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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - A Valiant German Woman Confronts Radical Islam
4/27/2011 7:05:28 PM
Hello Friends,

Radical Islamists are preaching their hate all over the world and in most cases are doing so freely and with impunity. They have no fear of the authorities taking action and rightly so since they do nothing and know that PC is working in their favor. European leaders (France, Germany and Italy) have already publicly stated that multiculturism has failed and their countries are losing their identity. We've seen Europe turn into Eurabia and yet the people remain silent.

Last week a German woman bravely spoke out at a rally of Muslim extremists who among other things said gays have to be killed. Her words should be listened to by all of us cos what she has to say pertains to the Western world and not only to the German people. What she's protesting against is happening in many countries and the US is witness to the same radical statements but remain silent about them. You'll notice that a policeman told her to stop the provacation while not reacting to the Radical Muslim speakers.

Since the video was first uploaded to the internet it's gone viral.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: HSIG - A Valiant German Woman Confronts Radical Islam
4/30/2011 9:41:16 PM
Hello Peter, just a little bit of information on the Jewish Day of Holocaust Remembrance.
No, we must not forget..........
Yom Hashoah: Jewish Day of Holocaust Remembrance
On May 1 and May 2, 2011 Jews throughout Israel, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and other nations will gather to recognize the 60th anniversary of the creation of Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day. Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, may not be religious holiday, but its message is just as significant as that of Passover, Chanukah or Purim and is the only holiday inscribed on the Jewish calendar that is observed globally by Jews and non-Jews alike. The 27th of Nisan, which falls barely a week after the conclusion of Passover, commemorates the memory of those who were murdered during the Holocaust by Nazis. Although Yom Hashoah is a national holiday in Israel, it is also observed in many Jewish and non-Jewish communities in Western countries as a memorial to one of the world’s greatest human atrocities.
Containing the world's largest repository of information on the Holocaust, Yad Vashem is a leader in Holocaust education, commemoration, research and documentation. Located in Jerusalem, Israel, Yad Vashem's 45 acre campus comprises museums, exhibitions, memorials, sculptures, gardens, and world class research and education centers. Millions each year access Yad Vashem's vast resources in order to study, teach and commemorate the Holocaust.
In memory of 6 million Jewish that died in Nazi Extermination camps. The seed for the modern resurrection of Israel.
Peter Fogel

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Yom Hashoah - The Holocaust Remembrance Day 2011
5/2/2011 6:01:51 AM
Hello Friends,

Today is Yom Hashoah - The Holocaust Remembrance Day. I normally add an informative post on this day but thanks to Evelyn (and I thank her for it) who posted an interesting article 2 days ago. The official opening of Yom Hashoah took place last night in Jerusalem and it was a sobering yet beautiful event as they are every year.

Much has been written about the Holocaust (I added my personal story here in Sam Sunday's Article of Virtue thread) the most important objective was and still is to never forget in order to insure that genocides of this magnitude never happen again to any "people or religion" in future generations. Unfortunately not only is it still happening in different parts of the world there are many who still deny the Holocaust ever took place. People are looking to change the course of history by minimizing up to and including outright denial of the Holocaust. This has to be combated and one of the ways is Yom Hashoah. Teaching future generations of the genocide of 6,000,000 million Jews and 3,000,000 "undesirables" (ubermenshen) according to the Nazi's is something that has to be learned from and understood. Normal God fearing Germans fell captive to the lunatic ravings of Hitler and stood by as this genocide took place ............. as did the world. Understand this simple fact and you'll understand why it's so important to never forget.

This year I found a video that doesn't show the ravages of the Holocaust, that can be found almost at will on youtube and elsewhere. The below video is a rendition of a Yiddish song sung by Jay Black who was the lead singer in the pop group "Jay and the Americans" in the 60s. The song is called "Where is the Village?" (Vi is dus geseleh? [Yiddish]). It is a beautiful rendition of this popular Yiddish song and Jay sings it in the original Yiddish and English. The video's background are paintings by Marc Chagall which are hauntingly beautiful.



