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Peter Fogel

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3/29/2009 5:34:05 AM

Hello Friends,

We've all seen the brainwashing tactics the extreme/radical Islam is using in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Gaza etc. BUT the following video is of a very cute 2 year old girl in New York!!!!! This is in our back yard my friends. It's happening all over the world and it's up to us to put en end to it.

Note the answers in regard to Jews and Christians. Little does this cute brainwashed little girl know that when she grows up she'll just be another possession of her father, brothers, husband etc. To be used and disposed of if they so decide.   

As strange as it might sound this little girl is part of the enemy within our borders. Wake up my friends before it's to late.



((youtube id="gGFjkfKoECc&feature"))((/youtube))

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Obama is deliberately recruiting Muslims for White House positions!
3/29/2009 3:01:15 PM

Hello Peter and all!

Here's another wakeup call!

Obama is recruiting Muslims for posts in the government!

The liberals and the politically correct just don't get it.  The purpose of most Muslims is the takeover of the United States by beginning with infiltration of the government and Obama GIVES THEM WHAT THEY WANT!  Unbelievable!  For the jihadists that means to eventually kill anyone who does not become a Muslim no matter what.  It will not save anyone's neck to cowtow to these people.  Doesn't anyone see that?  They are intent on domination and determined to let nothing stop them.

The jihadists see this kind of an action as a weakness on the part of the US government, rightly so and it only adds fuel to their fire.  They see it as fear on the part of the US government and its citizens which is what it is. 

Their goal is to instill fear and then they know they've got you!

Have you ever seen how a bully uses fear to victimize his target?   The man who beats his wife is an example.  The bully is actually a big coward and all he needs is for someone to stand up to him.  It brings to mind a story of one woman who tied her husband to the bed when he passed out and then whipped him unmercifully with a switch.  He never beat her again.   As long as the bully sees fear he knows he has control.  The jihadists are bullies and need to be treated as such.

The only thing these people understand is a strong firm stand against them which shows no fear of them and their goals of takeover and this, I hate to say it, would also mean having them look into the barrel of a gun from time to time ...often.  I am opposed to violence but I see no other way.

Doesn't anyone see that even the so-called moderate Muslims who might be against the jihadists, cannot speak out about it for fear of his own neck because Muslims not only kill 'the infidel', they also kill other Muslims over anything that they see as the most minor of infraction that stands in their way.

And what happened to the separation of church and state?  Or does it not apply to Islam? 

Oh, I forgot.  This is how we do political correctness.  How stupid of me!

The whole thing makes me sick.


Here's the article.....

WND Exclusive

Posted: March 28, 2009
11:55 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – Barack Obama is conducting his own affirmative action program to get more Muslims in the White House.


The move began with Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn, who took his oath of office with a hand on the Quran, to solicit the resume of what he considered to be the nation's most qualified adherents of Islam.


According to the Denver Post, when White House officials heard about the program, it was put on overdrive.


So far, 45 Ivy League grads, Fortune 500 executives and government officials have been submitted for consideration.


J. Saleh Williams, program coordinator for the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association, sifted through more than 300 names as part of the search.


"It was mostly under the radar," Williams said. "We thought it would put (the president) in a precarious position. We didn't know how closely he wanted to appear to be working with the Muslim American community."


Ellison is serious about his faith. He made the pilgrimage to Mecca with the sponsorship of the Muslim American Society, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.


In 1991, Mohamed Akram wrote a memo for the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood that explained its work in America as "a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."

End of article

To see a picture of Keith Ellison taking an oath with his hand on the Qu'ran, go to:

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Jim Allen

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Obama is deliberately recruiting Muslims for White House positions!
3/29/2009 3:19:46 PM

They are making no bones about their mission.  They believe they are right, period. 

Overview: America has witnessed the expansion of Islam from a few mosques in urban cities to today's rural south and the Midwestern heartland, or as one poet put it, 'from sea to shining sea.' Muslim schools, businesses, political organizations, associations, and institutions, inundate the landscape of America.

