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Peter Fogel

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4/12/2009 2:54:02 AM

Hi Helen,

Thanks again for your insight and advice on this most serious of subjects.

There are many places that much can be learned about the "plan" of Radical Islam and the most interesting part of it all is that they come out and say it in their videos, fatwas, the sermons of their clerics and Immams on a daily basis. It's not a supposition but coming directly from the source. If you dare question it's considered to be "defamation" of their religion if you can call it that.

The sources you gave are great and I especially liked the site you recommended a few days ago. It is excellent and different from many anti Islam sites; a real eye opener.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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4/12/2009 2:58:56 AM
Hello Friends,

Obama and his staunch defense and sympathy to Islam is evident to all that read the news and watch TV. My personal belief has always been that it runs much deeper then mere sympathy and defense but to matters of personal faith. I might be wrong but I find it hard to explain many of his latest actions, statements, observations and  places he's chosen to visit and in the same breath chosen not to visit (Turkey vs Normandy).

I read this article this morning at Atlas Shrugs and thought you might find it interesting. I will add one point to the many made in the article that BHO is looking to recruit additional Muslims for White House positions which I've posted about just a short while ago. This shows an agenda and it's working against us.



Much has been made about equating Bush's hand holding and Obama's bow to the Muslim king. Most folks, even on the right, draw fallacious similarities, and Atlas is here to tell you, it ain't so.

President Bush was wrong on Islam. Indeed. But his error was more in ignorance than anything else. He did not study the Quran, he was surrounded by taqiyya spouting dhimmis and Muslims. And let's be frank, Islam is a complicated, dark, deceptive ideology. You have to peel back layers of nonsense to get to the heart of jihad. How do you think they got where they are? Science? Technology, Medicine? 14th century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II nailed it when he said, "‘Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." (Pope Benedict cited this as well, which led to the papal jihad.)

On the other hand, Barack Hussein Obama was born Muslim. His father was a Muslim. His stepfather was a Muslim. He was raised in Jakarta, Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. He went to madrassah, he studied Quran. He knows. He knows what it is. He knows what it says.

The bow wasn't a "mistake". If it had been merely protocol, he would have bowed to the Queen of a country that is our staunchest ally. Instead, he bowed to the Muslim king of the most violent, misogynistic strain of Islam. That's no accident.

Obama was born a Muslim. Period. His father was a Muslim, and according to Islamic law, if your daddy is a Muslim, you are a Muslim. He claims to have converted to Christianity, but there is no record. No baptism - he admits to that. He joined a Nation of Islam-inspired church of black liberation theology.

He told Nicolas Kristof of the New York Times that the prettiest sound he ever heard was the Muslim call to prayer at sunset. [Fingernails, meet blackboard]. Any Muslim who has left Islam  ............Ibn Warraq, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Wafa Sultan does not speak of  Islam glowingly - as Obama does. They never speak of "respecting" Islam "even if you don't agree".

And this was no accident either:

((youtube id="bMUgNg7aD8M&feature"))((/youtube))

The bottom line is that you cannot equate Obama and Bush on Islam. Knowing the little that Bush knew (and who was whispering in his ear) and knowing everything that Obama knows, Bush still didn't bow. Obama bowed like an abid. He knows that, too. It's why he bowed.

Atlas Shrugs

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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4/12/2009 9:40:02 PM

Hello Peter

I was reading again the article you posted re Obama bowing to the Muslim king.

I noted with interest how Muslims expect us to "respect Islam even if we don't agree". 

My question is how can you respect something that is evil, is a gross lie and commands its followers to kill you. 

I have a Muslim friend who is upset with me because I refuse to "respect" her religion.  I told her I respected her right to choose which religion she wished to follow but that I could not respect respect her religion can I respect a religion that I believe is leading millions straight into hell. 

Hell is not a pretty place.  YouTube and have a great video interviewing 5 people who "died" and came back to life to tell us what hell is really like.  (One guy was so dead for so long they put him in the freezer at the morgue.  When they took him out three days later ....well, I'll let the video tell you the story.  Amazing!)  I call the video "great" and it is but the subject of it is horrific but truly mesmerizing.  You can find this video by putting  To Hell and Back  in the Search box on either website  >  >      OR

Then go to  to see how you don't need to go there and how to have peace in the midst of the storms we are facing right now.

Or you may email me at   >   >   if you have questions or comments that you might not want to put on a public forum.

Shalom and Happy Easter to all.


Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Peter Fogel

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4/13/2009 12:08:12 AM

Hi Helen,

Yes I have to agree. It is difficult to respect Islam when they demand of their followers to murder all infidels (u, me and ....), honor killings, abuse of women, brainwashing and so much more.

Yet, BHO says respect them. On a personal level i find that very hard to do.



P.S. You can enter the direct link to the youtube videos and that saves having to search for the particular video. If you need any assistance please pm me and I'll explain how to enter the videos directly into your post.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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4/13/2009 12:14:12 AM

Hello Friends,

Todays Dry Bones is very apt and hits the nail on the head. The subject line says Hamas vs Somali Pirates but Hezbollah should be added too.

When you  think about it there is not much difference between the Somalis and Hamas in regard to terrorism and lack of respect for humanity and human lives.

It's particularly important now that Egypt has taken drastic steps in curbing Hamas' smuggling through their tunnels after uncovering a Hezbollah attempt to undermine the Egyptian government and smuggle weapons to the Hamas via the tunnels.

What is important to remember is that both Hamas and Hezbollah are backed by the Iranian government and their lunatic leader. They have also tried in the past and now to undermine President Mubarak's government by telling the people to rebel against him. Mubarak is actively arresting Hezbollah members that are in Egypt and are destroying the tunnels much more actively now then in the past.



American sea Captain Richard Phillips was safely rescued yesterday from the Somali pirates who had been holding him in a lifeboat off the coast of Africa. He had been held for five days.

Gilad Schalit has now been held in Gaza for one thousand and twenty four days.

Somalia and Gaza are part of the growingly dark parts of our world which have become post-national... with violent hostage-taking gangs dominating both areas.

Hamas just has better PR.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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