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Geketa Holman

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3/31/2009 10:30:15 AM
Hello Peter and friends,

I missed this thread a lot and finally got my computer fixed. It took  longer than I had thought but she is finally up and running Thank G-d ! :)
ok ,I am not a computer geek so it took me a while LOL

Here is an article I received  from Yidwithlid and thought you all might like to see what BO is up too on his trip to Europe;it seems like he is crawling in bed with every anti American on the earth while the sheeples sleep like babies on our hard earned tax dollars totally unaware to what is going on! We all know how much Turkey loves the US !

Why Is Obama Going to a Pro-Islamist Conference in Turkey ?

U.S. President Barack Obama will visit Turkey between April 6-7 to attend an annual forum of the Alliance of Civilizations in Istanbul, Spanish diplomatic sources said on Monday. Turkey’s president said Tuesday Obama's planned visit was very important. Obama will attend the second annual forum of the U.N.-led Alliance of Civilizations initiative, co-chaired by Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his Spanish counterpart Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the sources told Spain's official news agency EFE.  Hurriyet News Service  
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Report describes the Alliance of Civilizations as an organization which is represented in the U.S. and Europe by individuals sympathetic to the global Muslim Brotherhood. According to the AOC website, the AOC “High Level Group Members” in the U.S. and Western Europe are: Prof. John Esposito (United States), Rabbi Arthur Schneier (United States), Hubert Védrine (France),Karen Armstrong (United Kingdom)

Esposito is an apologist for the radical Islamist movement;
Impugning those who equate Islamist movements “with radicalism and terrorism,” Esposito claims that such thinking merely “becomes a convenient pretext for crushing political opposition.” Islamist movements, he explains, “are not necessarily anti-Western, anti-American, or anti-democratic.” Moreover, he minimizes the fact that those nations that have adopted Islamic law are, for the most part, totalitarian states that export terrorism and egregiously violate the human rights of their inhabitants. “Contrary to what some have advised,” he writes, “the United States should not in principle object to implementation of Islamic law or involvement of Islamic activists in government.” Source
In fact all of the attendees above are apologists of either the radical Islamist movement or to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The question is why is the US Commander of Chief of a War on Terrorism attending a conference that supports a radical Islamist point of view?:
President Obama, The Alliance of Civilizations, And The Return Of John Esposito The Global Muslim Brotherhood Report

Esposito, a Georgetown University academic, has been a long-time supporter of the global Muslim Brotherhood and has espoused views consistent with Brotherhood doctrine. He has at least a dozen past or present affiliations with global Muslim 

Brotherhood/Hamas organizations including having served on the advisory boards of the Institute of Islamic Political Thought in the U.K. and the United Association for Studies and Research in the U.S. and has served with global Muslim Brotherhood leader Youssef Qaradawi on the Steering Committee of the Circle of Tradition and Progress. In 2005, Saudi prince Alaweed bin Talal, a financial supporter of the global Muslim Brotherhood donated $20 million to the Center for Muslim Christian Understanding at Georgetown, headed by Dr. Esposito. According to his CV, Dr. Esposito had previously been a “Foreign Affairs Analyst” for the U.S. State Department intelligence agency (INR) and during the 1990’s was known for his claims that Islamic fundamentalism was, in fact, democratic and posed no threat to the U.S.

Dr. Esposito’s influence on the AOC may perhaps account for the AOC support of global Brotherhood positions and organizations. For example, previous posts have discussed the effort by the U.S. Brotherhood to eliminate reference to “Islamic terrorism” from the lexcion of counter-terrorism. An AOC report echoes this theme:

Assertions that Islam is inherently violent and related statements by some political and religious leaders in the West – including the use of terms such as “Islamic terrorism” and “Islamic fascism” - have contributed to an alarming increase in Islamophobia which further exacerbates Muslim fears of the West.

As other posts have discussed, in order to defend Islam (Islamism) from charges that it is inherently violent/terroristic, the Brotherhood deceives the public about the nature of Jihad. Another AOC report similarly obfuscates:

Among the intra-Muslim debates that most directly affect relations with Western societies is that over the concept of “jihad”. The notion of jihad is a rich one with many shades of meaning, ranging from the struggle between good and evil that is internal to every individual (often referred to as the “greater” jihad in Islam) to the taking up of arms in defense of one’s community (the “lesser” jihad). Increasingly, this term is used by extremists to justify violence with little consideration for the historical context and the related religious exigencies that most Muslim scholars agree should inform its application. When such exhortations to violence by radical factions are picked up and amplified by media and Western political leaders, the notion of “jihad” loses the multiple meanings and positive connotations it has for Muslims and becomes only associated with violent and negative meanings which have been wrongly attributed to the term.

