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RE:HSIG- Column One: The Fatah-Hamas Peace Process
2/13/2012 7:04:33 AM
Hello Friends,

The recent deal between Hamas and Fatah is the beginning of the end of any the peace talks and process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Both Fatah and Hamas are terrorist organizations whose charters call for the destruction of Israel and killing all the Jews. While Fatah was considered to be the more moderate of the 2 they never changed their charter and their terrorist activities were ongoing despite the farcical so called peace talks with Israel. For those not aware Abbas aka Abu Mazen (his terrorist alias) is the leader of Fatah.

Now Abbas is demanding another building freeze in Judea and Samaria and the pre condition of accepting the pre 1967 lines as prerequisites to continuing the peace talks and recognizing the State of Israel. Need I remind you that they refused to sit down and talk during a 9 month building freeze in the past so this is just rhetoric to make it look as if they are interested in peace.

To remind you that prior to B Hussein's demands for building freezes and the 1967 lines as the accepted borders the PA never made these demands as preconditions to any talks. This was part of the fraud's Islamic agenda and part of his plans to throw Israel under the bus and cause the destruction of Israel.

So this latest coalition and new government with Hamas and Fatah is the official death sentence for any possible or viable peace agreement between the sides. Abbas chose Hamas in place of peace and no rhetoric will change that obvious fact.

Caroline Glick spells it out extremely well in the below article.



Column One: The Fatah-Hamas peace process

By CAROLINE B. GLICK 02/10/2012 16:18

The Palestinians have destroyed officially whatever was left of the concept of a peace process with Israel.

PA President Abbas, Hamas chief Mashaal in Qatar
By REUTERS/Thaer Ghanaim/PPO/Handout On Monday afternoon

When PA Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas signed a deal with Hamas terror-master Khaled Mashaal in Doha, Qatar, the notion that there is a significant segment of Palestinian society that is not committed to the destruction of Israel was finally and truly sunk.

But before the ink on the agreement had a chance to dry, the peace processors were already spewing bromides whose sole purpose was to deny this inarguable conclusion. Both the Obama administration and the EU claimed that the agreement is an internal Palestinian issue. The EU actually welcomed the deal.

As Foreign Policy Commissioner Catherine Ashton’s spokesman put it, “The EU has consistently called for intra-Palestinian reconciliation behind President Mahmoud Abbas as an important element for the unity of a future Palestinian state and for reaching a two-state solution.”

The Israeli Left was quick to blame the agreement on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

In an apparent bid to inject a bit of reality into the delusional discourse, Netanyahu condemned the pact. As he put it, “If Abbas moves to implement what was signed today in Doha, he will abandon the path of peace and join forces with the enemies of peace.”

Netanyahu added a personal appeal to his supposed partner in peace saying, “President Abbas, you can’t have it both ways. It’s either a pact with Hamas or peace with Israel. It’s one or the other.”

Netanyahu’s statement was a nice start. But it didn’t go nearly far enough. In speaking as he did, Netanyahu obscured the fact that Abbas already made his choice. He has cast his lot and that of Fatah with Hamas. In so doing Abbas once more exposed the dirty secret that everyone knows but no one likes to discuss: Fatah and Hamas share the same strategic goal of destroying Israel. Fatah is not a moderate force that accepts a peaceful resolution of the Palestinian conflict with Israel. It is a terrorist organization and a political warfare organization. Fatah’s strategic goal remains what it has been since it was founded in 1959: The obliteration of the Jewish state.

In truth, Monday’s agreement is nothing new. Fatah and Hamas have worked together since at least 1994. In November 1994, Hamas and Fatah signed an agreement in Cairo. The agreement set out each side’s sphere of responsibility. Fatah would negotiate with Israel and Hamas would attack Israel.

That Cairo agreement was but the first in a line of agreements between the two groups. Each new agreement in turn reflected both their shared goal of destroying Israel and their changing tactical preferences.

