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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/5/2011 5:01:20 PM
Hello Peter,

Yes I did / am. I am sorry that it seemed like I am being 'one eyed', I do have a point, but I had to put emphasize and focus on the enemy before I can talk further . A bite and a time.
We are in a Spiritual War, Satan is in the last ditch effort to steal as many of God's people away as he can, and the many new believers who come through as their eyes are opened to the Bondage we presently are living in as all these atrocious laws and confinements etc close in more upon us

Now I want to share where in example where we are...

The Muslims are infiltrating all over the world in their masses and will demand their culture and Sharia Law to be accepted -bondage into New World Religion. Pope Benedict VIII is already doing his part.

The Global Elite - they have their filthy fingers into Everything
Fed Banks Stolen money/taxes, water, Govt, Corporations, jobs, dumbed down people with toxins/poison in food, water, air, medical drugs which also kill and maim - eroded our very natural way of life
have been eroding the laws of the land e.g. US is known to have the toughest Police state. - and more bondage with spying - computer, TV, lamp-post camera/mics, street cameras etc, grope and fondle children/adults in airports, football games etc
The constant wars upon other countries to kill and reduce world numbers, then steal / rape their land commodities and bring them down into subjection under their power.
This topic has been discussed in other forums more in depth, so we have a fairly good rounded profile of this Global Elite.

We know that the people have been like Sheeple and following along and not seeing or comprehending any of these atrocities as a Whole but branches... The Sheeple are starting to wake up, they have had their homes go into foreclosure, their vehicles taken off them, lost their jobs, and many many other infringements and rights taken away. We have even allowed other cultures along with their religions come and we have allowed change to some of these dangerous 'God given commandments which obeyed are promises ' to be taken away.
The People have just gone along with it - we are murmuring and complaining but still not really standing up.

The lesson I believe we have to take from this: Esau whom was the first born and Jacob his twin brother. Esau gave up his 'birth right' to Jacob for a bowl of food / soup.
God was angry with Esau - Esau's birthright was precious and he gave it up so easily.
Jacob could not steal it, he had to trick Esau to 'give it to him willingly'.

My point: I have had emails saying there are 14% who do not believe in God, so there are still 86% who do. This 86% have a covenant with God.

Until our very personal faith - Our birthright...comes under personal attack we are quite passive - we have seen in our forums people can get pretty hot under the collar when you challenge their/our faith.

We have been pretty passive so far but I reckon they will be in for a rude awakening when the Muslims and/or the Global Elite and they try to 'trick us out of our birthright' to give it up freely - They cannot steal it and they know this (maybe hardwired even in Satan and Demons?) This is when we will rise up into mass protest or even a riot.

This is why I believe we are in a spiritual war.




Hi Amanda,

You seem to put a lot of emphasis on Satan in all your posts and I understand where you're coming from and your personal reasons for doing so.

Your latest reply was after I showed you that the Elites/Illuminati are the new kids on the block in comparison to Islam and all the wars and massacres they were involved in throughout history. Even in our day and age the Muslim's certainly have no need for any money from the Elite's since they're swimming in untold amounts of money. That's why I say they are working in concert one with the other instead of one being controlled by the other. We can see that in so many ways and to me it seems obvious.

In any case I have no need for Satan to know when something is evil and that for me is sufficient. You can call it Satan and I'll call it evil and I have a feeling we're both talking about the same thing.



Hello Peter and Jim

Please understand, I am not disagreeing with everything you say
I am trying to get you to understand that our enemy is Satan...who was once called Lucifer and an Archangel of the Lord God Almighty.
Explanation from this webpage

Lucifer was created perfect in all his ways, but iniquity was found in him. It was not put there by God. Lucifer created it. ( this is found in Ezekiel 28:15 )

Like man, the angels were created perfect, and with a free will.

Satan was lifted up because of his beauty, he corrupted the wisdom by reason of his brightness (This is in Ezekiel 28:17)

We first read about Lucifer in Genesis in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and he was disguised as the serpent who tricked/deceived Eve to eat the forbidden fruit yet Adam was punished more severely because he knew he should not eat of the fruit.

Satan wanted to be God. The Bible tells us in 2nd Corinthians 4:4 that Satan has become the "god of this world". And Revelation 20:10 tells us that he will be eternally punished for it.

Muslim/Islam does not line up with anything that other religions or faith believe, as no other wants to kill us, and more of a political enslavement than any religion we know of - this has already been discussed in this forum with various articles and videos to confirm.

