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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/9/2012 9:34:44 AM
Hi Peter

Obama has been the great flip-flopper since his first day in office. The elite know that Obama will flip if they plop something in front of him that he wants ...prestige, money, power. How else do you explain that he so obviously says one thing and then after elected he does the exact opposite or a version thereof.

Peter, if you have time, could you make me a list of the things Obama has done so far that obviously show his Islamic bias and his anti-Israel attitude? Whenever possible, please include references. I want to send something to my email list that people will want to pass on. My email theme will be something to the effect "If there is the slightest chance that any of the people running for president is a Muslim with a hidden agenda, would you vote for him/her?"

I would do it myself but I wouldn't know where to begin and I won't have time to do it for a few months and by then the election will be over.

If you cannot do this, it is ok. I will understand. I will figure out something else.

I'm glad you enjoyed the 'light bulb' video. It would have been useful on our farm when I was a kid before we got electricity.


Hello Friends,

This week Fatah and Hamas signed an agreement for a unity government in the PA. Yeah, Fatah considered to be a "moderate" terrorist organization and Hamas a radical extreme terrorist organization to form a PA unity terrorist government.

When the PA originally signed an agreement with Hamas last year B Hussein and his regime condemned it and threatened to suspend financial aid to the PA. The EU and Quartet said they would only recognize Hamas when they accept all the agreements with Israel and its right to exist.

Now the B Hussein regime considers this new alliance with Hamas an 'internal matter". Interesting, last year it also an 'internal matter yet it was condemned' by the administration and congress voted to suspend monetary assistance to the PA.

An interesting B Hussein flip flop but one that was expected since it works well with his Islamic agenda.

Debbie Schlussel covers this topic very well.



Huh? Obama Says New HAMAS Palestinian Unity Govt is Merely “Internal Matter” of Palestinians

By Debbie Schlussel

For years, I’ve warned on this site about the impending merger between America’s preferred Islamic terrorists, Fatah and its leader Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a “Abu Mazen,” and the Muslim world’s favorite terrorists, HAMAS. And, as I warned, this week, the merger was agreed to in Doha, capital of our “loyal ally,” Qatar (and Al-Jazeera, which Qatar funds). This is just one of the major reasons why America was extremely stupid–as I’ve warned over the years–to support Fatah, Abbas, and the P.L.O. This support came largely to fruition under the Bush Administration, with George W. Bush giving Fatah gazillions for campaign ads, business start-ups, and, then, mortgage bail-outs for the Palestinians. All of this money now goes to HAMAS.

PLO’s Abbas, Qatar Emir Hamid Bin Khalifa, HAMAS’ Meshaal: The S–t-Eating Grins That Say, “Israel, We’re Comin’ For You!

Don’t let the fact that Abbas was picked to head the HAMAS unity government fool ya. He’s the face picked because he’s already been accepted and ass-kissed by the West (despite his open support for and involvement in both Islamic terrorism and Holocaust denial). But HAMAS will be running the show. HAMAS is the dominant force in both Gaza and the Palestinian Authority (PA), today. And this just clears the way for HAMAS to take over officially, even without elections. But, when those elections come, the group will solidify its power and hold over both Gaza and the PA, with access to these continuing funds from your tax dollars–funds which Congress and the State Department decline to cut off. In fact, the Obama State Department, dismisses the HAMAS unity government as a mere “internal matter” of the Palestinian people! Uh-huh, the same HAMAS that throws its people off 13 story buildings, the same HAMAS which is funded by Iran and blows people up. “Internal matter.” Oh, and in case you missed it, Khaled Meshaal, the head of HAMAS, said that this unity government signifies a pact to “unify against the enemy.” Guess who that enemy is? Israel, the West, Christians, Jews. All of those–HAMAS is coming for you.


Congressional amendments forbid foreign aid going to Hamas, which the United States has designated a terrorist organization. A partnership with Mr. Abbas could lead to a cutoff. “It further jeopardizes whatever existing aid is left,” said Representative Gary L. Ackerman, a Democrat from New York.