In 2000, for instance, when Fatah returned to active terrorism against Israel, Fatah and Hamas set up joint terror cells they called the Popular Resistance Committees.

In 2007, they signed their first unity government deal after Hamas defeated Fatah in the 2006 legislative elections. That deal not only set the terms for cooperation in the PA. It paved the way for Hamas’s inclusion in the PLO. Since the PLO rather than the PA or Fatah is the signatory to the agreements with Israel, the 2007 agreement signaled Fatah’s willingness to abrogate its treaties with Israel.

And after Hamas ousted Fatah personnel from Gaza in June 2007, the unity deal was left unimplemented. But even as their gunmen shot at one another on the streets, Fatah and Hamas remained strategic allies. Fatah continued to finance Hamas and provide political support for its continued missile and terror war against Israel.

Last May, Abbas signed another unity deal with Hamas. Like the 2007 deal, the pact set the conditions for Hamas’s integration into the PLO and so placed the Palestinians on course for canceling all the agreements that the PLO has signed with Israel since 1993. In the months that passed since, the sides have been diligently working out the means of enacting their unity deal. Those contacts brought about another agreement signed in Cairo in December. That pact laid out the steps for integrating Hamas and Islamic Jihad into the PLO. The first step involved setting up a temporary PLO leadership. This step was implemented last month. The transitional leadership is now organizing new elections to the PLO’s legislative body, which in turn will appoint the executive.

December’s agreement also set out the basis for the interim unity government agreement that was signed on Monday. The sole charge of the transitional PA government is to organize elections for the PA’s legislature and its chairmanship.

SO MONDAY’S agreement doesn’t represent a break with past Fatah behavior, but a continuation of it. The notable aspect of Monday’s agreement is that it shows just how drastically the balance of power has tilted towards Hamas and away from Fatah since 1994.

Since Monday, the usual crowd of peace processors has come up with a number of arguments to deny the significance of the latest Hamas-Fatah rapprochement. One of their favorite claims is that the deal with Fatah is proof that Hamas is becoming more moderate.

For instance, Shlomo Brom, an inveterate peace processor from the Institute of National Security Studies, told JTA, “Hamas is moving away from Syria and Iran, and to a certain degree from Hezbollah, and is repositioning itself in line with the popular movements behind the Arab Spring and the democratization process, particularly in Egypt and Tunisia. A renewed push for reconciliation with Fatah should be seen as part of this reorientation.”

To make this claim, Brom had to ignore the fact that “the popular movements behind the Arab Spring” are jihadist movements from the Muslim Brotherhood.

Since December, all of Hamas’s leaders have made public statements underscoring that the movement’s goal remains the destruction of Israel and that its chosen means of attaining that goal is terrorism and war.

Hamas’s leaders have also been clear that they view their current rapprochement with Fatah as a means to overwhelm and defeat Fatah. As the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs’ senior researcher Jonathan Halevi showed in recent studies of this week’s deal and the December agreement, Hamas’s goal in entering the PLO is to abrogate the PLO’s treaties with Israel. Its goal in joining a unity government with Fatah is to organize elections. Hamas is expected to win both the PA’s presidential and legislative elections in a landslide.

Another argument that the Left is making is that since Monday’s deal made Abbas the PA prime minister as well as its president, the agreement is proof that he is strong and therefore, it’s terrific. As Haaretz editorialized on Wednesday, Netanyahu is irresponsible and destructive because, “Instead of welcoming the bolstered status of a leader who signed the Oslo Accords and reined in terror in the West Bank, Netanyahu opted to present the deal as a capitulation by the PA to a terrorist organization.”

This argument ignores the inconvenient fact that Abbas had no choice other than to take on the title of prime minister because Hamas forced him to fire Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Both the US and the EU view Fayyad as a moderate and the only way to avoid a backlash from firing him was for Abbas to replace Fayyad with himself.

