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Jim Allen

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4/13/2009 7:43:33 PM

Actually Peter,

This thread has progressed from a satirical cartoon about the the "Human Shields In Gaza" and has progressed to the point it has come to.  ;-)  Started with the dry and often facetious humor of "Dry Bones".  So your description must be of something else "The objective is and will remain to show the dangers of Islam and its teachings. How it affects us and is already affecting us. How it's infiltrated our societies and it's no longer creeping but escalating by leaps and bounds"

Now I know we have progressed past the dry humor and satire that started this discussion.

Helen, I believe you will find Peter, and I were on this trail long ago, and were chided back then too.  The only difference now is,... their plan worked, they have a representative as the leader of the once most powerful nation in the world and they did it right under our very eyes.  While we were telling other folks how to live.

Here we are having the same discussion and no closer to a remedy.  Because we fail to realize our kitchens need to be clean before we inspect someone Else's and complain.  When that comparison is made, folks get defensive.  I wonder why?

Islam is here in your backyard and moderates not speaking up is only helping the radicals.  We should support those speaking up and asking for help/



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Peter Fogel

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4/14/2009 12:56:52 AM

Hello Jim,

Wrong yet again. This thread hasn't progressed from using the Dry bones political satire it's progressed with it throughout this thread or haven't you noticed that. As I said in a reply to Amanda satire is an acceptable form of expression especially if used and done well. Dry Bones does just that. When not done well and I'm not talking about satire now but facetiousness it can be misunderstood as yours was.

So, we haven't progressed past the Dry Bones satire we've progressed with and reached this stage of the discussion. This had never been nor was it meant to be a humorous thread so it progressed from the Hamas's use of human shields in Gaza to the stage it's at today. Reread the first page and see for yourself not a very funny post.

Now, I stand by what I wrote yesterday: "The objective is and will remain to show the dangers of Islam and its teachings. How it affects us and is already affecting us. How it's infiltrated our societies and it's no longer creeping but escalating by leaps and bounds".  It hasn't changed, nor will the fact that there are many problems that have to be corrected in our backyard. One has nothing to do with the other. Clean up house and fight the battle against those that want to dominate and kill you as their Koran demands they do.

Once again you lack consistency. You said that we started this long ago and that's true and then you say in the same breath that
"Because we fail to realize our kitchens need to be clean before we inspect someone Else's and complain".  So, you have to make up your mind if we have the right to try and clean up our backyard and at the same time protect it from radical Islam that is looking  to dominate the world and destroy our way of life. This is doubly even triply important now that they have their "guy" in the White House.

Once again I am in total agreement with your last sentence and have said so in numerous posts.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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4/14/2009 2:27:56 AM
Hello Friends,

Yesterday I posted about the 1st Free Speech Summit with Gert Wilders and CAIR didn't waste any time attacking the summit and free speech yet again.

the FBI disassociated itself from CAIR (finally). They are a Muslim Brotherhood front in the United States. They want nothing more then to advance the plan for Islamic/Muslim world domination and supremacy. This a prime example of the problems we are facing in our backyards and they have to be dealt with before it's to late. Freedom of speech is at stake here and without that we've lost the game.

There are a few very interesting links in the articles below and well worth reading.




Freedom of speech in the age of jihad? Co-conspirator CAIR will have none of it.Not 24 hours after I announced the historic FREE SPEECH SUMMIT with Geert Wilders, un-indicted co-conspirator CAIR continued, in typical KKK fashion, to shut down free speech. The Muslim Brotherhood front, in its relentless pursuit to islamize the USA and impose shariah .... thugs, intimidates and assaults free speech, the cornerstone of our constitutional republic and the cement that holds the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the souls of free men together.

CAIR issued a press release and went off on yours truly and every other defender of freedom and Western values.

Does CAIR speak out against the 13,ooo Islamic attacks since 9/11? Honor killings? Jew hatred? Islamic clitorectomies? Islamic child marriage? Islamic human slavery? Have they tried to save the seven year old child bride in Nashville? No instead they threaten and sue to keep law enforcement out of the mosques. They have one purpose. To undermine America and further Islamic supremacism and domination.

Robert Spencer has dissected the whole ugly lot of jihad sympathizers here: CAIR attacks Spencer even though he is not speaking at the conference.

MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2009

US Hamas-Funding Group Protests Geert Wilders Free Speech Award

Last year when the world guilty was read a total of 108 times in a Dallas court room as a jury convicted the Holy Land foundation and each of the defendants of raising money to fund Hamas terrorism, they were implicating CAIR also.The supposed Human rights organization was an unindicted co-conspirator in the case. Indeed one key piece of evidence was the Wiretap evidence that put CAIR's former executive director, Nihad Awad, at a Philadelphia meeting of Hamas leaders. Participants hatched a plot to deceive Americans and disguise payments to Hamas as it launched a campaign of terror attacks. CAIR co-founder Omar Ahmad also joined Hamas big shots at the summit.

