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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/18/2012 11:33:54 PM

Hi Peter

This is an excellent letter that you posted by the Lt. Colonel. I see, however, even he has a hard time calling a spade a spade, that Obama is a Muslim.

I liked him using the word "enabling". When the media and people try to appease the Muslims, they are 'enabling' Islam. Political correctness is 'enabling' Islam ...but I don't have to tell you that.

Watch for the post with Avi Lipkin that I promised.


Hello Friends,

Here's a must read letter sent to Pamella Geller Editor and publisher of Atlas Shrugs by a retired Lt. Colonel..

After reading the letter I realized there was no need to make any additional comments cos the author in his letter says it all.




A letter from a retired Colonel:

Dear Ms. Geller:

I sought contact with you because you are one of the few who sees Islam for what it is. Certainly our president and our government fail to recognize the danger to both the United States and Israel if the Islamists are allowed to continue their consolidation of power. Or maybe, they know and are giving their tacit approval in efforts to "fundamentally change" our nation.

I’ve read a number of articles you’ve written regarding our most insidious enemy, radical Islam. I have yet to read anything you’ve written that’s not the truth. I’m amazed at the number of Leftists, who label you a "loon," or a purveyor of hate. Sadly, most of your detractors are so taken in by the very excellent Muslim propaganda machine operating in our country and funded by George Soros and others who seek to destroy us as a free nation. Most see the truth as hate, because they hate the truth!

I served in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait during the First Gulf War, 1990-91. I also was stationed in Kuwait from 1996-2000. I lived and worked in two different Islamic nations for nearly five years. I studied Islam through tutelage provided by the Islamic Presentation Committee at the Grand Mosque of Kuwait. I was taught the Koran, the Hadith as well as the Sunnah! It didn’t take me long to realize that Islam is a Political System, masquerading as a religion. It’s also a sham; if they’re ever was one.

U’bul Kassim, (AKA Mohammad) borrowed heavily from both Judaism and Christianity. What didn’t suit him from these two great religions, he either borrowed from paganism and animism; or he made it up. Many times he kind of shot from the hip so to speak. Islam was a great recruiting tool for pirates and brigands. Converts to Mohammed's new religion could rob, rape, steal, murder...all in the name of Islam. Jews and Christians neither were protected unless they converted and even then they were often times imprisoned or killed!

The bottom line up front is that Islam is going to destroy us. Shockingly, our Liberal Socialist media and Hollywood elites are enabling the Islamists. But then, so has our armed forces! During the First Gulf War, EVERY U.S. installation in Saudi Arabia was inundated with Muslim proselytizers who converted large numbers of our troops. Most were convenience conversions for either money or favors, but some took. What future price are we going to pay accordingly, for the large numbers of real converts, now in their forties and early fifties? That remains to be seen.

An issue that is not being addressed, is the politicization of our armed forces, particularly amongst our senior leadership! This has had a serious impact on our national commitment to the defense of Israel.

When I was a new Second Lieutenant, I was commissioned in the Armor Branch and studied tank warfare. In 1974 the world’s most experienced and expert practitioners of tank warfare were in the Israel Defense Force. Israeli officers at Ft. Knox were held in high esteem. They were the superstars of the day. After all, they had won the Yom Kippur War, only a year earlier. They’d fought in the largest tank battle since Kursk, in WW2! And, they won!

That all changed however. By the time I retired, U.S. officers, even GENERAL officers were heard to call the Israelis "F----- Kikes." I took issue with the anti-Semitism every time it came my way. My reward was to be labeled a "Jew lover." By 2001, there existed more animosity toward the Israelis, than toward the Arabs. 9/11 had an impact on this, yet so many displayed the attitude that if the U.S. cut our ties with Israel, our troubles in the Middle East would subside. I suppose many were "Ron Paul" before Ron Paul was cool.

The Obama Administration is the most anti-Israel Government we’ve ever had. I can’t think of another president who was so pro-Arab at the expense of our Israeli allies. Yet our partisan media fails to report this, as they fail to report anything that might be detrimental to Obama. I worry about Israel.

I’ll continue to follow your Website, read your AT articles and support you anyway I can. Thank you for what you do. I can’t understand how so many people have become intoxicated on the Obama Kool-Aid. If I can ever assist you in any of your research or the development of ideas in exposing the truth about Islam, please feel free to ask. I lived it and I'm a witness to the brutality of Islam and the reality of Islam.

Best regards,

Lt. Colonel, US Army

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/18/2012 11:56:29 PM

Hi Peter

Here are the videos by Avi Lipkin. He makes some very good points in his talk so listen carefully.

For those who don't know who Avi Lipkin is let me give you a brief description. Avi is a Jew who goes everywhere talking about Islam. Avi Lipkin is not a Christian Jew nor is he a Messianic Jew, both of which have the same meaning.