A THIRD argument that has received substantial attention is that the agreement is nothing more than a survival pact between two weakened leaders. Mashaal, it is argued, was weakened by his forced departure from Damascus. He made the deal to strengthen his position vis-à-vis Hamas’s leaders in Gaza.

While it may be true that Mashaal’s stature has taken a hit in comparison to Hamas terror master Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza, the shift in power between the two arch-terrorists is immaterial.

With their Muslim Brothers taking power in Egypt, both men are far more powerful today than they ever were before. Moreover, Mashaal’s transitional power-sharing agreement with Abbas is remarkably similar to the deal the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood wrought with Egypt’s military junta in the lead-up to the recent elections.

Unlike Hamas, Fatah has certainly been weakened by recent events in Egypt. As Mashaal’s Egyptian patrons take power, Abbas’s chief patron Hosni Mubarak is on trial and dying under house arrest.

What is notable about the claims that the agreement is nothing more than a deal between two weak leaders is that they presuppose that it is perfectly understandable that Abbas would turn to Hamas in his moment of weakness in the hopes of strengthening his position.

From Haaretz’s perspective, Abbas is outsmarting Hamas by signing an agreement with Mashaal. According to this line of thinking, Abbas is riding Hamas to increase his power. Since Haaretz is convinced that Abbas is interested in peace, the paper’s editorialists are certain that once he gains strength he will renege on his agreement with Hamas. That is, Haaretz thinks the deal is terrific because Abbas is a liar.

The problem is that it isn’t terrific that Abbas is a liar. Because what that means is that he can’t be trusted to keep his word. Just as Haaretz seems to think he won’t keep his word with Hamas, so, Israel has every reason to believe that he won’t keep its word with it. And indeed, he has a proven track record of lying to Israel. In 1996, he signed an informal “peace deal” with then-deputy foreign minister Yossi Beilin. The Beilin-Abu Mazen agreement was the basis of Ehud Barak’s peace offer to Yasser Arafat in 2000. When Arafat rejected Barak’s offer, Abbas denied he had ever signed the agreement with Beilin.

In 2008, Abbas negotiated with Ehud Olmert, giving the premier the impression that he was interested in peace. But after Olmert offered him unprecedented Israeli concessions, not only did Abbas reject the offer, he announced that he does not recognize Israel’s right to exist.

The most troubling aspect of Abbas’s decision to turn to Hamas in his moment of weakness is what it says about the relative balance of regional forces. Twenty years ago, when Arafat was weakened and isolated due to Israel’s defeat of the Palestinian uprising, and Arafat’s decision to support Saddam Hussein against the US in the Gulf War, the PLO chieftain decided that the only way to rebuild his strength was to gain recognition from the US. And 20 years ago, Arafat knew that the road to Washington went through Jerusalem. So he agreed to enter into peace talks with Israel.

It is a testament to the weakened state of the US in the region that in his hour of distress, Abbas opted to turn to Hamas. Not only does this signify that Washington is no longer considered a serious power broker. It indicates that for weakened leaders, peace with Israel is a far less attractive option than peace with jihadists.

Like Abbas, Arafat was a liar. The consequence of Arafat’s move towards Washington was a two-decade-long phony peace process that left Israel in a strategic position far weaker than that it enjoyed in 1992.

The consequences of Abbas’s move towards Hamas will in all likelihood be far worse.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE:HSIG- The Glazov Gang: Telling The Truth About Islam
2/14/2012 12:08:30 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's another series of discussions on The
Glazov Gang. Today's topic is Telling The Truth About Islam.....and more.Todays guests are Eric Allen Bell recently fired by The Daily KOS for telling the truth about Islam, Nonie Darwish, originally from Egypt whose father died as a jihadist and now is an American ex muslim and author and Mark Tapson Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

The first 2 editions of the series are below and the third will be posted tomorrow.



