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HSIG-The Itamar Massacre: Never Forget What Muslims Did To The Fogel Family
3/13/2012 3:28:42 PM
Hello Friends,

Last year on March 11, 2011 two jihadi barbarians massacred 5 members of the Fogel family in Itamar. This savage massacre traumatized the entire country and the majority of Israelis still mourn their loss.

Needless to say the muslims rejoiced in the streets and passed out candies and cakes to passersby. Their celebrations reminded us of how the Palestinians celebrated the 9/11 attack. These people are subservient and submissive to the pedophile mo and the book he wrote, they believe they are simply obeying mo's commandments and demands with their jihad. They are emulating the savagery of the big mo.

B Hussein expects Israel to give these barbarians more concessions while there is no reciprocity aside from their jihadi attacks including the rockets, bombs and mortars fired from Gaza on the southern part of Israel. It will never happen cos they aren't interested in peace only in annihilating Israel.

The below article by Debbie Schlussel is excellent and worth reading. The pictures are sad reminders of the massacred Fogel family. One of the videos isn't a youtube one and the link to it will be provided below.

Viewer discretion is advised cos some of the pictures are extremely gruesome.



The Itamar Massacre: Never Forget What Muslims Did to the Fogel Family

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday was the first anniversary of the attack on the Fogel Family in Itamar, Israel in the so-called “West Bank.”


The Fogel Family . . . Murdered By Islam


Palestinians Pass Out Candy to Celebrate Fogel Family Massacre (Left), Just Like They Did After 9/11 Attacks (Right)

Watch the first video here.

A group of Palestinian Muslim terrorists murdered the Fogel Family while they slept on the Jewish Sabbath. Ehud “Udi” Fogel and his wife, Ruth, and three of their six children were brutally killed. Yoav Fogel was just 11 years old. Elad Fogel was only four. And the three-month-old baby, Hadas Fogel, was decapitated by these animals. The Fogel Family had just relocated to Itamar because they were driven out of their home in Gush Katif in Gaza, when Israel gave it to the Palestinian Muslim barbarians. It goes to show that no matter where Jews go, no matter what they give up to Muslims, their lives will always be at risk to these non-humans who worship allah. But you and I didn’t need the Fogel family to be massacred to confirm this. We have centuries, and especially recent decades, to remind us. And, on top of it all, the Palestinians celebrated this mass murder, while the Wall Street Journal worried about “potential Jewish vigilante violence” against the precious Palestinians (there, sadly, was none of that) and said nothing about Palestinians throwing rocks at the mourners at the Fogel Family funeral.

Hakim and Amjad Awad, Palestinian Muslims, were arrested for this brutal mass murder they committed. But a female Israeli soldier was severely reprimanded and forced to apologize to Amjad Awad after slapping him during the interrogation in response to his smiles and laughter about murdering this helpless, sleeping young family. Both of them admitted to the murders and expressed no remorse. Their entire family was in on it, with Hakim’s father, brother, and two uncles also arrested. One of the uncles hid the two guns used in the murders. The murderers had approached a PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) terrorist for the weapons, and he kept the plans of the attack a secret.

Although the Awads who perpetrated these murders of five innocent, sleeping civilians got several life sentences upon being convicted, they will get to live. And it’s not entirely unlikely that they will be freed in the next prisoner trade Israel does for the next kidnapped Israeli soldier or dead Israeli body. Prosecutors should have requested the death penalty. Sadly, they did not, even though the judges declared they would have considered imposing it. In court, Amjad Awad proudly proclaimed, “I did it all for Palestine.”

The three surviving Fogel children are now orphans. They will remember that day forever. Sadly, everyone else seems to have forgotten. The murderers of their parents are the people with whom Israel is expected to make “peace,” and that’s why peace will never happen. Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians–they won’t even have peace when they are the only ones left. Murder and barbarism are in their blood. They will never be a civilization, no matter how fancy their suits and habits. At heart, they are animals without even a scintilla of decency.

If what they did to the Fogel Family doesn’t tell you that, nothing ever will and you can return your head to the sand.

If you think the Muslims in America are any different–any more civilized and less likely to mass murder a whole Jewish or Christian family while they are sleeping, think again. It’s just a matter of time ’til this happens here, because we did nothing and continue to do nothing to secure our borders and they are multiplying like cockroaches once they are inside the gate. We already know there have been plots by Muslims in America to blow up synagogues. They just haven’t succeeded . . . yet. And they have succeeded elsewhere, like at Fort Hood, massacring thirteen with no trial for the Muslim perpetrator anywhere in sight.

Ehud “Udi” Fogel, Ruth Fogel, Yoav Fogel, Elad Fogel, Hadas Fogel . . . Zichronam LiVrachah — Blessed Be Their Memories.

Never forget. Never forgive. And always remember . . .


The father in bed with his baby (Rabbi Udi Fogel, Age 36, & Baby Daughter, Hadas Fogel, 3 Months Old). . .

