslim countries and
tell them what terrible people they are..

We need to take the 'log out of our own eyes' before we
go and tell others they have one in theirs.

As concerned and loving neighbours we need to 'blow the
whistle' when he know of people in our respective areas
whom are doing this.  Report them to the police, sign
petitions whatever we can do to expose and bring in more
strict laws against these atrocities. 

Yes I agree, men's jewels are their prized possession and if they are not there..!
However I have heard (not sure if it is completely true) that
men that have had castration for medical reasons still have
the desire but cannot perform, so I guess that in the case
of sexual abuse of rape etc they could come up with other
nasty inventive ways to hurt women and children in their sickness.

Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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4/13/2009 6:34:10 PM
Hello Peter,

I agree, we do not want this Sharia Law made part of our
laws in USA or our respective countries.  It cannot work
with our way of life and trying to blend to extreme customs
and laws together will divide the countries against itself
and it cannot function.


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4/13/2009 6:44:56 PM

Hi Helen,

Yes, I read the whole article and mentioned it earlier. They deserve to be punished and the Shariah law and judges won't punish them cos by doing so they will be "condemning" Mohammad who as I mentioned in my first post married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her by the age of 9. So they have their prophet's example to follow and makes it kosher and as Jim says OK.

I watched the video and this woman is very brave and I hope she stays safe cos they've murdered women for much less then what she had to say.

((youtube id="lPz4olc1Les"))((/youtube))





Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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4/13/2009 7:03:40 PM

Hi Amanda,

This discussion is interesting and there is no doubt every country has it's perverts, rapists, pedophiles etc. The main difference is that if caught in western society they are punished and imprisoned. In theirs not. An English court ruled in regard to a Muslim rapist that he should receive special consideration cos "their" laws are different. So what?

A man that marries a 6 year old and has sex with her at the age of 9 and abuses her before that is not considered the pedophile that he is. He will not be punished by any means.

As a point of interest I saw a program yesterday that discussed pedophiles that were in prison and upon release went to professionals and asked for help in curing them

Israeli scientists created a serum  that can be injected in a pedophile and it totally subdues his sexual urges. The only problem is that they can't be forced to take this injection. If I'm not mistaken since the discovery only 14 pedophiles requested to be injected and have had no urges to molest young children since the start of this treatment.

Just thought I'd let you know about this.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7