Eric Allen Bell, Nonie Darwish and Mark Tapson Join The Glazov Gang, Part II

Posted by Bio ↓ on Feb 14th, 2012

Three distinguished guests recently joined The Glazov Gang, Frontpage’s television program, to shed light on The High Price of Telling the Truth about Islam — the title of Eric Allen Bell’s recent Frontpage article. Our guests were Eric Allen Bell, a writer and filmmaker who was recently fired from the “Daily Kos” for telling the truth about Islam, Nonie Darwish, author of the new book, The Devil We Don’t Know: The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East, and Mark Tapson, Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Below is Part II of a three part series, which deals with each guest’s journey out of their political faiths. To see Part I, which dealt with the penalty for Islam truth-telling, click here. We will run Part III, which involves a debate on the right to build a mosque in America, in tomorrow’s issue.


Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE:HSIG- The Glazov Gang: Telling The Truth About Islam
2/17/2012 8:28:15 PM
When I read this today in my daily mailing from the Canada Free Press, reminded me again of just how underhanded the Obama adminstration is.
American funding of UNESCO was cut off automatically under U.S. legislation dating back to the 1990s
The Obama administration formally announced its intention this week to ask Congress to waive a ban on American funding of 22% of UNESCO’s budget following UNESCO’s decision to admit “Palestine” as its 195th member state on 31 October 2011.
The announcement did not come in a White House press release from President Obama.
Rather it was surreptitiously tucked away in an innocuous footnote to the budget that the White House presented to Congress - which contained the following statement:
“The Department of State intends to work with Congress to seek legislation that would provide authority to waive restrictions on paying the U.S. assessed contributions to UNESCO,”

The State Department has squirreled away nearly $79 million into its 2013 budget in the hope that Congress will grant a legal waiver allowing such American funding to UNESCO to be restored.

That this is a forlorn hope was signalled by Rep.Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - the Chairperson of the US House of Representatives International Relations Committee - who stated:

“Any effort to walk back this funding cutoff will pave the way for the Palestinian leadership’s unilateral statehood scheme to drive on, and sends a disastrous message that the U.S. will fund UN bodies no matter what irresponsible decisions they make,”

American funding of UNESCO was cut off automatically under U.S. legislation dating back to the 1990s, which mandated the spending freeze for any UN agency granting full membership to Palestine before the conclusion of an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. This law recognized that any such unilateral decisions would work against - rather than assist - any such agreement ever being concluded.

This loss of American funding will result in a black hole of $260 million in UNESCO’s budget to 2013.

UNESCO’s Director General - Ms Irina Bokova - has already signalled she is looking at achieving an overall cut of 29% in UNESCO programs for 2012 -2013 - which will adversely impact on UNESCO’s proposed global programs for the benefit of scores of millions of people over the next two years

Ms Bokova intends to reveal where she will be making her proposed cuts at the next meeting of UNESCO’s Executive Board commencing on 27 February.

Desperate to replace this lost American funding Ms Bokova has been accepting “donations” from some countries such as Turkey, Gabon and Timor Leste - which are conditional on being spent in those countries or neighbouring States - irrespective of where they rank in UNESCO’s scheme of priorities.

This will lead to even greater curtailment or abandonment of other programs - as UNESCO’s decision making power is subordinated to the demands of these individual states.

The US State Department needs to rethink its view that only an explicit waiver of the law can now free up American funding to avert the humanitarian crisis staring UNESCO in the face.

There is an alternative option that has been with UNESCO for almost three months - an alternative which UNESCO has refused to even discuss.

It involves UNESCO seeking an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the following two legal issues relating to Palestine’s admission to UNESCO in breach of UNESCO’s own constitution:

  • What are the requirements that qualify an applicant to be admitted as a member state of UNESCO under its Constitution and were these requirements satisfied in the case of “Palestine”?
  • What were the number of votes required under the Constitution to admit “Palestine” as a member state of UNESCO?

The cost to UNESCO of having these issues determined by the International Court would be $100000 in my estimate.