The little boy (Elad Fogel, Age Four) . . .

See all pictures at the full photo album of this Palestinian Muslim massacre on innocent civilians.

And say a prayer for these five innocent members of the Fogel Family, Of Blessed Memory, and the three orphaned children left behind.

That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: HSIG-The Itamar Massacre: Never Forget What Muslims Did To The Fogel Family
3/13/2012 8:33:10 PM
Hi Peter, I won't quote you on your last post because seeing these photos again just makes me sick to my stomach like it did the first time I saw them. This was such a heinous, evil, uncalled for crime. :(
Again, I'd like to say I'm sorry everyone has to live with these horrible memories. It just breaks my heart to think of the untold suffering the family has gone and is going through since this happend last year, and they were singled out for no other reason, than that they're Jewish.
I know there are people that think it can't happen to them but if we keep ignoring the problem with these radical muslims they could very well find out the hard way it can happen to anyone anywhere that is not a muslim.
I for one appreciate your passion in trying to educate people about what is going on. I don't usually like what I'm reading and hearing but I know it needs to be told.
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
3/14/2012 9:43:29 AM
Hi Evelyn,

I can appreciate your sensitivities cos the pictures are definitely gruesome but they also are a stark reminder of the barbaric viciousness of these jihadis.

I'm sure you remember last year the Fogels and Ruth Fogel's parents gave permission to use these pictures to show what these people are capable of. It is necessary and even if it makes us sick to our stomachs should be viewed. What they did to them can and unfortunately will be done to others and not only in Israel.

This a world wide scourge and the people of the world have to be aware and on their guard before it starts happening in their backyards. We've already seen signs of it starting in the western world and in America and Canada. This is a war with a common enemy that effects us all and we all have to be soldiers in this war in our different ways.



Hi Peter, I won't quote you on your last post because seeing these photos again just makes me sick to my stomach like it did the first time I saw them. This was such a heinous, evil, uncalled for crime. :(
Again, I'd like to say I'm sorry everyone has to live with these horrible memories. It just breaks my heart to think of the untold suffering the family has gone and is going through since this happend last year, and they were singled out for no other reason, than that they're Jewish.
I know there are people that think it can't happen to them but if we keep ignoring the problem with these radical muslims they could very well find out the hard way it can happen to anyone anywhere that is not a muslim.
I for one appreciate your passion in trying to educate people about what is going on. I don't usually like what I'm reading and hearing but I know it needs to be told.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE:HSIG- Egypt's Parliament Votes To Expell Israeli Ambassador. Israel # 1 Enemy
3/14/2012 9:46:00 AM
Hello Friends,

The Egyptian parliament voted unanimously to expel the Israeli Ambassador. Is anyone surprised that the Muslim Brotherhood controlled parliament voted in this manner? I definitely am not and predicted it would happen and if it were up to them much worse.

As long as the Military has veto powers the vote is a bombastic statement of intent by the MB only. One can only hope the Military will not give up its powers even after the presidential elections else the mirror image of the lunatic Iranian regime will come to be in Egypt much faster then we anticipated.

Even though many Egyptians today are expressing enmity to Israel I feel for them cos this isn't the outcome they expected from the "so called revolution". I believe the vast majority really wanted freedom (not the MB shariah law version of freedom - no freedoms there) but were easily swayed and brainwashed by the MB rhetoric. This beginning bodes ill for Israel but she'll take care of herself, the Egyptian masses on the other hand will not fare well under this new government. So, again I hope for all our sakes the military retain their veto powers for a long time.



As long as the military has veto power, the vote is symbolic, but the language of the resolution points to things to come. "Egypt's Islamist-dominated parliament votes in support of expelling Israel's ambassador," from the Associated Press, March 12:

CAIRO - Egypt's Islamist-dominated parliament has unanimously voted in support of the expulsion of Israel's ambassador in Cairo and for a halt to gas exports to the Jewish state.

The motion is largely symbolic because only the ruling military council can make such decisions, and it is not likely to impact Egypt's relations with Israel. But the move signals the seismic change in Egypt after the ouster of longtime leader and Israeli ally Hosni Mubarak a year ago.

The Monday vote was taken by a show of hands on a report by the chamber's Arab affairs committee that declared that Egypt will "never" be a friend, partner or ally of Israel. The report described the Jewish state as the nation's "number one enemy."
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE:HSIG- Egypt's Parliament Votes To Expell Israeli Ambassador. Israel # 1 Enemy
3/15/2012 3:31:34 AM

Hi Peter, I found this article from todays' Israel Hayom very interesting and hope you do too.

Bomb shelters, interceptor absorb four days of rockets • Experts disagree on whether Israel ready for Iran war • IDF Chief Gantz: The Israeli homefront has shown once more that it can deal with the challenges.

Reuters and Israel Hayom Staff
Israel has emerged from the past few days of fighting with Palestinians in Gaza more confident that its advanced missile shield and civil defences can perform well in any war with Iran.


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