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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Ahmadinejad - You Are Weak, Your Hands Are Empty And You Can't..........
4/18/2009 12:36:00 AM

 Hello Friends,

I guess everyone except for B Hussein Obama understands that Ahmadinejad is upstaging him and dealing and treating him as a weak leader should be treated. With disdain and blatant disrespect to say the least.

What is BHO doing about it??? Absolutely nothing or more correctly "appeasing" him more and more as each day goes by.

Here's an interesting article that shows the total disdain that Ahmadinejad has for the west and BHO in particular.

This mistake will cost the world big time and you can only blame the great appeaser (and pretender) B. Hussein Obama.



Special Dispatch - No. 2317
April 17, 2009     No. 2317

    Ahmadinejad to West: You Are Weak, Your Hands Are Empty, And You Can't Force Us to Do Anything; Nearly 7,000 Centrifuges Are Spinning Today at Natanz, Mocking You

In an April 15, 2009 speech in Kerman, Iran, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that Iran was working diligently to draw up a new proposals package, to be presented soon to the West. He said that this package would assure peace and justice for the nations, and that it must be the basis for any dialogue between Iran and the West.

In response to U.S. President Barack Obama's "outstretched hand," as he expressed in his April 1, 2009 speech, Ahmadinejad emphasized that the West was weak, and could not force anything on Iran. Ahmadinejad enumerated Iran's demands for dialogue with the U.S.; the demands included the withdrawal of Western forces, the destruction of the West's entire nuclear arsenal, and respect for Iran's right to its nuclear program.

This response by Ahmadinejad is in addition to his previous response to Obama's speech; in that response, Ahmadinejad noted that Iran would cut off any hand extended to attack it. [1] Also, on March 21, 2009, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stated that it was the U.S. that had to change, particularly in regard to its policy towards Iran. [2]

It should also be noted that in response to being invited to the Hague Conference on Afghanistan, held March 31, 2009 - a conference which was attended by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - Iran sent a diplomat of the rank of deputy, Deputy Foreign Minister Mehdi Akhoundzadeh. Furthermore, in response to Clinton's statement that U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke had met with Akhoundzadeh and that the Iranians had been given a letter concerning the four U.S. citizens missing in Iran, both Akhoundzadeh and Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi denied that there had been any meeting and also the receipt of any letter. [3]

Also, recently the U.S. removed the precondition to negotiations with Iran that it had maintained for years - i.e. that Iran stop uranium enrichment. Since Iran absolutely refuses to discuss the issue of its uranium enrichment, the issue has now become a final aim of U.S. negotiations with Iran.

A senior U.S. State Department official said, in an anonymous April 15, 2009 interview with the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, that the "contacts" proposed by EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana to Iran early this week are a kind of "discussions" that will constitute an "opportunity for serious negotiations" that will subsequently become a "possibility to solve the intricate problem... and then the joint work will begin, to deal with the international problem concerning Iran's nuclear program." [4]

The following are excerpts from Ahmadinejad's speech at Kerman: [5]

"You Yourselves Know That You Are Today In A Position Of Weakness; Your Hands Are Empty, And You Can No Longer Promote Your Affairs From A Position Of Strength"

"We welcome [the call by the West for dialogue with Iran], but we put forth several proposals to them: We say to you that you yourselves know that you are today in a position of weakness. Your hands are empty, and you can no longer promote your affairs from a position of strength. We recommend that you amend your rhetoric towards the rest of the nations, respect them, and not talk with the Iranian nation from the position of egocentric people. [Iran] will respond to anyone who wants to talk with the Iranian nation from a position of egocentrism just like it responded to Mr. Bush..."

"There have been great changes in the world in this past year. We are drawing up a new package, which we will present when it is ready. This package guarantees peace, justice, respect for the nations, and the participation of all of them in resolving world problems. We are people of dialogue and reason, and we say to you [i.e. the West] that today the world is run with respect and justice... and those who want to use [the tool] of forcing [a policy on others] are backwards. I hereby tell you that, with the grace of God, none of the [world] powers can now, nor will they ever be able to, force anything at all on the Iranian nation... For 30 years, the Iranian nation has invited you to reason, dialogue, and adherence to the law..."

"Anyone Who Talks About Change Must Change His Own Behavior and Policy"

"Anyone who talks about change must change his own behavior and policy. He must stop talking with the nations out of egocentrism and from a position of arrogance; he must officially recognize, and respect, the rights of the nations. Similarly, he must collect his forces from across the world, and withdraw them to his own borders..."

"The Fundamental Step [Must Be] the Collection and Destruction of All [Nuclear] Arsenals in the World"

"We hear that they [i.e. the Western countries] want, after 50 or 60 years [since WWII], to remove their atom bombs from Germany, and to return them to their own countries. This is a good move, but we maintain that the fundamental step [must be] the collection and destruction of all [nuclear] arsenals in the world, in a single place, together with their storehouses, so that the nations will attain peace and tranquility...

"If they ask for real change, they must withdraw all their military bases and respect the independence and the values of the nations.

"Four and a half years ago, those [i.e. the reformists under Iranian President Mohammad Khatami] who went to negotiate [with the West] said to their interlocutors, after they agreed to freeze all [uranium enrichment], "We want [nuclear energy for the purposes of] science and technology. Give us permission to operate 20 centrifuges.' But the other side [i.e. the West] answered insolently, 'If you want to operate 20 centrifuges, you must discuss this for 10 years, and maybe after 10 years you will get permission to operate 20 centrifuges.'