Until now, the State Department has declined to restrict aid, including military assistance to Palestinian security forces that totaled $450 million last fiscal year. The department has argued that the prospect of a Palestinian unity government that included Hamas, first announced last year, never fully materialized. . . .
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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
2/10/2012 3:46:29 AM

Thanks Helen, I will have to watch this one soon but it is almost time for me to log off. It's getting late and almost my bedtime. :)

Oops, I posted the wrong video. I don't know how that happened.

Here's Brigitte's Interview at Duke University


Hi Evelyn

Here's Brigitte's interview at Duke. I think it was done in 2007 or so. What a story!

Yes, it may have posted here before but it is worth it.

You won't regret watching it even though it is 46 minutes long.


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Pamela Geller on SUN TV Discussing Islamic Honor Killings on The Michael Coren
2/10/2012 1:52:10 PM
Hello Friends,

Honor killings are becoming a major issue in the United States and Canada. Not G-d forbid on the MSM but by Internet activists and a few choice TV shows NOT in the US (aside from Fox News from time to time) who are totally PC and not covering these horrific, barbaric and savage sharia law compliant murders.

Pamella Geller is interviewed by Michael Coren on his Sun TV show and discusses this issue. The video is well worth watching as is reading the below article.



VIDEO: Pamela Geller on SUN TV Discussing Islamic Honor Killings on The Michael Coren Show

Popular talk show host and bestselling author Michael Coren had me on his television show today. Michael Coren will be speaking at our first-ever human rights conference dedicated to exposing the plight of women under Islamic law in Dearborn, Michigan on the anniversary of the honor murder of Jessica Mokdad. This monstrous practice is on the rise in the West, and it is incumbent upon all freedom-loving people to expose this ideology that sanctions the murder of girls. 91% of honor killings worldwide occur among Muslims. 96% in Europe. The Muslim community, if it were honest about this phenomenon, would institute classes teaching Muslims against the attitudes and assumptions that lead to honor killing, instead of denying that it has anything do Jessica corenwith Islam, when it obviously does.

Mohammad Shafia made it clear that he did it because he thought his daughters were violating Islamic norms: “May the devil s–t on their graves. Is that what a daughter should be? Would a daughter be such a whore?” He also said: “God’s curse on them for generations. … They betrayed Islam.

The fatwa against honor killing does not address the fact that there is no penalty for a parent who kills a child in Islamic law. The fatwa against honor killing does not address the fact that many moderate Muslim states, including Jordan and Syria, have relaxed penalties of honor killing, and Islamic clerics have resisted attempts to stiffen those penalties.

In Islamic law the emphasis is not so much on the crime of rape but on the shame that the woman has brought upon her family by her sexual immorality, even if it was forced. So that shame can be washed away by her marrying the rapist.

Islam's emphasis is wholly and completely upon women as having the responsibility not to tempt men. If they do, and the man rapes, it's the woman's fault. So Islamic honor killing is of a piece with the wearing of hijabs, burqas, etc.

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - ‘Arab Spring’ is Christian nightmare
2/10/2012 2:16:42 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting article by Aaron Klein. In it he interviews Samy Gemayel a Christian Lebanese Parliamentarian who received numerous threats on his life including a recent warning about a specific assassination plot against him.

Sami Gemayel is from a very famous Christian Lebanese family whose brother Pierre Gemayel a member of Parliament and a government minister was assassinated as was his uncle Bashir Gemayel the President elect when he was assassinated (this happened during the first war in Lebanon when PM Begin was head of the Israeli Government - I was serving in Beirut at the time).

The article goes into detail on the
discrimination of Christians in the Arab world since the so called Arab Spring which is more like the return to the ice age in these Islamic countries.

An article well worth reading.



‘Arab Spring’ is Christian nightmare: Rise of Islamic groups bringing wave of intimidation, persecution.


By Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM — As Islamic groups gain power throughout the Middle East, Christians here fear for their safety and are concerned about their role with regard to the future of the volatile region.

“I fear for the Christians of the Middle East because it’s a bad situation for them,” Lebanese parliamentarian Samy Gemayel told KleinOnline.

Gemayel, a senior member of the Phalange party, said he received information last week about a specific assassination plot against him.

“I just got the information from the head of security and he asked me not to go to a specific place because he had information that something was going to happen there,” he said.

While the exact nature of the purported assassination plot remains unclear, Gemayel, who descends from an historic Lebanese Christian family, said he is taking the new threats seriously.

His older brother, Pierre, was a member of parliament and government minister before his assassination on November 21, 2006. His uncle, former President-elect Bachir Gemayel, was also assassinated.

Christians have been a minority in numerous Middle East countries for several decades, facing routine mistreatment and occasional persecution for much of that time.

However, for the last year, the so-called Arab Spring has sparked intensified concern, with reports of an increase in attacks against Christians in some countries here.

Islamist already ascended to power in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. Jordan, Morocco, Syria, Yemen and other countries face similar prospects, with Muslim Brotherhood-allied group consisting of much of the opposition that stands to gain from any power sharing system.

Ever since the downfall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Coptic Christians have been facing a wave of Islamic attacks, including murders, rapes, church burnings and institutional intimidation. Some reports say over 200,000 Copts already fled their homes.

When Copts attempted to protest last October, security forces reportedly fired at the protesters, killing 24 and wounding over 300 people.

This past weekend, the Global Post quoted numerous Syrian Christians, speaking on condition of anonymity, expressing deep concern that if the secular regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad collapses, Islamists may gain power and persecute Christians.

Middle East Christians routinely speak to the news media anonymously for fear of Islamic reprisals.

President Obama and the international community called on Assad to step aside amid reports he has been violently suppressing a revolution targeting his regime. Assad has accused armed groups, including Islamic organizations, of sparking the revolution.

Underscoring the immediacy of the threat, just yesterday Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios Lahham III called for an Arab Christian-Muslim summit in the wake of the developments in the Arab world.

“These commitments apply especially for the situation in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Iraq,” said Lahham.

Lahham said that inter-Christian summit was also needed to decide on the Arab Christians’ upcoming role in the wake of historical developments in the Arab world.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, writing in Newsweek article “The Global War on Christians in the Muslim World,” warned “Christians are being killed in the Islamic world because of their religion.”

“It is a rising genocide that ought to provoke global alarm,” wrote Ali.

Ali reported that in recent years “the violent oppression of Christian minorities has become the norm in Muslim-majority nations stretching from West Africa and the Middle East to South Asia and Oceania.”

“The conspiracy of silence surrounding this violent expression of religious intolerance has to stop,” Ali wrote. “Nothing less than the fate of Christianity—and ultimately of all religious minorities—in the Islamic world is at stake.”

Christians warned: Accept Islamic law

Christian persecution escalated even before the “Arab Spring.”

Ever since Hamas took over Gaza in 2007, the coastal territory’s 3,000-strong Christian community has been facing rampant persecution.

One Gaza Christian leader told KleinOnline that Christians living in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip this past December held only small, quiet Christmas celebrations after local leaders received warnings for the fifth year in a row from Muslim groups against any public display of Christianity.

Islamist have been suspected in a string of anti-Christian attacks, including the bombing of a Christian bookstore in November 2007 and the murder of the store’s manager, local Christian resident Rami Ayyad.

After Hamas’ rise to power, Christian in Gaza repeatedly have been targeted. The Islamic extremist group Jihadia Salafiya is suspected of many of the Islamist attacks, such as a May 2007 shooting against a United Nations school in Gaza after it allowed boys and girls to participate in the same sporting event. One person was killed in the attack.