Also key to the global Brotherhood deception campaign is the defense of violence carried out by Islamist groups. Since according to the Brotherhood these groups cannot, by definition, be motivated by Islamic ideology, there can be only one answer- they are fighting because of “legitimate grievances” and hence are “freedom fighters. As the same AOC report asserts:

In evaluating the relations between Western and Muslim societies it is important to note that Islamist activism does not necessarily produce Islamist militancy within societies and the latter does not automatically lead to violent confrontation with the West. It is the invasion of certain Muslim countries by Western military forces and their continued presence in these countries, combined with the suppression of political movements in the Muslim world, that are among the reasons for violent manifestations.

In a report on education, the AOC lauds the work of three organizations said to be engaged in the reform of religious education:

In the Muslim community, to cite one example among many, efforts have been ongoing for decades with the purpose of reforming religious education (often called Islamic Studies) in order to make it more relevant to the needs of modern youth, and to find a workable balance between traditional and innovative methods of instruction. Much of this work has taken place among Muslims who had emigrated to Western countries after World War II. Examples are the Islamic Foundation ( established in 1973, Iqraí International Educational Foundation established in 1983, the International Board of Educational Research and Resources (IBERR) ( established out of a series of international conferences between 1977 and 1987 to improve religious education, for the purposes of producing curriculum and instructional materials for Muslim youth.

IBERR, Iqra, and the Islamic Foundation, are all tied to the global Muslim Brotherhood. The report goes on later to cite the work of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID), an organization initiated by Dr. Espositio in 1998 and also tied to the global Brotherhood.

Dr. Esposito appeared to have had lost considerable influence following his pre-911 denials that Islamism posed a threat to the U.S, but this is not the first time that his name has recently surfaced in connection with high-profile Obama administration events. Earlier this month Chas Freeman, the former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, withdrew his name from consideration for the post of National Intelligence Council chairman. Although no longer listed as such, Mr. Freeman was widely reported at the time of his nomination to have been the President of the MIddle East Policy Council where Dr. Espositio is listed as a member of the National Advisory Board along with numerous other supporters of the global Brotherhood including Louis Cantori of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) and Omar M. Kader of CSID.

Of the other three members of the AOC, Karen Armstrong has the strongest ties to the global Muslim Brotherhood. She has written numerous books and articles sympathetic to Islamist movements and in 2004 was presented with an award by the Association of Muslim Social Scientists UK (AMSSUK), branch of the U.S. organization headquartered at IIIT.

New York Rabbi Arthur Schneier attended the July 2008 Madrid interfaith conference where, as a previous post discussed, almost all of the attendees from the U.S. and Europe were associated with the global Muslim Brotherhood.

Hubert Védrine is a French Socialist politician and former adviser to former French President Francois MItterand widely thought of as anti-American and who has also taken positions on terrorism consistent with the global Brotherhood.

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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3/31/2009 10:32:32 AM
Hello Jim,

I'm not sure I understand parts of your post. Mabus might indeed plead temporary insanity for his actions with his ex wife but his connection and ties to Islam is the fact that he was a former US Ambassador in Saudi Arabia. The same as Chas Freeman was. That is the connection and his claim to fame is his recording a meeting they had with their Minister Jerry Hines. Hines knew the meeting would be recorded and didn't inform the wife of this fact.

As to Islam and the Muslim being a generic brand of a faction of Islam. No such thing Jim! There are different sects within Islam like the shi'ites and sunnis but they are all Muslims. There were no Muslims prior to  Mohammad's creation of Islam. They have only one "Prophet" and he is Mohammad and all Muslims follow his word.

I'm not sure but I think you might be confusing Arabs and the rest of the Muslim countries. But there is only one Islam and all the followers are Muslims.

In regard to the rest of your post. Islam and for sure radical Islam has an agenda of world domination. That is written in the Koran and how to deal with the infidels is also written there. Why are Muslims coming to the USA and other western countries? Some to better themselves and get away from the primitive societies they came from and some as part of the "plan". But even those that wanted a better life accept the dogma of the extremists and very few speak out against them.

It's a fact that we see all around us that they expect us to change our ways to accommodate them and not vice versa. This a first since prior to that all immigrants accepted the American way of life and they are the first that are demanding changes to suit their religion and customs.

The second part of your post I agree with. They are the enemy within as I've expressed many times. Obama is definitely not helping to lessen the dangers since he's trying to get more of them in government so he in fact is compounding the problem.