English title: "Where is the village?".Year 1966Jay Black, lead singer of the pop group"Jay and the Americans"."Where is the Village?" (Vi iz dus geseleh?)a well known yiddish song."In 1966, Jay took a standard yiddish songand adapted it into a version to demonstratehis feelings about the Holocaust. After along struggle with the record company, he convinced them to let him record it.While recording it he worked with ArtieButler to help him with the arrangementsince Jay comes from an Orthodox Jewishbackground. Jay Black who was born DavidBlatt is the voice, the creator, andeverything you hear on that vocal.".A superb interpretation seldom heard inrecordings of this song. I feel he showeda facet of his personality that's quitemature for someone in his twenties.A young man singing about the horrors ofthe Holocaust, recorded in a vinyl LPintended for the teenagers who buy pop/rock.First half of the song is sung in yiddish,and the second half of the song in English.Only one other major jewish vocalist, SteveLawrence, included a yiddish song in his popular repertory, a song titled "Where CanI Go?", also about the Holocaust period.Steve Lawrence sang the english lyrics first,followed by the yiddish lyrics. Jay Black undertook a higher risk, singingthe yiddish lyrics first. "Where is theVillage?" is a gem of a yiddish song, andJay Black's curriculum should indicatepopular vocalist, and yiddish singer."Where is the Village?" sung in Yiddishand EnglishPaintings by MARC CHAGALL.Born in Vitebsk,Belarus.( White Russia). Read the rest here.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Bin Laden Is DEAD! Now What?
5/2/2011 11:16:01 AM
Hello Friends,

There is so much to write about today and the major headlines in the world are about the execution of Osama Bin Laden. No doubt a very important event in the Western world and in the world of Radical Islam. The repercussions will be world wide not only by Al Qaeda but by all the Muslim/Islamic terrorist organizations in the world. The United States will be affected by this as the "perpetrator" of this crime as will most Western countries.

I watched the video of B Hussein's announcement and he didn't disappoint me. A crowning achievement it is but my friends the same organizations and units that have been searching for him for 10 years are the ones that finally found him. Listening to B Hussein you'd think he was out there in the field doing all the work while in fact he was most probably playing golf or basketball. Granted it was done under his fraudulent watch but the credit goes to the men that did the work in the field for 10 years. I've had it with his speeches full of I this and I that while in most cases everything he does is wrong. But it was under the watch of the community organizer and he did announce it.

Very shortly we'll see an influx of terrorist attacks and B Hussein will relate to them in the same way he did to the Ft. Hood Jihadi massacre. Ignoring it and hiding the facts. He's said time and again that the problem is Bin Laden/Al Qaeda and now according to his "theory" it'll all go away with Bin Laden's demise. Even if he were right everyone has a replacement and I'm sure in the Al Qaeda hierarchy there is already a person to replace him. But he was wrong from day one and removing Jihad, Muslim Extremists, radical Islam and more from his regimes lexicon won't remove them from reality. What a fool he is. Radical Islam will escalate their attacks and once again the great pretender will show all who have a minute sense of logic what a dunce he really is.

He probably thinks this will cause every one to forget he's not even eligible to hold the office of President but it won't. And once the terrorist attacks will escalate it'll show that executing Bin Laden will probably cause him to become a martyr in the eyes of the radical and extreme Muslim world. Don't become complacent and be prepared for horrendous attacks world wide and in your back yards. I actually feel bad being a "doomsday prophet" but I've seen similar events in the Islamic world in the past and the eventual outcomes. Just one example and a good one would be when Yasser Arafat died (and he died in a French hospital bed) the terrorist attacks escalated and before you knew it there was a new person leading his PLO terrorist organization.

Don't buy into the frauds hype and keep your minds open to real facts and not the gibberish he and his goons are spreading with the help of MSM.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: Bin Laden Is DEAD! Now What?
5/2/2011 12:39:45 PM
Hi Peter,

For what it’s worth; This French paper rejects the presently official photo of Osama as a new photoshop fraud, but then please do not ask me to translate it all. My point is that the photoshop game is at it again, and I very much doubt this news will calm down anything for anyone anywhere. So I conclude that today we have an Obama with no Birth certificate and an Osama with no death certificate. Business as usual….. ;-)



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