UNESCO’s continuing refusal to even discuss the merits of the legal arguments advanced in questioning the legality of its decision to admit Palestine - indicates that UNESCO has no answer to the detailed submission given to it.

Even if UNESCO sought to rebut that submission - then there still is a need for those two competing viewpoints to be judicially resolved.

In failing to approach the Court - UNESCO is clearly signalling that it is more interested in protecting its decision on “Palestine” from judicial review - rather than finding a possible legal way out of such decision - thus enabling it to regain the lost American funding and so allow its existing global programs to be maintained. .

Continuing to play a narrow political game at the expense of a vast all embracing global humanitarian game can only have serious repercussions for UNESCO’s continued existence and relevance in the future.

If UNESCO is so confident of its legal position then spending $100000 to have that opinion set in stone will be money well spent and will result in the Court clarifying and defining the meaning of the Constitution when future applications for membership are made.

Ironically it is not a waiver of the law that the State Department should be futilely spending its time and effort trying to achieve. Rather it should be whispering in UNESCO’s ear the virtues of subjecting its decision to the law to try and get a favorable ruling that would immediately release the withheld American funds.

That of course would mean the demise of Palestine’s membership of UNESCO. Would that be so bad - if in fact it was found to have been granted in breach of UNESCO’s Constitution?

UNESCO is apparently not yet ready to face up to such a prospect. Until it does - people around the world will continue to suffer.

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/18/2012 5:41:47 AM
Hi Evelyn,

UNESCO screwed up when they accepted the PA as a "member state| in their organization. It was recognized then as a ploy on the part of the Palestinians after their failed attempt to be accepted in the UN as a member state. It worked with UNESCO but they've been manipulating this organization for years in Gaza and in the PA controlled areas.

But when UNESCO accepted the PA entity as a member state the US automatically cancelled any future payments to UNESCO since their acceptance of the PA is in defiance to laws passed by Congress and the Senate. Interestingly enough both B Hussein and Hillary both condemned UNESCO's acceptance of the PA then but now is flip flopping on that issue as well. This is not surprising since the B Hussein regime is still supporting the PA financially after the unity agreement with Hamas. It gets even worse when now B Hussein is calling it an internal issue. So flip flopping is his forte and especially when it concerns his Islamic agenda and beloved Muslim brothers.

UNESCO's refusal to place the PA's acceptance as a member state before the International Court of Justice is proof positive that they accepted them in contravention of their charter and would have the acceptance of the PA reversed.

One last thing did you notice how the sleaze ball B Hussein tried to slide his flip flop through?? Hidden somewhere in his latest budget request to Congress? This guy is a master at nothing aside from lying and Taqiyya. He doesn't want to be seen as flip flopping again but he was caught red handed as was Hillary's $79 million for UNESCO hidden in the State Departments budget as well.

Here's a video made by the brilliant Latmah team. Their satire as usual is the truth but possibly in a way the dunces that thought Fidel Castro is a singer can understand. It compliments Judi McLeod's article since it's all about the lying and deceit of the PA and Hamas.



When I read this today in my daily mailing from the Canada Free Press, reminded me again of just how underhanded the Obama adminstration is.
American funding of UNESCO was cut off automatically under U.S. legislation dating back to the 1990s
The Obama administration formally announced its intention this week to ask Congress to waive a ban on American funding of 22% of UNESCO’s budget following UNESCO’s decision to admit “Palestine” as its 195th member state on 31 October 2011.
The announcement did not come in a White House press release from President Obama.
Rather it was surreptitiously tucked away in an innocuous footnote to the budget that the White House presented to Congress - which contained the following statement:
“The Department of State intends to work with Congress to seek legislation that would provide authority to waive restrictions on paying the U.S. assessed contributions to UNESCO,”

The State Department has squirreled away nearly $79 million into its 2013 budget in the hope that Congress will grant a legal waiver allowing such American funding to UNESCO to be restored.

