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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
3/15/2012 1:02:34 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Good article and thanks for sharing with us.

Israel is on the alert and ready for the unexpected and has many new tools in its arsenal that weren't available or didn't exist in previous wars and defensive actions.

The Israelis living in the southern part of Israel have to experience attacks that haven't reached the rest of the country ....... yet. In a side note the northern part that borders with Lebanon had periods when Hezbollah were firing rockets on a daily basis but since the last incursion into Lebanon they are much more careful and fire very few rockets into Israel over the past few years.

As you can see life returns to normal in the south very quickly and it's business as usual now. But, still the MSM is reporting on Israel's defensive attacks but not on the over 190 rockets and mortars fired into Israel since last Friday. Even when they sign a cease fire that they requested they break it daily but that's the norm for these jihadis.




Hi Peter, I found this article from todays' Israel Hayom very interesting and hope you do too.

Bomb shelters, interceptor absorb four days of rockets • Experts disagree on whether Israel ready for Iran war • IDF Chief Gantz: The Israeli homefront has shown once more that it can deal with the challenges.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff
Israel has emerged from the past few days of fighting with Palestinians in Gaza more confident that its advanced missile shield and civil defences can perform well in any war with Iran.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: HSIG- Saudi Grand Mufti Calls for "Destruction of All Churches in Region"
3/15/2012 1:04:49 PM
Hello Friends,

The persecution of minority religions in Muslim countries is becoming worse since the so called Muslim Spring revolution in different Muslim countries. In some it's enough to own a bible or wear a cross to get arrested and in some cases killed.

In Saudi Arabia and Iran if a Muslim converts to Christianity you can be put to death. In Egypt the Copts are being persecuted almost on a daily basis, their churches burned, many killed, forced conversions etc. and man Christians are fleeing the country as a direct result of their persecution. More moderate Muslim countries are becoming stricter with members of minority religions and Christians suffering the at their hands.

In the below article by Raymond Ibrahim he writes about the Saudi Grand Mufti calling for the destruction of all churches in the region. This alone is legitimizing the continued persecution of Christians in the Middle East and other countries in the region. As a result of announcements of this sort things are going to get much worse in the future. It's an interesting read and sheds some more light on the plight of Christians in the Muslim world.



Raymond Ibrahim


Saudi Grand Mufti Calls for "Destruction of All Churches in Region"

by Raymond Ibrahim
Jihad Watch
March 14, 2012

According to several Arabic news sources, last Monday, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, declared that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches of the region."

Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti confirms Islamic hostility for churches.

The Grand Mufti made his assertion in response to a question posed by a delegation from Kuwait, regarding the position of a Kuwaiti parliament member who recently called for the "removal" of churches (he later "clarified" by saying he merely meant that no churches should be built in Kuwait). The Kuwaiti delegation wanted to confirm Sharia's position on churches.

Accordingly, the Grand Mufti "stressed that Kuwait was a part of the Arabian Peninsula, and therefore it is necessary to destroy all churches in it."

As with many grand muftis before him, the Sheikh based his proclamation on the famous tradition, or hadith, wherein the prophet of Islam declared on his deathbed that "There are not to be two religions in the [Arabian] Peninsula," which has always been interpreted to mean that only Islam can be practiced in the region.

While the facts of this account speak for themselves, consider further:

Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah is not just some random Muslim hating on churches. He is the Grand Mufti of the nation that brought Islam to the world. Moreover, he is the President of the Supreme Council of Ulema [Islamic scholars] and Chairman of the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Issuing of Fatwas. Accordingly, when it comes to what Islam teaches, his words are immensely authoritative.

Considering the hysteria that besets the West whenever non-authoritative individuals—for instance, a fringe, unknown pastor—offend Islam, imagine what would happen if a truly authoritative Christian leader, say the Pope, were to declare that all mosques in Italy must be destroyed; imagine the nonstop Western media frenzy that would erupt, all the shrill screams of "intolerance" and "bigot," demands for apologies if not termination, nonstop handwringing by sensitive politicians, and worse.

Yet the Grand Mufti of our "friend-and-ally" Saudi Arabia gets a free pass when he incites Muslims to destroy churches—as if any extra incitement was needed (not a month goes by without several churches being bombed and destroyed throughout the Islamic world). In fact, at the time of this writing, I have not seen this story, already some three days old, translated on any English news source, though "newsworthy" stories are often translated in mere hours.