"But today, with the grace of God, and thanks to Iran's national unity, the recommendations of Supreme Leader [Ali Khamenei], and the following of his [path], nearly 7,000 centrifuges are spinning today at Natanz, mocking them." [6]

[1] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 2305, "Ahmadinejad in Response to Obama: 'Any Hand Outstretched to Attack Us Will Be Cut Off,'" April 2, 2009,

[2] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 2297, "Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei's New Year Speech and Reactions to President Obama's Message," March 25, 2009,

[3] See "Iran Denies Talks with American Representatives at the Hague,", April 1, 2009.

[4] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), April 15, 2009.

[5] ISNA (Iran), April 15, 2009.

[6] ISNA (Iran), April 15, 2009.
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Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Ahmadinejad - CAIR Caught Selling Jihadist And Anti Judeo/Christian Books To Public
4/18/2009 3:01:01 PM

Hello Friends,

We've been discussing what is happening in our backyards right in front of our eyes and not in other countries. It's impossible to say that this doesn't affect "me" anymore cos it's here in front of you and can't and shouldn't be ignored.

The FBI suspended all contact with CAIR recently and this organization that is backed by the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia is out there fighting for the domination of Islam over the country you all love.

ACT caught CAIR selling their hate and Jihadi books in Jacksonville, Fla.

It's time to act and fight this evil that's in your midst.



ACT (Jacksonville) has caught on tape the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR - Orlando chapter), selling radical Jihadist material by Sayyid Q'utb (the father of modern day Jihad) at a CAIR recruiting event in Central Florida.

If that wasn't enough, they were also selling hard core anti-Judeo-Christian books to children. One such book titled "Let the Bible Speak" states, "Thus you saw the bible spoke, do you still think it is His [God's] bible? These words of blasphemy are written by some liar. May God burn his fingers which wrote falsely these words."

Be sure to click on the red HQ button (lower right on video) to watch and listen in HiDef.

Atlas Shrugs

((youtube id="T3YVv4ewdCk&feature"))((/youtube))

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Litigation Jihad - Florida Passes Anti-Terror Libel Tourism Law
4/18/2009 11:30:32 PM
Hello Friends,

Good news for a change. The Florida State Congress passed a law protecting its citizens from Jihad litigation similar to New York's Rachel's Law. 

Florida citizens will be protected against Jihad litigation when exposing and expressing their views by foreign countries or individuals that haven't got similar freedom of speech laws like the United States and all the States have in their constitution's. The first Amendment might be sneered upon by the great pretender but despite the tactics used by his administration to shut people up the different States are showing they respect and honor the Constitution of the United States.

Bravo, Florida and New York. Let's see the Senate pass a similar law that it's considering in the rules committee (Senate Bill 1066) and then pass it on the Senate floor.

I hope all the other States will follow in the path and example set by New York and Florida.



Litigation jihad: Florida Passes Anti-Terror Libel Tourism Law

Despite the temporary leftist Islamic takeover of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, there are heroes across this great nation taking action to protect us from jihad. In this latest victory, the scourge of a particularly devastating jihad, litigation jihad, was defanged in Florida.

Florida has passed a libel tourism law much like the one we passed in New York, Rachel's law, named after the courageous author Rachel Ehrenfeld, who exposed terror financing and was sued by one of the richest men in Saudi Arabia. Consider the Saudi billionaire Sheikh Khalid Bin Mahfouz's wallet, and then imagine Rachel's wallet. David meets Goliath.

David won :)



~Bill Shields Floridians from Libel Suits Filed by Terrorists, Other Foreigners~

TALLAHASSEE, FL - Representative Charles E. Van Zant (R-Keystone Heights) lauded the unanimous passage of House Bill (HB) 949 by the Florida House of Representatives. The measure relates to grounds for non-recognition of foreign defamation judgments. This legislation closely resembles a similar law that was passed nearly a year ago by the New York Legislature.

HB 949, like the law passed in New York, will help in the fight against a tactic known as “Libel Tourism” which results from defamation lawsuits filed against authors critical of individuals with known ties to terrorist organizations like al Qaeda and Hamas. The lawsuits have been finding their way into foreign courts. HB 949 will provide Florida courts with the ability not to recognize a foreign judgment, if that country’s laws protecting free speech and the free press are not at least as protective as freedoms provided in the constitutions of Florida and United States.

“This bill protects all Floridians’ fundamental right to the freedom of speech and press without fear of reprisal from foreign courts,” said Representative Van Zant, the bill’s sponsor. “Political speech is a right we as Americans and Floridians hold dear. This law will ensure that no Floridian will ever have to answer to terrorists as a result of their criticism of terrorism, or its enablers.”

House Majority Leader, Adam Hasner (R-Boca Raton) added, “This bill protects Floridians from having their right to free speech suppressed by those with radical ideologies. Foreign courts that do not place the same value on our constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech will no longer be used to intimidate Florida citizens.”

The bill’s companion, Senate Bill 1066, will be considered in the Senate Rules Committee before heading to the Senate floor for final passage. 

Atlas Shrugs

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Litigation Jihad - Florida Passes Anti-Terror Libel Tourism Law
4/19/2009 1:30:30 PM

Thanks Peter.

Very interesting.

Imagine the nerve that that Arab had to sue Rachel.  I am so glad she won!

As a matter of fact, I cannot get over the nerve most of the Muslims have to say and do what they say and do.  I never dreamed I would see in my lifetime what I am seeing.


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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Litigation Jihad - Florida Passes Anti-Terror Libel Tourism Law
4/19/2009 11:47:23 PM

Hi Helen,

Unfortunately the writing's been on the wall for many years and only recently have many become aware of inherent dangers if extreme/radical Islam.

The many forms of Jihad is countless and the Jihad litigation is just one of them.

Good for Rachel for being brave enough to fight and eventually win. And good for New York and Florida for passing laws protecting its citizens!



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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