Radical Islam is the dominating factor in the world of Islam today. As Gert Wilders says. There might be moderate Muslims but there is no moderate Islam. Read the Koran it's all there in black and white for all to see.


Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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3/31/2009 10:56:00 AM
 Hi Geketa,

It's good to have you back and I'm glad you  finally solved your computer problems. We missed you here.

I just finished reading the article a short while ago. So many of BHO's travel plans are suspect and inexplicable as far as I'm concerned. Even the private meetings he'll have at the G20 is suspect. But the meeting in Istanbul is outrageous. We all know what the Muslim Brotherhood is and what their agenda is. They are the backbone of all the radical Muslims and their agenda is written for all to see. World domination and for Islam to be the only religion in the world. The "Alliance of Civilizations" is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and The President of the United States will take part in these meetings. Unbelievable. As part of this trip I think he should also go on pilgrimage to Mecca. Rest assured he'll do that to in the future.


Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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4/1/2009 3:11:04 AM
Hello Friends,

This is an interesting story that is actually quite sad cos it shows the different attitude and culture between Israel and the Palestinians.

An act of kindness and goodwill by a youth orchestra group called "The Strings of Peace" from the town of Jenin was closed down by the Palestinians cos they performed before a group of Holocaust survivors in Israel.

You can read more about it below.



Concert for Holocaust Survivors Is Condemned

Published: March 29, 2009

JERUSALEM — Palestinian political activists from the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank on Sunday condemned a camp youth orchestra’s performance for Holocaust survivors in Israel last week, and said they were banning the orchestra’s director, an Israeli Arab woman, from entering the camp.

In an unusual, almost surreal encounter, a group of 13 young musicians from the Jenin camp, ages 12 to 17, played Wednesday for about 30 elderly Holocaust survivors at a social club in the Israeli town of Holon, just south of Tel Aviv. The hourlong concert was a central event of Israel’s annual Good Deeds Day, sponsored by an Israeli billionaire.

Adnan al-Hindi, the leader of the camp’s Popular Committee, a grass-roots group representing the Palestine Liberation Organization, said the young musicians had been exploited by the orchestra director, Wafaa Younis, for the purpose of “normalizing” ties with Israel. He said by telephone that the children had been “deceived” and dragged unwittingly into a political situation that “served enemy interests” and aimed to “destroy the Palestinian national spirit in the camp.”

“It was a shock and a surprise to the children and their relatives,” he said, adding that Ms. Younis had told the young musicians’ families only that the trip to Holon was an opportunity for artistic self-expression.

Ms. Younis, from central Israel, has been traveling to Jenin every week for several years to teach music in the camp. Mr. Hindi said that the house she rented as a studio had been sealed, and that she was barred by the Popular Committee from all activity in the camp.

Ms. Younis accused camp officials of wanting to take over the orchestra to get its financing, according to The Associated Press. “They want to destroy this group,” she said. “It’s a shame, it’s a tragedy. What did these poor, elderly people do wrong? What did these children do wrong?”

Jewish suffering under the Nazis is a volatile subject in Palestinian society, where there is widespread ignorance of the details of the Holocaust and a feeling that Palestinians paid a price for it, viewing it as a main catalyst for the establishment of the Jewish state.

In Holon on Wednesday, it was clear that the young musicians knew little or nothing about the Holocaust or the nature of the audience that they were performing for.

Ms. Younis spoke of peace and brotherhood and said the orchestra, Strings of Freedom, had come “to put love and warmth into people’s hearts.”

The Jenin refugee camp, the capital of suicide bombers to the Israelis and a symbol of resistance to the Palestinians, was the scene of a bloody battle between advancing Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen in 2002.

Most of the Good Deed Day events were organized by Ruach Tova (Good Spirit), an Israeli organization that couples nonprofit groups with volunteers.

Ms. Younis had told Ruach Tova that she wanted to bring the youth orchestra to perform in Israel. Ruach Tova made the match with Amcha, an Israeli association that provides Holocaust survivors with emotional and social support.

Isabel Kershner reported from Jerusalem, and Khaled Abu Aker from Ramallah, West Bank.

New York Times

Read BBC Report Here

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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4/1/2009 8:55:17 AM
Hi Peter,
This is very sad indeed. I do not know which is the sadist  the fact the authorities shut them down or the
Palestinian's wanting to keep their children in ignorance. Hate is a very destructive force and ignorance can be a very useful tool to drive it and to carry out it's agenda.
Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one

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