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Peter Fogel

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4/13/2009 4:24:49 PM

Hi Jim,

I didn't say you supported Islam. But my understanding was the written word that they as followers of Islam have the right to their beliefs and marrying a 6 year old for them  is OK.

I believe many people read this thread and if I understood you as I did and I am your friend then how will others that don't know you at all understand what you wrote?

As I said in my previous post. Your intention was to be facetious and snide then with me you missed big time. The last sentence was what I thought were your opinions and yes they didn't jibe with the rest of your post.

I think this is a good example of misunderstanding intentions due to lack of clarity in what was written.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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4/13/2009 4:36:42 PM

Whatever makes you seem right I guess.

The point is that we have no right to impose our belief system on another country.  No matter how atrocious, unless those the atrocities are being imposed upon are ready to be counted as equals and not chattel. 

Especially one so totally foreign to ours, even if they are allies. 

Kind of as absurd as allowing Sharia Law to be practiced side by side with our laws and belief system.

Perhaps missing this point says something about the reader, maybe,  I don't know.  Amanda, seemed to have gotten it. ;-)

Anyways, have a nice day.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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4/13/2009 4:39:12 PM
Hello Jim,

I reckon I understand what you were trying to convey,
some dry humour, sarcasm and fascideousness - in such
a touchy and emotional topic. -  However, your attempts
did fall flat and got read at face value, hence the responses
you have received and maybe I can act as go between
here and hopefully explain how I see your actions.

Like I said earlier, my father use to do this to us and we
would react and an argument would start up. 

As I have grown older and thought back (maybe you have
alot of Kiwi in you) our Kiwi men are not easily able to
express their emotions in public and even to their families.
(many of the old Brits are this way too - the old 'stiff upper
lip' and men do not cry attitude, and New Zealanders are
said to be 'more British than the Brits) so many of the men
respond with a flippant reply which does not come over
well at all to the ones whom are looking for more of a
thought felt response.  Unfortunately these men think they
are funny and wonder why they receive the negative
responses they get as they do not see it as we do.


Helen Elias

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4/13/2009 5:27:45 PM

Hello Jim, Amanda, Peter and Geketa et al

I wonder, Jim, if you read the entire article.  I felt when I read your letter that you were being snide but just in case you weren't......

The article Peter posted said, among other things, "A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction".

This 'foreplay, rubbing and kissing' is, in itself, sexual abuse even when forced on an adult; then how much more if the victim is a child. It probably includes oral sex. As for sodomy, if I have the right understanding of what it is, it would be worse for the child (and even most adults) than actual intercourse.  All of it is horrific to a little child and should be completely sickening to anyone.

Amanda, if you know that your neighbor is beating his wife, you should not get involved and not call the police because it is not in your territory ....I am being "Jim".  I just wonder at what point do we get involved in other countries?  I think the world too often has sat by and did nothing while ruthless dictators butchered thousands of their people.  These people are almost always innocent of any wrongdoing.  If a country will not stick up for their children maybe we need to consider some sort of international law or action.  What adults do between each other is one thing but when children are terribly abused it quite another.

Like Geketa, I am outraged at this abuse but when we wish to murder and mutilate these wrongdoers are we not turning into something about as bad as they are?  Just a thought. 

The Muslim countries cut of arms and legs of people who steal.  They forgot to allow for cutting off another body part where child abuse is concerned.  It is lucky for these sick men that I am not the judge because I would not only demand castration but I would demand that everything was cut off so that the man would have to sit to pee.  See I'm no better.  Then I would demand that a tattoo be put on the leg near the 'amputation' that says 'penis never to be reconstructed'.  I would reserve this not only for men in the Muslim countries but also for those in North America and any where in the world.  A man prizes nothing more than his 'jewels' and cutting them off due to sexual child abuse would probably eliminate child abuse almost completely, I believe.

Here's a link of a woman in Bahrain, a Muslim country near Saudi Arabia, who is women and children's rights activist.  I am proud of her.  Notice how the interviewer wants her not to "go into details" but she just plows through.  Bravo!  If I could help her in some way I would.  Let's keep her and others, especially the children, in our prayers to not only to meet her needs but also to protect from harm.  It takes a lot of courage to do what she is doing and all of  that in a Muslim country.

You will find more videos of this woman and others by typing Muslim Woman Activist in the Search box.


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Peter Fogel

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4/13/2009 6:01:31 PM

Now Jim, you're not being consistent. Earlier you said you were being facetious and snide and now you come out and say the same thing again but with neither snideness nor facetiousness. Not sure where you are trying to go.

I have no doubt we will be unable to change their belief system nor change the laws within their countries. That's not the point nor the reason for this post and all the others.

The objective is and will remain to show the dangers of Islam and its teachings. How it affects us and is already affecting us. How it's infiltrated our societies and it's no longer creeping but escalating by leaps and bounds.

Minor weddings are happening in the US. Abuse of women, honor killings, terrorism and the list goes on and on. All happening in your backyard. So the objective is not to change them in their countries but to insure that they don't change us in ours.

Shariah law is creeping very quickly now in the USA and I know you are aware of that so before you know it Sharia law will be practiced side by side with our belief systems. That's their ultimate plan and then to finalize their plan it's only Shariah law.

So, you don't want to impose your belief system on them and rightly so but they damn well want to impose theirs on us.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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