Likewise, consider how the Grand Mufti's rationale for destroying churches is simply based on a hadith. But when non-Muslims evoke this particular hadith (or the countless others that incite violence and intolerance against the "infidel"), they are accused of being "Islamophobes," of intentionally slandering and misrepresenting Islam, of being obstacles on the road to "dialogue," and so forth.

Which leads to perhaps the most important point: Islam's teachings are so easily ascertained; there is no mystery in determining what is "right" and "wrong" in Islam. The Grand Mufti based his fatwa on a canonical hadith, which Muslims and (informed) non-Muslims know is part of Islam's sources of jurisprudence (or usul al-fiqh). And yet the West—with all its institutions of higher learning, including governmental agencies dealing with cultural and religious questions—is still thoroughly "confused" as to what Islam teaches.

All of this is nothing short of a scandal—a reminder of just how deep the mainstream media and most politicians have their head thrust in the sand.

Meanwhile, here is the latest piece of evidence of just how bad churches have it in the Muslim world, for those who care to know.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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Obama Denies Visa to Israel ParliamentMember;Israeli Legislative Trip Cancelled
3/15/2012 2:42:20 PM
Hello Friends,

The B Hussein regime has once again shown its bias and anti Israel policies by denying a visa to a Member of the Knesset Michael Ben Ari with the claim that he was a member of a terrorist organization. It's very far from the truth but that means naught when it comes to B Hussein's one sided policies in regard to Israel as opposed to the Palestinians.

Just as a reminder to you all that all the Palestinian leadership were members of terrorist organizations. The PLO was a terrorist organization as was Fatah and the charters of both organizations still include the annihilation of Israel and killing all Israelis. The leadership from Abbas down were all members of the PLO and Fatah.

Yet MK Ben Ari's offense was that he supported Rabbi Meir Kahane an American from New York who had dual citizenship who's sin was to call for the transfer of Arabs out of Israel. He was assassinated many years ago and still they refuse to grant MK Ben Ari a visa to enter the USA while they allow Muslim terrorists and terrorist supporters entry without second thought.

In outrage over this B Hussein bias, Reuven Rivlin Speaker of the Knesset canceled a legislative trip of three women Knesset members scheduled for this month to the United States.

The double standard is live and well and B Hussein's Islamic agenda is going full speed ahead. The article by Debbie Schlussel goes into more detail on this nefarious action and bias of the B Hussein regime.



March 14, 2012, - 7:25 pm

OUTRAGE! Obama Denies Visa to Israel Parliament Member; Israeli Legislative Trip to US Canceled

By Debbie Schlussel

Michael Ben-Ari is an elected Member of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. But the Obama adminstration is denying him a visa to the United States. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their minions are calling this man a “terrorist,” even though he’s never been a member of a terrorist group and never participated in a terrorist attack. Instead, he’s a respected elected official in Israel, who commands the respect of members of all parties along the ideological divide. And, yet, this is the second time (2009 was the first) that Mr. Ben-Ari has been denied entry here.


Yet, admitted Jew-killers and terrorists like Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a “Abu Mazen,” who was the paymaster of the Munich Olympic terrorists, are welcome guests not only in the U.S. but at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Unlike Ben-Ari, Abbas has not faced a democratic election in some time, and if he were to face one today, he’d lose to HAMAS.

So, what is Ben-Ari’s “crime”? What has he done that is so offensive and noxious to the Obama border police who will let all of the scum of the earth into the U.S. but not this man who grew up in liberal Tel Aviv, has a Ph.D., and served in the Israeli Army with honor?