Next Monday there is scheduled to be a Free Speech Summit in Del Rey Florida, where Geert Wilders is supposed to speak and receive an award, the summit is put together by a group that includes ACT! for America, Liberty Legal Project,Frank Gaffney, Atlas Shrugs, Rep Adam Hasner,International Free Press Society, Joe Kaufman Americans Against Hate among many others.

As you would expect the terrorist funding, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is not happy.

CAIR: Fla. House GOP Leader Linked to Anti-Islam Hate Fest 

Rep. Hasner asked to disassociate himself from 'Islamophobes and Muslim-bashers' 

WASHINGTON, April 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on the leader of that state's House Republicans to disassociate himself from an upcoming anti-Islam conference backed by a "motley collection of Islamophobes and Muslim-bashers."

CAIR said Rep. Adam Hasner is on the "host committee" for the April 27 conference in Delray Beach, Fla., featuring Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders. Wilders was recently denied entry to Britain because of his extreme anti-Muslim views, including urging that the Quran, Islam's revealed text, be banned.

Cair is not happy with Fitna, 15-minute film created by Wilders' that shows how verses from the Qur'an are being used today to incite modern Muslims to behave violently and anti-democratically based. Strangely the video is called anti-Muslim even though it all comes from the Qur'an. See the video below:

Jihad Watch         The Lid        Atlas Shrugs

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Re Pedophilia in Muslim countries
4/14/2009 4:54:15 AM

Hello Amanda and all

When it comes to atrocities, I believe the world not only has a right but an obligation to do something whether their own backyard is clean or not.  I don't care how someone keeps their house (or backyard).  What they are doing to innocents is the issue here they are using their space on earth to perform cruel acts against children and saying it is legal to do so making it impossible for the violated persons to seek refuge of any kind. 

I just don't know how it would need to be handled.  An outcry against the country via the media perhaps would be a start.  It isn't as if we are telling them how to live otherwise.  We are talking here about murder and child abuse. 

Like Peter pointed out, there are laws and people in western countries whose job it is to protect children and others.  Sure atrocities happen but at least people have a place where can seek help.  In Muslim countries the women and children have noone to whom they can turn and the atrocities continue day after day after year after year.

If we, in the west, had waited until 'our own kitchen was cleaned', Hitler would have killed ALL the Jews and all those who did not have blond hair and blue eyes, and would have brought Naziism to all of us a gift which is what he was dying to do.

Do you remember the lady in a Muslim country (I think it was Nigeria) about 5 years ago or more who was to be stoned because she was pregnant and had been divorced or separated from her husband for over 2 years indicating she had committed adultery or fornication with someone?  The authorities in that country had firmly decided that she was to be stoned to death.   There was a huge outcry from all over the world. Finally, it was decided she could live.  They decided she must have had seed from her husband laying dormant in her until one day it 'germinated' and a baby grew.  What a bunch of dummies but at least the woman did not have to be stoned.  I believe it was because of the outcries from around the world that she got to live.

My point is that we need to do more of that.  I just think we are as bad as they are when we say we have no right to tell them what to do in their own country when it involves crimes of murder and child abuse.

Believe me, that little 8 year old girl will suffer every day until she is granted the divorce.  There may not be intercourse but there will be everything else.  You can count on it because Muslim men believe that
females are there for their pleasures ....even the baby girls.  Did you not  watch the video for which I provided a link and which Peter posted of the lady who is a human rights activist in Bahrain and who said that men think they can take liberties with even 2 or 3 year old girls? 

It is WRONG not to say or do anything!  When we speak up, it gives people in those countries something to think about and hopefully speak up themselves.  We need to give them our support.  Thankfully we are still free to speak up and we should do it while we can.  By speaking up we can change attitudes.

And let's remember to pray for God to intervene where there are injustices anywhere and to bring justice, refuge and comfort to those who need His help.


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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Re Pedophilia in Muslim countries
4/14/2009 7:42:59 AM

Hi Helen,

Bringing attention to atrocities around the world always helps in a small way. I seriously doubt that Saudi Arabia will take notice though,

Their Sharia courts are among the most severe in the Muslim world. But it never hurts to try though.

Cleaning up the mess in our backyards is easier but not to be taken lightly. What worries me is the great influx of all these atrocities happening also in the United States and Canada. I am disturbed by the apparent acceptance and apathy of many to what's going on.

Let's hope that more people wake up to the dangers sooner rather then later.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7