In the case of Ayyad, who managed the only Christian bookstore in Gaza, his body was discovered riddled with gunshot and stab wounds. Just before his murder, Ayyad, a Baptist, was publicly accused by Abu Islam’s group of engaging in missionary activities. Ayyad’s bookstore, owned by the Palestinian Bible Society, was firebombed in April 2007, after which he told relatives he received numerous death threats from Islamists.

KleinOnline quoted witnesses stating Ayyad was publicly tortured a few blocks from his store before he was shot to death.

The witnesses said they saw three armed men, two of whom were wearing masks, beat Ayyad repeatedly with clubs and the butts of their guns while they accused him of attempting to spread Christianity in Gaza. The witnesses said that after sustaining the beating, Ayyad was shot by all three men.

Just after Hamas assumed control, Sheik Abu Saqer, leader of Jihadia Salafiya , told KleinOnline in an interview that Christians can continue living safely in the Gaza Strip only if they accept Islamic law, including a ban on alcohol and on women roaming publicly without proper head coverings.

The militant leader said Christians in Gaza who engage in “missionary activity” will be “dealt with harshly.”

“I expect our Christian neighbors to understand the new Hamas rule means real changes. They must be ready for Islamic rule if they want to live in peace in Gaza,” said Saqer.

“Jihadia Salafiya and other Islamic movements will ensure Christian schools and institutions show publicly what they are teaching to be sure they are not carrying out missionary activity. No more alcohol on the streets. All women, including non-Muslims, need to understand they must be covered at all times while in public,” Asqer told KleinOnline.

Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - Jimmy Carter All Over Again
2/10/2012 2:43:12 PM
Hello Friends,

For those that remember the Iranian's capture of the American Embassy when 52 Americans were taken hostage by the Jihadi thugs and peanut brain Carter's inept attempts to release the hostages (they were released shortly after Ronald Regan was sworn in as President. They knew he would deal with them as they deserved and they quickly released the hostages). The 19 Americans that were arrested in Cairo, Egypt is a similar scenario and another inept American president and his administration is being given the finger despite threats to shut down the $1.5 billion in aid the Egyptians receive every year.

The parallels are interesting cos Carter threw the Shah of Iran under the bus as B Hussein did with America's long term ally Hosni Mubarak. The below article deals with the 2 inept presidents and the possible outcome of the arrest of the 19 Americans.

The ironic fact is that one of the Americans is Secretary LaHood's son is one of the arrested Americans and LaHood and his son are both anti Israel and pro Arab and Jihad organizations. The LaHoods are of Lebanese descent.

To get a different perspective and take on this issue (and the LaHoods) please read Debbie Schlussel's article in which she has different thoughts on these arrests.



Jimmy Carter All Over Again

Posted by Bio ↓ on Feb 7th, 2012

The Egyptian Government has released the names of nineteen American citizens that it intends to prosecute for their role in fomenting anti-government protests – a charge they deny. Protests from the American Government have so far been futile, met with sneers of contempt.

The echoes are unmistakable. On November 4, 1979, Iranian thugs stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 52 Americans hostage. Jimmy Carter’s government wrung its hands in futility for the next fourteen months, until finally the Islamic Republic released the hostages on January 20, 1981, the day Ronald Reagan took office as President of the United States.

The bitter irony in all that was that Carter had betrayed the Shah of Iran, a longtime U.S. ally, and thereby paved the way for the ascent to power of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Iranian mullahcracy that has ruled Iran ever since. Rather than feel gratitude toward Carter, however, Khomeini viewed his abandonment of the Shah as a sign of weakness, and pressed forward with his jihad against the Great Satan.

Iran has maintained a hostile posture toward the United States ever since then, including gleeful predictions of our nation’s imminent demise. Just days ago, Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, declared to an enthusiastic Tehran crowd that “in light of the realization of the divine promise by almighty God, the Zionists and the Great Satan (America) will soon be defeated….Allah’s promises will be delivered and Islam will be victorious.”