Well, nothing, actually. Ben-Ari, however, is a follower of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, the American citizen who was the first American victim of Al-Qaeda. Kahane believed that Jews and Arabs could not live together in peace, so the Muslims should be deported, just like Muslims deported a million Jews from their countries. While he felt that Muslims should not live in Gaza and the so-called West Bank–based on their track record of terror, the Obama Administration only welcomes those who believe that Jews should not live in Gaza and the so-called West Bank, based on their track record of repeatedly trying to live in peace. And now Rabbi Kahane’s ideas have been adopted by even the far-left of Israel, with the fence they had to construct to keep the Muslims and their death wishes out of Israel. His ideas were adopted (in the reverse) by the same far-left in Israel that also realized Jews and perpetually angry Muslims could not live together in peace and forced Jews out of their homes in Gaza to abandon it to the HAMAS jungle it has now become. The Palestinians themselves–including PLO Ambassador to the U.S. Maen Areikat, who is allowed to travel here and all around the U.S. freely–say that the “Palestinian State” will be Judenrein a/k/a “No Jews Allowed.”

So, Michael Ben-Ari and the whole Israeli legislative delegation have been forced to cancel their upcoming trip because they are the victims of the Arabist thought police in America. The double standard thought police–the same thought police at the Hillary Clinton State Department who will allow Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood founder and defender of homicide bombings of Israeli kids, a visa into the U.S. to teach American college students indefinitely. The same thought police who didn’t give a second thought to giving a visa to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to study at an Islamic conference in Texas, after his father had already warned the U.S. government that he was dangerous and going to perpetrate a terrorist attack. The same thought police who then gave him a second visa to travel to the U.S. when he tried to blow up a plane with his underwear.

Yet despite allowing entry to these terrorists, the State Department denied Ben-Ari “based on the State Department’s prerogative to ban terrorists from entering the country.” That language should tell you everything. A prerogative means, “We’ll welcome Islamic terrorists in. But Israeli elected officials who’ve never harmed a fly–well, they are the real terrorists. No entry for them.”

Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, said the Obama move is “an assault on the Knesset as a whole. The United States’ allegation that an MK is a terrorist is unacceptable.”

No, it isn’t acceptable. Sadly, plenty of Jews will continue to support Obama’s clearly anti-Semitic, double-standard laden visa policies. They will donate to his campaign and vote for him. And so he has no reason to reverse course and correct outrageous decisions like this.

Hey, there were Jews who supported the Nazi party, too. But they were sent to the ovens along with all the other Jews.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Human Shields In Gaza
3/16/2012 2:26:58 AM

Hi Peter, you know this isn't really surprising anymore. Oh no, they're more concerned with patting down a little child or embarrassing some elderly or disabled person as evidenced HERE or denying an Israeli Knesset member a visa than they are in recognizing what the real problem is.

Hello Friends,

The B Hussein regime has once again shown its bias and anti Israel policies by denying a visa to a Member of the Knesset Michael Ben Ari with the claim that he was a member of a terrorist organization. It's very far from the truth but that means naught when it comes to B Hussein's one sided policies in regard to Israel as opposed to the Palestinians.

Just as a reminder to you all that all the Palestinian leadership were members of terrorist organizations. The PLO was a terrorist organization as was Fatah and the charters of both organizations still include the annihilation of Israel and killing all Israelis. The leadership from Abbas down were all members of the PLO and Fatah.

Yet MK Ben Ari's offense was that he supported Rabbi Meir Kahane an American from New York who had dual citizenship who's sin was to call for the transfer of Arabs out of Israel. He was assassinated many years ago and still they refuse to grant MK Ben Ari a visa to enter the USA while they allow Muslim terrorists and terrorist supporters entry without second thought.

In outrage over this B Hussein bias, Reuven Rivlin Speaker of the Knesset canceled a legislative trip of three women Knesset members scheduled for this month to the United States.

The double standard is live and well and B Hussein's Islamic agenda is going full speed ahead. The article by Debbie Schlussel goes into more detail on this nefarious action and bias of the B Hussein regime.



March 14, 2012, - 7:25 pm

OUTRAGE! Obama Denies Visa to Israel Parliament Member; Israeli Legislative Trip to US Canceled

By Debbie Schlussel

Michael Ben-Ari is an elected Member of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. But the Obama adminstration is denying him a visa to the United States. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their minions are calling this man a “terrorist,” even though he’s never been a member of a terrorist group and never participated in a terrorist attack. Instead, he’s a respected elected official in Israel, who commands the respect of members of all parties along the ideological divide. And, yet, this is the second time (2009 was the first) that Mr. Ben-Ari has been denied entry here.