That this is a forlorn hope was signalled by Rep.Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - the Chairperson of the US House of Representatives International Relations Committee - who stated:

“Any effort to walk back this funding cutoff will pave the way for the Palestinian leadership’s unilateral statehood scheme to drive on, and sends a disastrous message that the U.S. will fund UN bodies no matter what irresponsible decisions they make,”

American funding of UNESCO was cut off automatically under U.S. legislation dating back to the 1990s, which mandated the spending freeze for any UN agency granting full membership to Palestine before the conclusion of an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. This law recognized that any such unilateral decisions would work against - rather than assist - any such agreement ever being concluded.

This loss of American funding will result in a black hole of $260 million in UNESCO’s budget to 2013.

UNESCO’s Director General - Ms Irina Bokova - has already signalled she is looking at achieving an overall cut of 29% in UNESCO programs for 2012 -2013 - which will adversely impact on UNESCO’s proposed global programs for the benefit of scores of millions of people over the next two years

Ms Bokova intends to reveal where she will be making her proposed cuts at the next meeting of UNESCO’s Executive Board commencing on 27 February.

Desperate to replace this lost American funding Ms Bokova has been accepting “donations” from some countries such as Turkey, Gabon and Timor Leste - which are conditional on being spent in those countries or neighbouring States - irrespective of where they rank in UNESCO’s scheme of priorities.

This will lead to even greater curtailment or abandonment of other programs - as UNESCO’s decision making power is subordinated to the demands of these individual states.

The US State Department needs to rethink its view that only an explicit waiver of the law can now free up American funding to avert the humanitarian crisis staring UNESCO in the face.

There is an alternative option that has been with UNESCO for almost three months - an alternative which UNESCO has refused to even discuss.

It involves UNESCO seeking an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the following two legal issues relating to Palestine’s admission to UNESCO in breach of UNESCO’s own constitution:

  • What are the requirements that qualify an applicant to be admitted as a member state of UNESCO under its Constitution and were these requirements satisfied in the case of “Palestine”?
  • What were the number of votes required under the Constitution to admit “Palestine” as a member state of UNESCO?

The cost to UNESCO of having these issues determined by the International Court would be $100000 in my estimate.

UNESCO’s continuing refusal to even discuss the merits of the legal arguments advanced in questioning the legality of its decision to admit Palestine - indicates that UNESCO has no answer to the detailed submission given to it.

Even if UNESCO sought to rebut that submission - then there still is a need for those two competing viewpoints to be judicially resolved.

In failing to approach the Court - UNESCO is clearly signalling that it is more interested in protecting its decision on “Palestine” from judicial review - rather than finding a possible legal way out of such decision - thus enabling it to regain the lost American funding and so allow its existing global programs to be maintained. .

Continuing to play a narrow political game at the expense of a vast all embracing global humanitarian game can only have serious repercussions for UNESCO’s continued existence and relevance in the future.

If UNESCO is so confident of its legal position then spending $100000 to have that opinion set in stone will be money well spent and will result in the Court clarifying and defining the meaning of the Constitution when future applications for membership are made.

Ironically it is not a waiver of the law that the State Department should be futilely spending its time and effort trying to achieve. Rather it should be whispering in UNESCO’s ear the virtues of subjecting its decision to the law to try and get a favorable ruling that would immediately release the withheld American funds.

That of course would mean the demise of Palestine’s membership of UNESCO. Would that be so bad - if in fact it was found to have been granted in breach of UNESCO’s Constitution?

UNESCO is apparently not yet ready to face up to such a prospect. Until it does - people around the world will continue to suffer.

Peter Fogel
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RE:HSIG - Eyewitness Account Of A Retired Lt. Colonel On The Dangers Of Islam
2/18/2012 7:48:07 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's a must read letter sent to Pamella Geller Editor and publisher of Atlas Shrugs by a retired Lt. Colonel..

