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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Iran's End Times Documentary
3/29/2011 3:29:24 PM
Hello Friends,

Many a time in the past I've said that all you have to do is listen to and read what the Jihadi radical Muslims say and their whole agenda is right there staring you in the face. They also use taqiyyah but that too is quite transparent in most cases.

Below is an article by Ryan Mauro and an Iranian documentary made by the Iranian government which talks about the Mahdi - Islam's messiah. In it you'll find who according to their prophecies and the big Mo's proclamations are going to be the leaders prior to the "arrival" of their Mahdi. Guess what, it's Ayatollah Khameni, the lunatic Ahmadinejad and the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist Nasrallah. You'll find who their enemies are - here's a hint Israel, the USA plus the leaders of the other evil western countries. You never would have guessed. :) You'll also find what their plans are for YOU in the paradise of the Caliphat under the leadership of their "glorius" mahdi.

Read the article and understand what they have in store for all you non believers.



Iran’s End Times Documentary

The Iranian government has produced a bone-chilling documentary that claims that Ayatollah Khamenei, President Ahmadinejad, and Hassan Nasrallah are talked about in Islamic prophecy as leaders who will wage war to bring about the arrival of the Hidden Imam, which the film says is “very close” to happening.

Reza Kahlili, a former member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards who spied for the CIA and authored A Time to Betray last year, procured the entire film and says it was created by close associates of Ahmadinejad and was shown to top clerics two weeks ago. His chief of staff, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, is said to have played a role in its creation. Kahlili allowed FrontPage to view a shortened version of the film over the weekend, which he says the Iranian regime intends to distribute to mosques and Islamic centers throughout the region with an Arabic translation and is currently being shown to members of the Revolutionary Guards and Basiji.

The purpose of the film is to make the case that Iran is prophetically destined to lead the war against Islam’s enemies, which is as a prelude to the appearance of the Hidden Imam, also called the Mahdi, who brings the final victory for Islam and reigns over the whole world. It uses current events to argue that “the final chapter has begun” and the Mahdi’s arrival is imminent. Most disturbingly, it teaches that Khamenei, Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah are the individuals prophesied to make this happen.

The documentary claims that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei is the Seyed Khorasani talked about in the Hadith that leads a nation in the East (Iran) as “the preparer” for the Mahdi’s intervention. In July 2010, a senior Iranian cleric revealed that Khamenei had told close associates that he had privately met with the Mahdi and was told that he’d arrive before his time as Supreme Leader ends. Khamenei is 71 years old and widely understood to be in poor health, so the grand jihad that Khamenei believes he must command must come soon.

President Ahmadinejad is an End Times character named Shoeib-Ebne Saleh, the film states. He is appointed as the commander-in-chief by Seyed Khorasani (Ayatollah Khamenei). The speaker in the film says that this individual will “move” 72 months prior to the arrival of the Mahdi and will lead the recapturing of Jerusalem on “the threshold of the Coming.” It is unclear if “move” means a physical action by Ahmadinejad or if it means his coming to power in 2005. If it is the latter, then the regime believes the Mahdi is to appear by the end of this year.

Also mentioned is military commander called Yamani, who is to form the army of the Mahdi that will march to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The film teaches that this is the leader of Hezbollah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah. These three prophesied Islamic leaders are to wage a war against the “Antichrist” and “the imposters,” which are said to be the United States, Israel and their allies, including Arab leaders. The current uprisings in the Arab world are viewed as the fulfillment of prophecy and confirmation that they are to wage this final war against the enemies of Islam.

The film states that the invasion of Iraq was foretold, as Imam Ali said that “they [the enemies of Islam] will conquer Iraq and through bloodshed create divisions in tribes” and “at that time, be ready for the reappearance of the last messiah, Imam Mahdi.” The Iranian-backed Houthi rebellion in Yemen is referred to as a “holy revolution” and the removal of Egyptian President Mubarak are also End Times events.

It also preaches that the death of Saudi King Abdullah will be a major sign that the destruction of Israel and arrival of the Mahdi are imminent. The film almost immediately states, “Whoever guarantees the death of King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia, I will guarantee the imminent reappearance of the Mahdi,” a not-so-subtle call for his assassination. The film later refers to his “uncertain condition,” as he is ill and 86 years old and his demise is not far off. Once it happens, it will be seen as a green light by the Iranian regime.

