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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - OBAMA SAYS.........
4/10/2009 3:15:11 AM
Hello Friends,

In his latest post Jim wrote that B. Hussein Obama in Turkey made the following Statement.
"America is not at war with Islam and never will be at war with Islam."  The truth of the matter is that he made many more outrageous statements. For example he used he word RESPECT many times in regard to Islam and one of the worst is  "Islam has changed the face of America". I have a series of questions about the respect we should have for them.

BHO says we are not at war with Islam and never will be and the only conclusion is where in the hell does this guy live. Islam is at war with the USA and Western culture world wide. The inroads they've made in Europe and other non Islamic countries is obvious to all. The inroads they've made in the USA is well out of proportion to the number of Muslims living in the US. Sharia law is creeping up on the sheeples without they're being aware of it even though the signs are there for all to see. So if the USA is not at war with Islam they sure as hell should be!

In regard to the respect he thinks they deserve. Here is a partial list of their culture, actions and beliefs. I wonder if they deserves our respect.

1. Honor Killings - this has been on the rise in the USA and Canada. Are we supposed to respect that?

2. Brutality to women - Common practice according to Islam sharia law. That really deserves respect.

3. Marriage to minors - That includes girls of 9 too. don't forget Hussein said to respect it.

4. Brain washing children -
They are being taught that all infidels deserve to die.
Friends that's happening in the USA too but according to Obama it deserves respect.

Last in this never ending list cos there are so many more that really deserve our respect according to Hussein but they are out there for all of you to see.  This one affects everyone of you that is not a Muslim and believe me they mean it cos it's written in their Koran.

5. JIHAD - That my friends is the holy war they have against all infidels and those that don't convert to Islam. They are told to kill all infidels and this Jihad according to B. Hussein Obama this is to be respected.

I remind you that everything above is written in the Koran and if you are an infidel as I am you should be damn worried.

I ask again. Who does this man represent cos it sure doesn't feel as if he represents me or you!?

My next post will be about How "Islam has changed the face of America"


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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4/10/2009 3:34:47 AM

Hello Jim

There is a way to help to wake up the sheeple and that is to send Muslim videos and the movie, "Fitna" to as many email addresses as possible.  I do it all the time.  I have a list of over 200 and they are getting educated and hopefully they are also sending the videos and articles to others ....but I cannot do it by myself. 

If you don't have a list of names, you will soon have if you work at it and you will discover how easy it is to get names/emails.  This issue is so important that we should consider buying lists if we don't have a big list.

I also find it is best not to send too much in one email because if my email is too long, people will just Delete it.  I also intersperse the Muslim videos with lighter stuff so they don't get bored.

Another thing I do is encourage everyone to send the video   emails to as many of their elected representatives as possible in order to educate them on what is going on.  Politicians just don't have time to do all the research themselves and appreciate being let in on the news they won't find on TV.

I also ask people to demand that immigration from Muslim countries be stopped.

Do you want to be on my list, anybody?  Send your email address to me at and request to be put on my email list.  The emails I send out are on various topics.  You can request to be taken off at any time.  I promise not to cry  :)


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Helen Elias

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4/10/2009 3:42:50 AM

Hello to Robert and everyone

What some people do with controversial videos is to download them onto their computers and when YouTube takes them off of the internet, they keep reposting them over and over again.  Could you do that with the RuTube video?


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Peter Fogel

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4/10/2009 9:38:04 PM

Hi Helen,

That's definitely one of the ways to get to many people and of course there are others as well.

The most important point is that we all do something to pass on our concerns to as many people as possible.

I believe the reposting of videos is possible on rutube too but the video Robert posted is still up there and the link can be passed on to your list.



P.S. I've added you to my email list.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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4/11/2009 4:01:35 AM

Peter, Jim et al

I agree that Obama doesn't know what he is saying or doing ...but then again maybe he knows exactly what he is doing and saying.  Or maybe he is being led by Satan.

If anyone thinks that the Islamists can be appeased with love and acceptance has not studied much about the Islamic agenda.  Muslims believe what the Qu'ran says and they think nothing is more important than following what it says.  And it says to kill the 'infidels' and apostates and promotes much other violence.  Muslims believe they are doing God a service by killing Jews.  It does not matter how nice we treat them, they will not stop the killing. 

As much as I hate killing, I don't see any solution to this problem but to kill them before they kill us and I am especially talking about the extremist Muslims.  But before we are in too big a hurry to exonerate the so-called moderate Muslims, we need to remember that many of them are supporting the extremists with money and psychologically  ...I believe many of them are afraid not to do so and are afraid of the extremists as much or more so than we are.

The Islamists have an agenda and all the love, appeasement, tolerance and acceptance in the world that anyone and everyone can muster will not change that.  As a matter of fact, this love, appeasement, tolerance and acceptance will just make it easier and faster for them to get to their goal of infiltrating the USA and all countries of the world, converting everyone into a Muslim and killing anyone who refuses to 'convert'.  Anyone who wants to learn more about it can go to YouTube and make a Search for "Muslim" (without quotes) and you will learn what these people are about right from their own lips. 

A great site is  ...again Search the word "Muslim" (w/o quotes).  I especially like this site because it does not have so much Islamic propaganda as YouTube does.  After spending some time at the tangle site, you can go to YouTube and you will be better equipped to tell what is propaganda and which is not.  Even so, an inexperienced person could easily be duped so be careful what you believe until you have looked at all sides of the picture.  You can tell how badly many in the world are duped by how they believe all those lies and that stuff coming from the Palestinians.  Much of it is outrageous lies but I admit, some of it is not.

The ordinary Palestinians are in a bad way, no doubt.  They have far more to be afraid of from their own leaders than they do from the Israelis. 

When we are praying for the Israelis, let us also pray for those Palestinians who are being held captive by their leaders through no fault of their own.  They have to do what their leaders say or they will be killed themselves.  I think we would be appalled if we knew the real truth.

I admit that much of this post is simply my opinion but remember I have studied much about this not just from Christians and Jews but also directly from Muslims themselves and therefore, my opinion is an educated one.  You can learn a lot, too, just by watching videos on YouTube and Tangle website
s.  My Muslim friend said I should not be watching all that junk on YouTube.  I agree that there is a lot of junk on YouTube but I have found a lot of good stuff, too.


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