We should also know and acknowledge that the Lord God Almighty is not their god either... so you must and I hope you come to the conclusion that if 'our God of Israel - Abraham, Isaac, David' then Satan is Muslim/Islam's god who is 'god of this world'

Satan is the father of lies - he and his third of the fallen angels - demons/evil spirits.. deceives, manipulates, dominates, intimidates, kills, maims, enslaves (all negative/evil actions) people all the while hiding from mankind that he does not exist. People blame God.

All these other evil/bad tribes, nations, Kings, Rulers etc whom have risen and fallen over history have been influenced by Satan.

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/6/2011 7:11:38 AM
Hi Amanda,

Each of us will define our part in the war against the Elites and the Muslim agenda to conquer the world and once again rule through the Caliphate.

For you it's a spiritual war and for me it's a war against a religion that is both spiritual for the members but also a political system and their Koran dictates everything they do during every minute of their lives. When they have a book based on the founder of their religion's words who was a murderer, pedophile, calls for the killing of all infidels and so much more and he is the one the "believers" want to emulate then you have a 1,500,000,000 people who are a potential danger to us all and the western way of life and culture. We are seeing the outcome of this in Europe and now in the USA and Canada as well.

The problem I have with your above explanation is that in a way it only includes the Judeo/Christian belief structures but the dangers of radical Jihadi Muslims is against members of all religions and they all are in danger and under attack.

We need everybody to fight against this agenda of theirs for world domination and not only members of certain religions. This affects the whole world and the Judeo/Christian beliefs are only part of it all.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Israel Helps US Security, Say Ex-Clinton, Bush Aides
11/6/2011 7:13:18 AM
Hello Friends,

This won't be a long post this time cos I believe the below article speaks for itself. I will say this though. The fraud and great pretender B Hussein has surrounded himself with advisers who are from the extreme radical left (that includes members of his administration) and extreme and radical Muslims up to and including members of the Muslim Brotherhood. What an exciting combination (you also see that same combination amongst the Occupier's movement from funding to active support and participation).

What you don't hear anywhere is how these radical Muslim countries that B Hussein supports have contributed to the security and safety of the United States but we do hear how they are calling for the downfall if the United States and Israel of course.

Israel has always been a loyal and sincere partner and ally as opposed to the Muslim world at large. The below article elaborates more on this topic.



Israel Helps US Security, Say Ex-Clinton, Bush Aides
Israel advances American national security interests, according to a report by former aides to presidents Clinton and Bush.
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Walter Slocombe
Walter Slocombe
Israel news photo: Wikimedia Commons/ US Defense Dept.

Israel advanced American national security interests, according to a report by former aides to presidents Clinton and Bush that contradicts Obama advisors who claim that Israel endangers U.S. soldiers.

Robert D. Blackwill, who was deputy national security advisor for strategic planning in the administration of George W. Bush, and Walter B. Slocombe, undersecretary of defense for policy in the Clinton administration, wrote a brief summary of their research in the Los Angeles Times Monday morning.

The full report is entitled "Israel: A Strategic Asset for the United States" and was written for The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

President Barack Obama has harped away at the theme that the United States and Israel share values of democracy and freedom, implying that the American government has a moral obligation to defend Israel. The theory has been the basis for the president and his advisors’ declarations that Israel must agree to demands of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in order not to endanger American security.

Blackwill and Slocombe pointed out what they said is an overlooked aspect of the American-Israeli alliance: The many ways in which Israel advances U.S. national interests.

“The United States has benefited in the areas of counterterrorism, intelligence and experience in urban warfare," they wrote. "Increasingly, U.S. homeland security and military agencies are turning to Israeli technology to solve some of their most vexing technical and strategic problems."

Israel's support includes airport security techniques, unmanned aerial systems (UAVs), defense against short-range rockets and armored vehicle protection.

“Israel's national missile defenses – which include the U.S. deployment in Israel of an advanced X-band radar system and the more than 100 American military personnel who man it – will be an integral part of a larger missile defense spanning Europe, the eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf to help protect U.S. forces and allies,” they stated.

Without providing details, the authors said that Israeli cooperation with the U.S. military has worked "to advance their common interest in defeating the terrorism of Hamas, Hizbullah and Al Qaeda and its affiliate groups, and preventing nuclear proliferation in the region.”

They did specify one instance – Israel’s passing on to the United States "conclusive photographic evidence in 2007 that Syria, with North Korean assistance, had made enormous strides toward ‘going hot’ with a plutonium-producing reactor."

Israel, without officially saying so, bombed the site in northern Syria three years ago.

The former presidential advisers pointed out that despite disagreements over the "peace process," Iran and Israel’s defense exports to China, collaboration is more frequent.

