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Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - OPTIMISM vs PESSIMISM
3/26/2009 1:46:45 AM

Hi Robert,

Yes, you got that right. The problem is that this is not an individual case and it's happening all over the world. Not only in Islamic countries.

The paradox is that in the western countries (Eurabia) they condone it and leave them alone (fear?) but in an Islamic country they at least had the common sense to put this sick guy away. This is the exception to the rule for the Islamic countries too but at least one's done the right thing.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - OPTIMISM vs PESSIMISM
3/26/2009 5:06:56 AM

Hello Peter,

(Eurabia!) Yes, we have not got the desert sands and their exotic oases yet, but stick around and soon we will see the dust, filth and ashes of the European deserts. Quite symptomatic that Geert is being pursued by the leftish anti racist gangs of perverts. (There are subjects that may not be revisited, considered or even mentioned!) And I believe that even saying this is already suspect of an infringement. Plenty of examples for the doubting folks if they wish to use their eyes to see with and ears to listen with but then that is what our media professionals are working on. Give them what they love to believe, give it to them in a manner that will convince them that there is law and order. Law and order in a human sense, something that they can see and touch, Law that condemns extremisms for all quarters especially from the Catholic Church, be it a Bishop and why not the Pope himself? Fish around the papers and you will find that Geert Wilders is not “yet” sufficiently known to be an example, a demonstration of the power of justice that will keep the sun turning around our beautiful world whilst the masses enjoy, in the comfort of their own homes, their pension schemes that the law masters guarantee.

Friendly yours,


Judge_3.gif - (8K)

Helen Elias

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3/26/2009 1:24:14 PM

Why isn't this Human Rights organization suing the many Muslims all over the world who are promoting hatred EVERYWHERE.  Go to YouTube and type "Muslim" into the Search box and you will have no trouble finding out what REAL Hate speech is all about.

Did you ever notice how a person or media is maligned, especially by Muslims, if they say a word or two against Islam but it is ok for the Muslims to call Jews 'monkeys' and 'pigs' and NO ONE takes any action at all?   There are any number of videos and evidence that these people not only attack the Jews but anyone who is not Muslim.

As a matter of fact, you won't have any trouble finding videos of the Muslims killing other Muslims!  Killing is their obsession and they are using Islam to do it!  Not only do the killers want to kill but they instigate other Muslims to kill though the commands 'to kill' are the most important verses in the Qu'ran.

Isn't amazing how all these politicians, etc think they can appease the Muslims? 


WE NEED TO STAND UP TO THEM NOW!  We cannot afford to wait!  Immigration of Muslims should be stopped in freedom-loving countries, for starters.  What Geert Wilders is attempting to do is warn us and trying to save our freedoms.  I don't see where he is instigating violence against Muslims.  I do see where he is trying to save Europe from a fate as bad as hell!  Actually, Hell is worse but that is another story. 

One of the first things we need to do is to keep sending news and videos about this around the internet via email because people are not going to hear it on TV.  And this is something we all can do so there is no excuse.  Next we need to call or email our politicians.  It should be ok to send postcards but do not send handwritten letters to the government as I understand most letters are shredded due the fear of anthrax.

When you write to your politicians or news media, educate them.  Do not assume they know everything about everything because they don't.  They will appreciate it as it helps them especially if you can quote references where they might find out more about a certain subject.

Get busy and God bless you!


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Peter Fogel

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Re: Human Shields In Gaza - OPTIMISM vs PESSIMISM
3/27/2009 5:54:14 AM

Hello Robert,

No there are no deserts and Oasis' in Europe yet.... Well I'm not to sure about the Oasis but if the extreme/radical Islam succeed with their plan for Eurabia they sure will turn the European cities into deserts.

You'll see what's happening in Gaza all over Eurabia and the chaos, murder and much worse will prevail over the western culture and civilization that we all love.

It's interesting that we all recognize these dangers but look at them from a different perspective and standpoint. You're looking at it from a Catholic point of view and I tend to lookat it more in a global perspective. Therefore the Cathoilic problem is the same problem all religions will face since my friend we are all "infidels" and will be dealt with the same way by the extreme and radical Islamist barbarians if they succeed with their "mission" of world domination.

As to Gert Wilders I think you might be wrong. Mainstream Media is not reporting on his efforts as they aren't reporting on many other important issues. They really think we are mushrooms but they forget and so did you in this case that the internet is reporting and Geert Wilders and his efforts are well known all over the net. Check the views on his video Fitna and you'll see.

Many people like you and me are spreading the message about wilders and his efforts and believe me he will be an International figure before long.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us and the cute graphic.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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3/27/2009 6:02:11 AM

Hi Helen,

You hit the nail on the head with your question but the answer is so obvious cos we're seeing it more and more all over the world (including the USA and Canada).

These organizations are liberal leftist organizations and they in many cases work in concert with the extremists as they are in this pathetic law suit. Shame on them but I guess they like the oil money more then true justice.

The plan you propose is the way to go and I agree. Since so many governments in the world are already kowtowing to the extremists it is left to us at the grass roots level to carry on the fight and bellieve me it is a fight.

I know you are aware of the many groups that are fighting for all our freedoms and they need our support and our independent efforts above that.

Thanks for your continued support and friendship.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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