Despite Islam's growth in America, there are certain groups in and outside of America that have long used bigoted distortions of Islam; portraying Muslims in America as seditious, dangerous, and totally incompatible with American life. Since the Sept. 11th tragedy, these same forces have intensified this vile propaganda with reckless abandonment. It is important that Muslims in America not be viewed as a 'fifth column.' Muslims must continue to build a grassroots movement that supports an all-encompassing approach of total integration into American Society for the express purpose of fulfilling the mandate of Allah (SWT) 'to enjoin that which is good and forbid that which is bad,' in a quest to make a better America for ourselves, our children, and all Americas.

Our Mission: To build an integrated empowerment process for the American Muslim community through civic education, participation, community outreach, and coalition building; to forge positive relationships with other institutions outside of our community, that will ensure and facilitate the protection of civil rights and liberties for American Muslims and all Americans

Methodology: Masjid-based grassroots education, local leadership training, youth training, coalition building and networking, and special events towards positively impacting mainstream America.

Focus: Engagement of the following American institutions and organizations in order to build a broad based coalition that will enhance the religious political and social viability of the American Muslim Community:

  • Voter Registration & Education Organizations
  • Local civic groups
  • Municipal & state officials
  • Congress
  • Civil rights and progressive political groups: NAACP, ACLU, ANSWER, SCLC, CRLC
  • Organized labor
  • The Media
  • College campuses
  • Immigrant groups, Black, Hispanic, & Asian churches, & other non-Muslim religious institutions


Now that you know what do you do? 

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Helen Elias

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Obama is deliberately recruiting Muslims for White House positions!
3/29/2009 3:38:53 PM

Hello again
I'd like to add just one more point. 
No matter how afraid we might be, it does not pay to show fear.
We MUST stand up to the Muslims who would create our demise.  The minor sacrifice we may have to make now is nothing compared to what it will be when extremist Muslims have their way fully.  Do you remember the documentaries that CNN did about Afghanistan a few years ago?  Do you want that here?
I say this to all who want nothing to do with a Muslim-run government.  Even if you are Muslim who is against takeover by extremists Muslim, you need to stand up NOW or we ALL, including Muslims, will pay dearly in the not too distant future.  Will a few of us lose our lives if we speak up?  Yes, probably but if the servicemen can do it with even greater risk than what we would bear, then surely we can be brave, too.
I would sooner be dead (I'll be in heaven, I hope you will be as well) than be a Muslim.  Men, if you don't want to put your nose to a mat 5 times a day and women, if you don't want to wear a burka constantly, then take action now because tomorrow might be too late. 
Furthermore, we should not be waiting until they come here.  We should fight them where they are now.

When it comes to burkas, well, blue just isn't my color.


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Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - Obama is deliberately recruiting Muslims for White House positions!
3/29/2009 7:38:17 PM
Hi Helen,

Thank you for posting this article and your thoughts on this subject. I read the WND article earlier today and was planing to post it here and you did it for me. Thanks again. :)

You mentioned it might not be politically correct mentioning this and all I can say at this stage is damn political correctness and let's get down to the business of saving the USA and the rest of the world from radical/extreme Islam and their supporter in the White House BHO.

When I first read the article it didn't surprise me in the least. when you consider the people Obama is surrounding himself with (pro islamists) the next stage is bringing Islam into the White House. I wonder when the Mosque will be built on the White House grounds?

Rep. Keith Ellison was the first step and he proudly took his oath of office with his hand on the Koran. As the article states he is serious about his "religion" and made the pilgrimage to mecca under the auspices of the Islamic Brotherhood's offshoot US organization the Muslim American Society. Interesting to think that the Congressman is also a Haj after the pilgrimage. I wonder what he honors more?

These are dangerous times and BHO is leading us into the snake pit. The American people are allowing him to do that without blinking an eye.

Where is the outrage and understanding that the endgame he's playing is for Islam and not for the USA, it's people and it's constitution? I've said in the past that Islam has an agent in the White House and here's the proof of the pudding.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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