After reading the letter I realized there was no need to make any additional comments cos the author in his letter says it all.




A letter from a retired Colonel:

Dear Ms. Geller:

I sought contact with you because you are one of the few who sees Islam for what it is. Certainly our president and our government fail to recognize the danger to both the United States and Israel if the Islamists are allowed to continue their consolidation of power. Or maybe, they know and are giving their tacit approval in efforts to "fundamentally change" our nation.

I’ve read a number of articles you’ve written regarding our most insidious enemy, radical Islam. I have yet to read anything you’ve written that’s not the truth. I’m amazed at the number of Leftists, who label you a "loon," or a purveyor of hate. Sadly, most of your detractors are so taken in by the very excellent Muslim propaganda machine operating in our country and funded by George Soros and others who seek to destroy us as a free nation. Most see the truth as hate, because they hate the truth!

I served in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait during the First Gulf War, 1990-91. I also was stationed in Kuwait from 1996-2000. I lived and worked in two different Islamic nations for nearly five years. I studied Islam through tutelage provided by the Islamic Presentation Committee at the Grand Mosque of Kuwait. I was taught the Koran, the Hadith as well as the Sunnah! It didn’t take me long to realize that Islam is a Political System, masquerading as a religion. It’s also a sham; if they’re ever was one.

U’bul Kassim, (AKA Mohammad) borrowed heavily from both Judaism and Christianity. What didn’t suit him from these two great religions, he either borrowed from paganism and animism; or he made it up. Many times he kind of shot from the hip so to speak. Islam was a great recruiting tool for pirates and brigands. Converts to Mohammed's new religion could rob, rape, steal, murder...all in the name of Islam. Jews and Christians neither were protected unless they converted and even then they were often times imprisoned or killed!

The bottom line up front is that Islam is going to destroy us. Shockingly, our Liberal Socialist media and Hollywood elites are enabling the Islamists. But then, so has our armed forces! During the First Gulf War, EVERY U.S. installation in Saudi Arabia was inundated with Muslim proselytizers who converted large numbers of our troops. Most were convenience conversions for either money or favors, but some took. What future price are we going to pay accordingly, for the large numbers of real converts, now in their forties and early fifties? That remains to be seen.

An issue that is not being addressed, is the politicization of our armed forces, particularly amongst our senior leadership! This has had a serious impact on our national commitment to the defense of Israel.

When I was a new Second Lieutenant, I was commissioned in the Armor Branch and studied tank warfare. In 1974 the world’s most experienced and expert practitioners of tank warfare were in the Israel Defense Force. Israeli officers at Ft. Knox were held in high esteem. They were the superstars of the day. After all, they had won the Yom Kippur War, only a year earlier. They’d fought in the largest tank battle since Kursk, in WW2! And, they won!

That all changed however. By the time I retired, U.S. officers, even GENERAL officers were heard to call the Israelis "F----- Kikes." I took issue with the anti-Semitism every time it came my way. My reward was to be labeled a "Jew lover." By 2001, there existed more animosity toward the Israelis, than toward the Arabs. 9/11 had an impact on this, yet so many displayed the attitude that if the U.S. cut our ties with Israel, our troubles in the Middle East would subside. I suppose many were "Ron Paul" before Ron Paul was cool.

The Obama Administration is the most anti-Israel Government we’ve ever had. I can’t think of another president who was so pro-Arab at the expense of our Israeli allies. Yet our partisan media fails to report this, as they fail to report anything that might be detrimental to Obama. I worry about Israel.

I’ll continue to follow your Website, read your AT articles and support you anyway I can. Thank you for what you do. I can’t understand how so many people have become intoxicated on the Obama Kool-Aid. If I can ever assist you in any of your research or the development of ideas in exposing the truth about Islam, please feel free to ask. I lived it and I'm a witness to the brutality of Islam and the reality of Islam.

Best regards,

Lt. Colonel, US Army

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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