However, Blackwill and Slocombe did not dismiss the peace process, which has fallen apart and is widely considered to be dead and buried.

“Arab-Israel peace treaties are the anchor of American national interests in the Middle East,” they stated.

Nevertheless, they dismissed claims that the alliance with Israel has prevented the United States from establishing closer ties with Arab countries.

“Would Saudi Arabia's policies toward the United States, for example, be markedly different if Washington entered into a sustained crisis with Israel over the Palestine issue?” they asked. “Would Riyadh lower the price of oil?... Would it view American democracy promotion in the Middle East more favorably?... No."

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Can There Ever Be Peace Between Muslims and Jews? By Ali Sina
11/6/2011 7:20:22 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's an excellent article by Ali Sina a long time fighter against Islam. He's basically replying to a student who asks if there can ever be peace between Muslims and Jews.

Ali Sina is the founder of the website which is comprised of ex-Muslims who asked prohibited questions and as a consequence lost their faith and left Islam. Their objective and agenda is to convince as many Muslims as possible to leave Islam through discussion and they have succeeded in convincing many to do so.



Can There Ever Be Peace Between Muslims and Jews?

Dear Ali Sina,

My name is Yafa and I am currently a college student in the metro Detroit area, which has a huge population of Muslims.

Recently we had a speaker come to our University – Gill Hoffman from the jpost, and Muslim studets organized a huge protest against it. These are the pictures from the event. I have never seen so much hate and anger in my life.

I don’t think all of them are alike. I believe education and communication can help solve this. However, many of the Muslims on our campus refuse to listen to anything about Israel and anything that has to do with it, which makes it impossible to communicate with them. The only thing they see is the oppression of the Palestinians and nothing else. How do you suggest I go about that? How can I at least get them to listen to what the other side has to say? In the end all I want to do is to promote peace between Arabs and Jews, which will never happen if we don’t listen to each other.

I greatly appreciate your time,


Hi Yafa,

Promoting peace between Arabs (Here I mean exclusively Muslims) and Jews is a delusion. Anyone who suggests such thing is ignorant of Islam. The hatred of the Jews is mixed with the milk that Muslims drink from their mother’s breasts. It is in the Quran. As long as Muslims believe in the Quran they will continue hating the Jews.

As far as Muslims, peace can be attained only when the Jews are subdued and subservient to them, recognize them as superior, pay jizyah with willing submission and feeling themselves humiliated. If this is not your idea of peace, then prepare to defend yourself.

Know your enemy. This is the golden rule of war. If you think as a Jew you can make peace with Muslims you don’t know your enemy and your defeat becomes inevitable.

I sometimes wonder at the naiveté of non-Muslims. Don’t they read the Quran and other Islamic sacred texts? A group of naïve Jews has joined a group of deceiving Muslims to form the Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement This is like the alliance between sheep and wolf. They say ignorance is bliss.

Any alliance between Muslims and Jews will be temporary. The goal is to deceive. Muslims know that at the end they will kill you. Sahih Bukhari (4, 52, 77) says “Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”

This is what Ahmadinejad is dreaming. He wants to be the person who will hasten the advent of the Hour, by massacring the Jews. He is convinced that if he nukes Israel Mahdi will come out of his hiding well and will make the righteous Muslims, i.e. the Shiites, dominate the world. If millions of Muslims are killed in the process, it is not a problem because once Mahdi comes, the dead will resurrect.

You ask what you can do for peace. The first thing you shoul do is to stop deceiving yourself. Know your enemy. He uses land as an excuse. Why a person from Iran, or Pakistan or Indonesia should care about Palestine? It is you that he hates. He hates you because you are a Jew. The same applies to the liberal in the west who takes the side of the Palestinians. They all masquerade their anti Semitism by claming they are concerned about Palestinians. Palestinians don’t need any body’s concern. They have thier own homeland, called Jordan. Jordan is bogus name given by the British. That country is Palestine.

Muslims don’t want to kill you. They wants to subdue you. And the more you give in the more they demand. Giving up land for peace or releasing 1000 terrorists to show good will emboldens them. They see these concessions as victory and escalate their hostility for their final victory, which is your total subjugation.

You Jews must understand one thing. As long as you are Jews Muslims will hate you. The very name Jew excites the Muslim and brings in him unbounded hatred. Watch the beheading of Daniel Pearl. His killers made him say he is a Jew and his father and mother are Jews before beheading him. Why? They did it because it excited them. It brought all their hatred out and they relished butchering him. By reminding themselves that he is a Jew they took a sadistic pleasure in killing him. This is difficult to understand. Maybe an example helps. Some people enjoy sex more when they engage in dirty talk, moan and make noises. The fact that these Muslims’ victim was a Jew gave them so much pleasure that they wanted to hear him say it. To them it was ecstasy. They were not just killing an infidel, they were killing a Jew. Their pleasure was unbounded.