Yet, admitted Jew-killers and terrorists like Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a “Abu Mazen,” who was the paymaster of the Munich Olympic terrorists, are welcome guests not only in the U.S. but at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Unlike Ben-Ari, Abbas has not faced a democratic election in some time, and if he were to face one today, he’d lose to HAMAS.

So, what is Ben-Ari’s “crime”? What has he done that is so offensive and noxious to the Obama border police who will let all of the scum of the earth into the U.S. but not this man who grew up in liberal Tel Aviv, has a Ph.D., and served in the Israeli Army with honor?

Well, nothing, actually. Ben-Ari, however, is a follower of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, the American citizen who was the first American victim of Al-Qaeda. Kahane believed that Jews and Arabs could not live together in peace, so the Muslims should be deported, just like Muslims deported a million Jews from their countries. While he felt that Muslims should not live in Gaza and the so-called West Bank–based on their track record of terror, the Obama Administration only welcomes those who believe that Jews should not live in Gaza and the so-called West Bank, based on their track record of repeatedly trying to live in peace. And now Rabbi Kahane’s ideas have been adopted by even the far-left of Israel, with the fence they had to construct to keep the Muslims and their death wishes out of Israel. His ideas were adopted (in the reverse) by the same far-left in Israel that also realized Jews and perpetually angry Muslims could not live together in peace and forced Jews out of their homes in Gaza to abandon it to the HAMAS jungle it has now become. The Palestinians themselves–including PLO Ambassador to the U.S. Maen Areikat, who is allowed to travel here and all around the U.S. freely–say that the “Palestinian State” will be Judenrein a/k/a “No Jews Allowed.”

So, Michael Ben-Ari and the whole Israeli legislative delegation have been forced to cancel their upcoming trip because they are the victims of the Arabist thought police in America. The double standard thought police–the same thought police at the Hillary Clinton State Department who will allow Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood founder and defender of homicide bombings of Israeli kids, a visa into the U.S. to teach American college students indefinitely. The same thought police who didn’t give a second thought to giving a visa to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to study at an Islamic conference in Texas, after his father had already warned the U.S. government that he was dangerous and going to perpetrate a terrorist attack. The same thought police who then gave him a second visa to travel to the U.S. when he tried to blow up a plane with his underwear.

Yet despite allowing entry to these terrorists, the State Department denied Ben-Ari “based on the State Department’s prerogative to ban terrorists from entering the country.” That language should tell you everything. A prerogative means, “We’ll welcome Islamic terrorists in. But Israeli elected officials who’ve never harmed a fly–well, they are the real terrorists. No entry for them.”

Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, said the Obama move is “an assault on the Knesset as a whole. The United States’ allegation that an MK is a terrorist is unacceptable.”

No, it isn’t acceptable. Sadly, plenty of Jews will continue to support Obama’s clearly anti-Semitic, double-standard laden visa policies. They will donate to his campaign and vote for him. And so he has no reason to reverse course and correct outrageous decisions like this.

Hey, there were Jews who supported the Nazi party, too. But they were sent to the ovens along with all the other Jews.

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
3/16/2012 8:25:38 AM
Hey Evelyn,

They most certainly "recognize what the real problem is" but for them, B Hussein, Hillary and the rest of the goon squad it isn't the problem but part of their agenda. As I've said in many previous posts B Hussein's pro Palestinian policies and Islamic agenda is live and well and going full speed ahead.




Hi Peter, you know this isn't really surprising anymore. Oh no, they're more concerned with patting down a little child or embarrassing some elderly or disabled person as evidenced HERE or denying an Israeli Knesset member a visa than they are in recognizing what the real problem is.

Hello Friends,

The B Hussein regime has once again shown its bias and anti Israel policies by denying a visa to a Member of the Knesset Michael Ben Ari with the claim that he was a member of a terrorist organization. It's very far from the truth but that means naught when it comes to B Hussein's one sided policies in regard to Israel as opposed to the Palestinians.

Just as a reminder to you all that all the Palestinian leadership were members of terrorist organizations. The PLO was a terrorist organization as was Fatah and the charters of both organizations still include the annihilation of Israel and killing all Israelis. The leadership from Abbas down were all members of the PLO and Fatah.