The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood is addressed as being “in accordance with the Hadith.” The Brotherhood may be Sunni, but this film states that Iran is theologically-required to ally with it. The ties between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood are not the result of converging interests but of religious commandment. The film says that according to Islamic prophecy, revolutions will happen in the Arab world that rid it of foreign influence and result in a united front to “reconquer Palestine.” As stated, it is taught that Ahmadinejad will accomplish this. If the film reflects the private views of the Iranian leadership, then it is clear the regime believes it is now on the precipice of leading a coalition to destroy Israel.

Iran’s support of terrorism and pursuit of nuclear weapons must be viewed in this context. Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi, widely believed to be a close spiritual guide to Ahmadinejad, has written of the need to make “special weapons” of the kind only a few countries possess, a likely reference to nuclear weapons. In February 2006, a follower of Mesbah-Yazdi that is a cleric in Qom said that “for the first time…the use of nuclear weapons may not constitute a problem, according to Sharia” and it is “only natural” for Iran to acquire them. In October 2010, the website belonging to the Ministry of Intelligence and Security published an article by an advisor to the Defense Minister that said Iran must be prepared for nuclear war. “[I]f the United States launches an unconventional attack, Iran needs to respond with a nuclear strategy,” it said.

Luckily, a top seminary in Qom rejected the comparison of Ahmadinejad to Shoeib-Ebne Saleh after a clip of the documentary was aired on Islamic Republic of Iran Voice and Vision. However, the religious beliefs of the Iranian regime are not contingent upon popular approval, and Reza Kahlili told FrontPage that a portion of the complete video is devoted to showing clerical support for its message.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: HSIG - Iran's End Times Documentary
3/29/2011 5:34:27 PM
Peter you are always so up on current events. I was out and about today, taking care of some things, and as usual I listen to one of the talk radio shows while driving and heard Glenn Beck and CBN reporter Erik Stakelbeck discussing just this very thing. Here is part of what they had to say:

Iran believes unrest means Islamic Messiah is near

For weeks, Glenn has been showing evidence of Iranian President Ahmadinejad claiming that he is trying to hasten the return of the Twelfth Imam. Glenn even produced a documentary, “Rumors of War”, to try and educate people about the danger this belief holds for the Middle East and the rest of the world. People who believe in the Twelfth Imam see the chaos sweeping the globe as a sign of the Twelfth Imam’s return, and a shocking video released yesterday confirms this belief. On radio this morning, Glenn interviewed CBN reporter Erik Stakelbeck, who uncovered the shocking video.

You can watch the video from The Blaze below:

Stakelback has been investigating the Twelfth Imam for over five years and radical Islam for ten, and the video confirms a lot of what he has seen. “This was produced by the Iranian regime and what it does is it lays out a scenario. They see the current unrest in the Middle East as a clear divine signal that the Mahdi is about to emerge from that well and return. Iran is going to help usher in his return. He’s going to slaughter all non-Muslims and Iran will be ascendant, Islam will be ascendant, it sounds crazy but they really believe this stuff and they will make policy around these Islamic scriptures,” Stakelback said.

Glenn wondered how the average person in Iran was impacted by the fanaticism in their leadership, and he asked Eric whether this was a new agenda in Iran.

“This is the power brokers. This is drilled into them on a daily basis, this messianic ideology, the ideology of martyrdom, blowing yourself up, going to heaven. This is drilled into the average Iranian member of the military, the intelligence services there, and the average Iranian citizen,” Stakelback said.

“If you walk down the streets of Tehran, everything you look there’s posters and banners of the Mahdi, of former great Imams and former Shia leaders who have martyred,” he added. “This culture of martyrdom, culture of Mahdi is instilled in them from a young age. It starts in school and it goes on and on as they advance on through the military.”

“This apocalyptic ideology is really a way of life,” Stackelbeck said.

But what do you to convince people who try and dismiss this as superstition or exaggeration?

“There is no concept of mutually assured destruction within Iranian regime. During the Cold War, look, the Soviets, they were living for this world. They didn’t want to die. The Iranians do not fear death,” Stackelbeck said.