Avi Lipkin speaks to many, MANY Christian churches. I find this amusing. Here is a Jew telling the Christians to convert Muslims to Christianity. Keep in mind that Jews generally don't accept Christianity. I do think the Jews are getting to love us Christians more and more as time goes on, however, and some Jews are becoming Christian Jews. Jews, please understand that you have the unique position of not having to give up your faith, your Jewishness to be a Christian.

Here's are the Avi Lipkin's videos ......

Part 1 of 4 ..... 11 minutes

Part 2 of 4 ...... 11 minutes

Part 3 of 4 ....... 11 minutes

Part 4 of 4 ....... 11 minutes


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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/21/2012 10:08:10 AM

Hello Peter

I think this video can appropriately be posted here. It is about the slave trade in the Middle East and in the world. It is what I believe to be the truth from all that I have read about Islam and Muhammad. I think the man giving the information is an Arab. Notice what he says about Muhammad. If he still lives in the Middle East, he might not live long.

The video might have been better named perhaps but the information will be new to many people.

There is no doubt in my mind that if it had not been for the booties and the slaves gleaned from invasions and raids, the Islamic "faith" would never have lasted. Muhammad got the following he did because he offered to share the booties and the slaves including sex slaves ...and the greed and lust won a lot of followers for Muhammad which he managed to brainwash and control through fear. What a nightmare religion!


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Flag of Helen Elias

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/22/2012 5:31:56 PM
Hello Peter

Here's an article that might interest you. But then, maybe you know about this already.

Holy Land's oil, gas potential

Russ Jones - OneNewsNow - 2/21/2012 10:55:00 AM

A Dallas-based company that explores for oil and gas off the coast of Israel has announced it is expanding its operations there.

Zion Oil and Gas logoCompany officials for Zion Oil & Gas, Inc. (NASDAQ GM: ZN) announced Monday at the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville they will expand their exploration territory from 218,000 acres to 530,000 acres in northern Israel. The publically traded stock company will re-enter a well it first drilled in 2009 -- the same year that a natural gas discovery was announced, approximately 50 miles west of Haifa, off the Israeli coast.

In April 2010, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) issued a report which revealed massive amounts of undiscovered oil and gas remain in the "Levant Basin" -- which encompasses both onshore and offshore areas and most of middle and northern Israel and coastal Lebanon and Syria.

Richard Rinberg, CEO of Zion Oil & Gas, spoke during a press conference at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville. He said he is optimistic about the prospects of hitting oil -- particularly because Israel is surrounded by other oil-rich Middle Eastern countries.

"Historically Israel has always been energy-starved, which leaves it in a very weak position," he noted.

Victor Carrillo, president and chief operating officer of Zion Oil, said the company is working hard to help Israel be energy-independent. "Certainly offshore we've seen those world-class reserves, but even onshore," he stated. "And as [founder] John Brown ... says, it's not a matter of 'if' but 'when' it will be found."

While many experts believe Israel is barren of oil, Zion executives believe biblical prophecies reveal where Israel's oil is located.

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/23/2012 11:30:42 AM
Hi Helen,

Thanks for the Avi Lipkin videos. I've watched many of his videos including the 4 you posted. While I agree with much of what he says there are certain things I disagree with but that doesn't in any way reduce from the importance of his work.

His message is an important one and from what I understand and have read is well accepted by those listening to what he has to say.

There are a few things you added in your comments that aren't really correct but I won't go into them here. Over the past few years I've been involved in a project here in Israel that unfortunately is still in the planning stage due to the extremely high costs of this projects. In any case it's about Evangelical Christians and Israeli counterparts from orthodox Israelis to secular Israelis. The 2 major owners of this project are a very Orthodox Israeli and a secular Israeli. I sincerely hope that it will see the light of day in the next few years.




Hi Peter

Here are the videos by Avi Lipkin. He makes some very good points in his talk so listen carefully.

For those who don't know who Avi Lipkin is let me give you a brief description. Avi is a Jew who goes everywhere talking about Islam. Avi Lipkin is not a Christian Jew nor is he a Messianic Jew, both of which have the same meaning.

Avi Lipkin speaks to many, MANY Christian churches. I find this amusing. Here is a Jew telling the Christians to convert Muslims to Christianity. Keep in mind that Jews generally don't accept Christianity. I do think the Jews are getting to love us Christians more and more as time goes on, however, and some Jews are becoming Christian Jews. Jews, please understand that you have the unique position of not having to give up your faith, your Jewishness to be a Christian.

Here's are the Avi Lipkin's videos ......

Part 1 of 4 ..... 11 minutes

Part 2 of 4 ...... 11 minutes

Part 3 of 4 ....... 11 minutes

Part 4 of 4 ....... 11 minutes


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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