Yet MK Ben Ari's offense was that he supported Rabbi Meir Kahane an American from New York who had dual citizenship who's sin was to call for the transfer of Arabs out of Israel. He was assassinated many years ago and still they refuse to grant MK Ben Ari a visa to enter the USA while they allow Muslim terrorists and terrorist supporters entry without second thought.

In outrage over this B Hussein bias, Reuven Rivlin Speaker of the Knesset canceled a legislative trip of three women Knesset members scheduled for this month to the United States.

The double standard is live and well and B Hussein's Islamic agenda is going full speed ahead. The article by Debbie Schlussel goes into more detail on this nefarious action and bias of the B Hussein regime.



March 14, 2012, - 7:25 pm

OUTRAGE! Obama Denies Visa to Israel Parliament Member; Israeli Legislative Trip to US Canceled

By Debbie Schlussel

Michael Ben-Ari is an elected Member of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. But the Obama adminstration is denying him a visa to the United States. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their minions are calling this man a “terrorist,” even though he’s never been a member of a terrorist group and never participated in a terrorist attack. Instead, he’s a respected elected official in Israel, who commands the respect of members of all parties along the ideological divide. And, yet, this is the second time (2009 was the first) that Mr. Ben-Ari has been denied entry here.


Yet, admitted Jew-killers and terrorists like Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a “Abu Mazen,” who was the paymaster of the Munich Olympic terrorists, are welcome guests not only in the U.S. but at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Unlike Ben-Ari, Abbas has not faced a democratic election in some time, and if he were to face one today, he’d lose to HAMAS.

So, what is Ben-Ari’s “crime”? What has he done that is so offensive and noxious to the Obama border police who will let all of the scum of the earth into the U.S. but not this man who grew up in liberal Tel Aviv, has a Ph.D., and served in the Israeli Army with honor?

Well, nothing, actually. Ben-Ari, however, is a follower of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, the American citizen who was the first American victim of Al-Qaeda. Kahane believed that Jews and Arabs could not live together in peace, so the Muslims should be deported, just like Muslims deported a million Jews from their countries. While he felt that Muslims should not live in Gaza and the so-called West Bank–based on their track record of terror, the Obama Administration only welcomes those who believe that Jews should not live in Gaza and the so-called West Bank, based on their track record of repeatedly trying to live in peace. And now Rabbi Kahane’s ideas have been adopted by even the far-left of Israel, with the fence they had to construct to keep the Muslims and their death wishes out of Israel. His ideas were adopted (in the reverse) by the same far-left in Israel that also realized Jews and perpetually angry Muslims could not live together in peace and forced Jews out of their homes in Gaza to abandon it to the HAMAS jungle it has now become. The Palestinians themselves–including PLO Ambassador to the U.S. Maen Areikat, who is allowed to travel here and all around the U.S. freely–say that the “Palestinian State” will be Judenrein a/k/a “No Jews Allowed.”

So, Michael Ben-Ari and the whole Israeli legislative delegation have been forced to cancel their upcoming trip because they are the victims of the Arabist thought police in America. The double standard thought police–the same thought police at the Hillary Clinton State Department who will allow Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood founder and defender of homicide bombings of Israeli kids, a visa into the U.S. to teach American college students indefinitely. The same thought police who didn’t give a second thought to giving a visa to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to study at an Islamic conference in Texas, after his father had already warned the U.S. government that he was dangerous and going to perpetrate a terrorist attack. The same thought police who then gave him a second visa to travel to the U.S. when he tried to blow up a plane with his underwear.

Yet despite allowing entry to these terrorists, the State Department denied Ben-Ari “based on the State Department’s prerogative to ban terrorists from entering the country.” That language should tell you everything. A prerogative means, “We’ll welcome Islamic terrorists in. But Israeli elected officials who’ve never harmed a fly–well, they are the real terrorists. No entry for them.”

Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, said the Obama move is “an assault on the Knesset as a whole. The United States’ allegation that an MK is a terrorist is unacceptable.”

No, it isn’t acceptable. Sadly, plenty of Jews will continue to support Obama’s clearly anti-Semitic, double-standard laden visa policies. They will donate to his campaign and vote for him. And so he has no reason to reverse course and correct outrageous decisions like this.

Hey, there were Jews who supported the Nazi party, too. But they were sent to the ovens along with all the other Jews.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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