There's a lot to be said for "gut feelings" aren't there Peter. More times than not they are right on. My gut feeling too was how convenient this is to take most of the focus off the fake COLB and the extremely damaging information in Obama Senior's immigration files, especially happening as quickly as it did after this information became public. These two topics were the highlights of the news. My thoughts too are why would anyone believe anything Obama and his administration say after all that has transpired with the obviously fake COLB? He campaigned on the promise of a transparent presidency and I don't think it can become any more transparent that we have a liar and a fraud in that position. And now as Dry Bones has so aptly stated with the body supposedly buried at sea how will we ever know the truth? I posted these two articles earlier at your thread "The President That Hates His Country" Both are excellent articles. Quote: Hello Friends,
Yesterday Drybones came up with this jewel of a satiric graphic. Anybody have any thoughts on this?

I woke up this morning to the welcome news that mass murderer Osama Bin Laden had been taken out. Naturally I had to do a cartoon, but then the "Burial at Sea" story broke.Where in the world will this latest development take us?! Will this be the basis of a new rift in America? Is America in for yet another conspiracy war?!! Right now I'm in my studio doing a ton of cartoons before leaving for a U.S. lecture tour.I'll be in America on my "Dry Bones Campaign to turn Z Street into the Grass Roots Zionist Movement that America Needs", and to explain my YIISA (Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism) "Secret Codes" findings. * * * Latest update: MSNBC's PhotBlog says that the circulated phot0 of the face of the "dead" Osama is a fake! Yikes! click to see the PhotoBog story..