“Look at the Iran/Iraq war during the 1980′s when the Iranian regime sent tens of thousands of little boys, little Iranian boys as young as 7 and 8 years old to clear mine fields. They were told, they actually had keys around their necks, guys, that were the keys to paradise or so the Ayatollah Khomeini told them. A regime like this will think nothing.”

Stackelbeck told Glenn that he used to be a sports write, but after 9-11 he went out and bought a copy of the Qur’an and the hadith and “devoured them”.

Stackelbeck and Glenn both emphasized that the philosophy of “Tweliverism” is not a belief held by all Muslims. Stackelbeck said, “I’m talking about the radical jihadist sect of Islam.”

“I want to bring up something about this video, Glenn, that I think you’ll take an interest in, it says that the Muslim brotherhood’s rise in Egypt is a sign of the end, is a positive sign in the eyes of the Iranian regime and a sign of the end. I think that’s one of the things in this video that has been kind of overlooked,” Stackelbeck added.

Stackelbeck’s book, The Terrorist Next Door, comes out on May 2nd.

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
4/1/2011 8:55:12 AM
Hi Evelyn,
I try to keep up to date even though my time is more limited lately due to offline responsibilities. I might make some changes in the near future so that I'll have more free time and better utilize my online time and not waste it on useless discussions that are eventually deleted by others for reasons only they understand.
Thanks for the informative article. Glen Beck has his fingers on the pulse of so much that's going on in the world today and many vilify him for informing and educating his viewers on subjects and issues they might not be aware of. He's doing an important service for the citizens of the United States and all his followers from all over the world.

Peter you are always so up on current events. I was out and about today, taking care of some things, and as usual I listen to one of the talk radio shows while driving and heard Glenn Beck and CBN reporter Erik Stakelbeck discussing just this very thing. Here is part of what they had to say:

Iran believes unrest means Islamic Messiah is near

For weeks, Glenn has been showing evidence of Iranian President Ahmadinejad claiming that he is trying to hasten the return of the Twelfth Imam. Glenn even produced a documentary, “Rumors of War”, to try and educate people about the danger this belief holds for the Middle East and the rest of the world. People who believe in the Twelfth Imam see the chaos sweeping the globe as a sign of the Twelfth Imam’s return, and a shocking video released yesterday confirms this belief. On radio this morning, Glenn interviewed CBN reporter Erik Stakelbeck, who uncovered the shocking video.

You can watch the video from The Blaze below:

Stakelback has been investigating the Twelfth Imam for over five years and radical Islam for ten, and the video confirms a lot of what he has seen. “This was produced by the Iranian regime and what it does is it lays out a scenario. They see the current unrest in the Middle East as a clear divine signal that the Mahdi is about to emerge from that well and return. Iran is going to help usher in his return. He’s going to slaughter all non-Muslims and Iran will be ascendant, Islam will be ascendant, it sounds crazy but they really believe this stuff and they will make policy around these Islamic scriptures,” Stakelback said.

Glenn wondered how the average person in Iran was impacted by the fanaticism in their leadership, and he asked Eric whether this was a new agenda in Iran.

“This is the power brokers. This is drilled into them on a daily basis, this messianic ideology, the ideology of martyrdom, blowing yourself up, going to heaven. This is drilled into the average Iranian member of the military, the intelligence services there, and the average Iranian citizen,” Stakelback said.

“If you walk down the streets of Tehran, everything you look there’s posters and banners of the Mahdi, of former great Imams and former Shia leaders who have martyred,” he added. “This culture of martyrdom, culture of Mahdi is instilled in them from a young age. It starts in school and it goes on and on as they advance on through the military.”

“This apocalyptic ideology is really a way of life,” Stackelbeck said.

But what do you to convince people who try and dismiss this as superstition or exaggeration?

“There is no concept of mutually assured destruction within Iranian regime. During the Cold War, look, the Soviets, they were living for this world. They didn’t want to die. The Iranians do not fear death,” Stackelbeck said.

“Look at the Iran/Iraq war during the 1980′s when the Iranian regime sent tens of thousands of little boys, little Iranian boys as young as 7 and 8 years old to clear mine fields. They were told, they actually had keys around their necks, guys, that were the keys to paradise or so the Ayatollah Khomeini told them. A regime like this will think nothing.”