As the Iranian regime inches ever closer toward constructing nuclear weapons, as even Hillary Clinton has acknowledged it is trying to do, these words become more than just empty braggadocio and saber-rattling. The U.S. and Israel have one man to thank for the advent of a genocide-minded regime that considers them both the most implacable of enemies, is not deterred by the prospect of millions of its own people dead, and is racing toward completion of a nuclear weapon.

That man, of course, is Jimmy Carter. And from the looks of recent events, he is back in the White House.

In June 2009, when Barack Obama made his notorious appeal to the Muslim world from Cairo, he specifically stipulated that leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood be allowed to attend – despite the fact that at that time the Brotherhood was still an outlawed group. Last March, as the “Arab Spring” uprisings toppled the sclerotic and brutal regime of Hosni Mubarak, Obama hailed “the peaceful transition to democracy in both Tunisia and in Egypt.” As the regime fell, Obama exulted: “We’ve borne witness to the beginning of new chapter in the history of a great country and a longtime partner of the United States.”

At the same time, Obama signaled his willingness to open talks with the Muslim Brotherhood, and gave every indication that he would not oppose the establishment of an Islamic state in Egypt.

Now, as Egypt rushes headlong toward becoming a Sharia state and adopts a posture of increasing hostility toward the United States, Obama is scrambling to hold at bay the forces he is largely responsible for unleashing.

The parallels are so close, they’re almost eerie. The Shah of Iran was no champion of human rights, and neither was Hosni Mubarak. That gave the opposition groups to both an opportunity to appeal to the world’s conscience as the great hope of their people to live at last in dignity – an opportunity that both exploited with great aplomb. Both the Shah and Mubarak were relatively secular rulers who for decades successfully held at bay the pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist forces that despised and longed to topple them. Both had mutually beneficial relationships with the United States – not perfect ones, by any means, but alliances of convenience that fostered stability in troubled regions.

Both the Shah and Mubarak then ran afoul of leftist Democrat presidents who positioned their betrayal of these undeniably less-than-perfect allies as a responsibility necessitated by their commitment to human rights. These presidents appeared naïve to many, but may not have been simply wrongfooted by events: Jimmy Carter praised the Ayatollah Khomeini as a fellow “man of faith,” and Barack Obama’s Muslim upbringing (quite aside from the ever-swirling rumors about his actual religious affiliation) appear to have given him a warmly positive view of Islam and Sharia. Both, in other words, may have viewed the demise of the relatively secular regimes that the U.S. had supported before they became president as a positive development, an expression of the self-determination of the people of each country, and the installation of the rule of a religion that was – they believed – truly moderate, peaceful and tolerant at its core.

In any case, undeniably Carter in Iran and Obama in Egypt got the regimes they wanted. They got the expression of “democracy” that they assured the American people would usher in a new era of peace and freedom. In both cases, they made their decisions based on politically correct falsehoods and fantasies rather than harsh realities. And in both cases, as is increasingly clear in Egypt, innocent Americans have had to pay for their myopia.

This is the Egypt, and this is the Middle East, that Barack Obama has given us. And in the coming weeks and months, he will find that the forces he has helped unleash will be impossible to contain.

Jimmy Carter was soundly defeated for a second term in the 1980 presidential election. But when Barack Obama took office in January 2009, Carter in effect came back to the White House. It is significant in this connection that Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter’s National Security Advisor and so viciously anti-Israel that he has declared that U.S. aircraft in Iraq should violently impede an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, has advised Obama extensively on foreign policy issues.

As bad as the situation in Egypt is today, however, by far the worst aspect of Barack Obama’s Jimmy Carter reprise act regarding that unhappy country is that no Ronald Reagan appears to be on the horizon.


Robert Spencer is a scholar of Islamic history, theology, and law and the director of Jihad Watch. He is the author of ten books, eleven monographs, and hundreds of articles about jihad and Islamic terrorism, including the New York Times Bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran (Regnery), and he is coauthor (with Pamela Geller) of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America (Simon and Schuster).

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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