You can’t be friends with a people who hate you so viscerally. Don’t say some Muslims are better. That is nonsense. Ask those “better” Muslims whether they are ready to denounce the verses of the Quran that incites hatred against the Jews. If they are really better, they shoud leave Islam.

For Muslims, “Jew” is a word of insult. They call you johood. It sounds like yahood (Jew) but it is a derogatory term, possibly derives from jihad and it may mean somone who should be fought against or someone who fights against God. If a Muslim wants to insult his fellow Muslim he would say to him, you are worse than a Jew. And that is a serious offence. You must have read that Muslims sometimes call me a Jew. It is not that they think I am a Jew. It is because they want to insult me. By calling me a Jew they express their hatred.

You must understand that you can’t make peace with Muslims. They will never accept you as equal. They will accept you as dhimmi (bonded) but never as equal. This is true about Christians too, but Jews are first and Christians will be the next. As they say, first comes Saturday and then Sunday. What they mean by this is that first we will subdue the Jews (people of Sabbath) and then the Christians, who celebrate thier religion on Sunday.

There is only one solution. Muslims must be weaned from Islam. Instead of trying to establish a dialogue with them, which you will never succeed, attack their religion. Help them see Muhammad was a liar and this insane hatred that they harbor for the Jews is the result of following a psychopath. They act insane because they follow an insane man.

You can’t appease a bully. The Jews in Medina could bring Muhammad down and smash his nose, but they feared him instead and tried to appease him. It resulted in their genocide. There were millions of Jews in Germany and not all the Germans were against them. They could fight against Hitler, assassinate the Nazis, bomb their headquarters, and shoot them in the streets. They could cause chaos and burn the cities. Many Germans would have taken their side. Governments can be toppled when there is unrest. But they didn’t do anything. They tried to not rock the boat. Six million of them were incinerated as the result. Compare that to how a tiny group of Muslims have terrorized the entire Europe that no one dares to whisper a word against them. What does this tell us? It tells us that strength gets more result than appeasement.

Isn’t it time for the Jews to realize that the only way to survive is through strength and not through appeasement?

Jews overwhelmingly voted for Obama when this man’s enmity to Israel and his connection to Muslims were glaringly obvious. They decided to close their eyes to facts and believe in his lies. Even today, after this fraud has proven to be no friend of Israel, most Jews will vote for him again. What is wrong with you people? If you don’t know what is good for you, what can others do for you? Why the great majority of Jews are liberal when it is clear that the Left has left them in the cold?

So you want to know how to make peace with Muslims. You can’t, unless you agree to be a dhimmi. Muslims will never take a Jew as their friend or ally. This is against the Quran (5:51).

There is only one solution. Wean them from Islam. Show them that Islam is a lie and Muhammad was a psychopath. He was a deceiver. This is not difficult. I have been doing it with great success. Muslims are leaving Islam in large numbers. Truth is setting them free. Once they leave Islam they will be your friend and ally. Then you can have peace with them. Only then Palestinians and Jews can live together.

Most of the wars and killings that are happening now are because of Islam. They will cease. The world will be a safer place. This is not wishful thinking. It is a reality that is happening already.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG- New Technology Could Turn Israel Into An Oil Giant
11/7/2011 6:10:51 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's some excellent news for Israel. In the valley where David slew Goliath there are shale rock deposits of oil that can soon be produced with new Israeli technologies that are affordable and will not effect the natural environment of the biblical historic valley.

Through this new technology Israel will able to recover the estimated 250 billion barrels of oil which almost equals the 260 billion barrels of Saudi Arabia. This is a game changing discovery and could possibly change the world oil structure in addition to making Israel independent of the world oil markets. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this new technology will be implemented in the very near future.

The full article can be accessed by clicking on the "more" link in the text below the graphic.



The latest:

Oil Shale Initiative in Valley Where David Slew Goliath Could Turn Israel into an Oil Giant
"New technology developed by Israel Energy Initiatives could make it possible for Israel to profitably produce oil from deposits previously inaccessible. Based on this technology, Israel may have 250 billion barrels of recoverable oil -- nearly equaling the 260 billion barrels of Saudi Arabia. The Israel Energy Partnership is educating U.S. business and Jewish community leaders about this potential development." -more
In the last panel of today's cartoon, Mr. Shuldig displays his best "I think somebody is trying to sell me something" face.
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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