Stackelbeck told Glenn that he used to be a sports write, but after 9-11 he went out and bought a copy of the Qur’an and the hadith and “devoured them”.

Stackelbeck and Glenn both emphasized that the philosophy of “Tweliverism” is not a belief held by all Muslims. Stackelbeck said, “I’m talking about the radical jihadist sect of Islam.”

“I want to bring up something about this video, Glenn, that I think you’ll take an interest in, it says that the Muslim brotherhood’s rise in Egypt is a sign of the end, is a positive sign in the eyes of the Iranian regime and a sign of the end. I think that’s one of the things in this video that has been kind of overlooked,” Stackelbeck added.

Stackelbeck’s book, The Terrorist Next Door, comes out on May 2nd.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG -"You Ask and the World Leaders Answer" With PM Benjamin Netanyahu
4/1/2011 9:02:01 AM
Hello Friends,

There is a youtube channel that is interviewing worlds leaders with a different concept. "You Ask and the World Leaders Answer". Over a period of time people from all over the world ask questions on a youtube video and you tube members and viewers vote on the most popular questions that are then presented to the world leaders.

So far 3 world leaders have been interviewed. B Hussein Obama, Tony Blair and now Benjamin Netanyahu (so far he's received the most questions of all the world leaders). Below you'll find the interview with Netanyahu. While over the years I have disagreed with Bibi and also believe he sometimes breaks under pressure (as he's done over the past few years) one of his strengths is his ability to present Israel's position succinctly and in a way that is difficult not to understand. He is a brilliant speaker and doesn't need teleprompters to assist him either in speeches or interviews.

What I found interesting is his explanation of democracy and the fact that in Israel all the citizens are free and equal under the law of the land. Just recently I had a "discussion" here in adland (since deleted :) [not by me]) and that was part of the discussion. Apparently people aren't aware of this fact and the blame for that is most probably MSM and "other's" claims that Israel is an oppressive country. Well in a country where 20% of the population is not Jewish all the different sectors have political representation in the Knesset (Israeli parliament), in the Judiciary system up to and including an Arab judge on the supreme court, in the municipalities and the list is endless. Israel is the only country in the middle east where this exists. The majority of the other middle eastern countries are oppressive radical Muslim theocratic regimes or secular Muslim dictatorships. In both religious minorities are oppressed, murdered, raped, tortured, churches burned to the ground and so much more especially in regard to women's rights.

I believe you'll find the video interesting and for many an eyeopener. It's only around 27 minutes long and well worth watching.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The Birth Of Home Grown Jihadi Terrorists In Your Backyard
4/1/2011 3:57:11 PM
Hello Friends,

A new documentary about how an all American kid turns into a jihadi terrorist and murders an Army Private and wounds another in Little Rock, Arkansas. This my friends is how home grown jihadi terrorists are born and their numbers are growing every day. This is in your backyard!!!!!!!

Read the article below and watch the short preview to the documentary.



ACT! for America

Early Bird Registration!

June 22 – 24, 2011


Saturday on Family Net at 2:30 PM EDT and Sunday on ALN at 4:00 EDT view our latest TV show episode featuring Dr. Walid Phares
discussing jihad

April 1, 2011

Radical Islam on the march
in Nashville

View the explosive video!

Dear Peter,

On March 10, 2011, Melvin Bledsoe testified at the House Homeland Security Committee hearing on the radicalization of Muslims in America.

Bledsoe’s son, Carlos, aka Abdulhakim Mohamed, is charged with murdering a Marine private outside an Army recruiting center in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The short video below is the trailer for an upcoming documentary film produced by Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT). According to a recent APT media release:

Losing Our Sons” is a documentary film that will reveal how radical Islam dominates the leadership of the Muslim American community in Nashville; and how misguided government and university officials, the media, as well as civic and religious leaders failed to acknowledge, intervene, or report clear indications of Islamist radicalization in the community.

This issue—how our government is deceiving us about the threat of radical Islam—will be the focus of Erick Stakelbeck’s presentation at our National Conference & Legislative Briefing. At this event we will also hear from several members of Congress on this and other topics related to radical Islam, terrorism and national security.

We thank APT for its video expose’ of radical Islam on the march in Nashville.

Click on the above picture to watch the video or go here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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