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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
4/1/2011 4:51:06 PM
Peter I would like to commend you on two excellent posts and videos today. Benjamin Netanyahu, your Prime Minister of Israel, was certainly articulate in his explanations to present Israel's position in a way that is difficult not to understand, but then there are always those who choose not to understand or even listen for that matter, especially those with anti-semitism and anti-Israel leanings.
Too bad your "discussion" here in adland was deleted because of the facts you were able to produce. One thing about it though, this may very well be something that will come back and bite them in the behind later on.

The video for the documentary on home grown jihadi terrorists is also a chilling eye opener for anyone willing to open their eyes and see and yes, Nashville is certainly in my backyard. It is only about a two hour drive from where I live but Murfreesboro, just southeast of Nashville, where there has been much controversy over the building of a new mosque, is even closer.

Hello Friends,

There is a youtube channel that is interviewing worlds leaders with a different concept. "You Ask and the World Leaders Answer". Over a period of time people from all over the world ask questions on a youtube video and you tube members and viewers vote on the most popular questions that are then presented to the world leaders.

So far 3 world leaders have been interviewed. B Hussein Obama, Tony Blair and now Benjamin Netanyahu (so far he's received the most questions of all the world leaders). Below you'll find the interview with Netanyahu. While over the years I have disagreed with Bibi and also believe he sometimes breaks under pressure (as he's done over the past few years) one of his strengths is his ability to present Israel's position succinctly and in a way that is difficult not to understand. He is a brilliant speaker and doesn't need teleprompters to assist him either in speeches or interviews.

What I found interesting is his explanation of democracy and the fact that in Israel all the citizens are free and equal under the law of the land. Just recently I had a "discussion" here in adland (since deleted :) [not by me]) and that was part of the discussion. Apparently people aren't aware of this fact and the blame for that is most probably MSM and "other's" claims that Israel is an oppressive country. Well in a country where 20% of the population is not Jewish all the different sectors have political representation in the Knesset (Israeli parliament), in the Judiciary system up to and including an Arab judge on the supreme court, in the municipalities and the list is endless. Israel is the only country in the middle east where this exists. The majority of the other middle eastern countries are oppressive radical Muslim theocratic regimes or secular Muslim dictatorships. In both religious minorities are oppressed, murdered, raped, tortured, churches burned to the ground and so much more especially in regard to women's rights.

I believe you'll find the video interesting and for many an eyeopener. It's only around 27 minutes long and well worth watching.



Hello Friends,

A new documentary about how an all American kid turns into a jihadi terrorist and murders an Army Private and wounds another in Little Rock, Arkansas. This my friends is how home grown jihadi terrorists are born and their numbers are growing every day. This is in your backyard!!!!!!!

Read the article below and watch the short preview to the documentary.



ACT! for America

Early Bird Registration!

June 22 – 24, 2011


Saturday on Family Net at 2:30 PM EDT and Sunday on ALN at 4:00 EDT view our latest TV show episode featuring Dr. Walid Phares
discussing jihad

April 1, 2011

Radical Islam on the march
in Nashville

View the explosive video!

Dear Peter,

On March 10, 2011, Melvin Bledsoe testified at the House Homeland Security Committee hearing on the radicalization of Muslims in America.

Bledsoe’s son, Carlos, aka Abdulhakim Mohamed, is charged with murdering a Marine private outside an Army recruiting center in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The short video below is the trailer for an upcoming documentary film produced by Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT). According to a recent APT media release:

Losing Our Sons” is a documentary film that will reveal how radical Islam dominates the leadership of the Muslim American community in Nashville; and how misguided government and university officials, the media, as well as civic and religious leaders failed to acknowledge, intervene, or report clear indications of Islamist radicalization in the community.

This issue—how our government is deceiving us about the threat of radical Islam—will be the focus of Erick Stakelbeck’s presentation at our National Conference & Legislative Briefing. At this event we will also hear from several members of Congress on this and other topics related to radical Islam, terrorism and national security.

We thank APT for its video expose’ of radical Islam on the march in Nashville.

Click on the above picture to watch the video or go here.

Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG -Time To Unmask Mohammad
4/2/2011 8:26:14 AM
Hello Friends,

Do read Geert Wilders, international icon for free speech and MP in the Netherlands. He is the Chairman of the Party for Freedom (PVV). This article was published in the Dutch weekly magazine “HP/De Tijd” of March 30, 2011. (Thank you Atlas Shrugs).

For those following this thread you'll not be surprised by many of the conclusions in Geert Wilder's article. I found it to be a very interesting read and a reminder that radical Islam's jihadi tennents are based on the koran and the words and deeds of the "perfect man" the big Mo.



Time To Unmask Muhammad

To know why Islam is a mortal danger one must not only consider the Koran but also the character of Muhammad, who conceived the Koran and the entirety of Islam.

The Koran is not just a book. Muslims believe that Allah himself wrote it and that it was dictated to Muhammad in the original version, the Umm al-Kitab, which is kept on a table in heaven. Consequently one cannot argue with the contents. Who would dare to disagree with what Allah himself has written? This explains much of Muhammadan behaviour, from the violence of jihad to the hatred and persecution of Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims and apostates. What we in the West regard as abnormal, is perfectly normal for Islam.

A second insuperable problem with Islam is the figure of Muhammad. He is not just anyone. He is al-insan al-kamil, the perfect man. To become a Muslim one must pronounce the Shahada (the Muslim creed). By pronouncing the Shahada one testifies that there is no god that can be worshipped except Allah, and one testifies that Muhammad is his servant and messenger.

The Koran, and hence Allah, lays down that Muhammad’s life must be imitated. The consequences of this are horrendous and can be witnessed on a daily basis.

There has been much analysis of Muhammad’s mental sanity. In spite of all the available research, it is rarely mentioned or debated. It is a taboo to discuss the true nature of the man whom one and a half billion Muslims around the world regard as a holy prophet and example to be followed. That taboo must be breached in the West, and here in the Netherlands.

Ali Sina is an Iranian ex-Muslim who established the organisation for apostates of Islam Faith Freedom International. In his latest book he posits that Muhammad is a narcissist, a paedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman, a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter. Sina has offered 50,000 dollars for the one who can prove otherwise. Nobody has claimed the reward as yet. And no wonder, as the description is based on the Islamic texts themselves, such as the hadiths, the descriptions of Muhammad’s life from testimonies of contemporaries.

The historical Muhammad was the savage leader of a gang of robbers from Medina. Without scruples they looted, raped and murdered. The sources describe orgies of savagery where hundreds of people’s throats were cut, hands and feet chopped off, eyes cut out, entire tribes massacred. An example is the extinction of the jewish Kurayza tribe in Medina in 627. One of those who chopped off their heads was Muhammad. The women and children were sold as slaves. Confronted with the lunacy of Islamic terrorists today, it is not hard to find out where the lunacy comes from.

In Vienna the women’s rights activist Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was recently sentenced to paying a fine for insulting a religion by calling Muhammad a paedophile. However, that is the truth. Numerous hadiths contain testimonies by Muhammad’s favourite wife, the child wife Aisha. Aisha literally says: “The prophet married me when I was six years old, and had intercourse with me when I was nine.”

According to the historian Theophanes (752-817) Muhammad was an epileptic. Epileptic crises are sometimes accompanied by hallucinations, perspiration form the forehead and foaming at the mouth, the very symptoms which Muhammad displayed during his visions.

In his book “The other Muhammad” (1992) the Flemish psychologist dr. Herman Somers concludes that in his forties the “prophet” began to suffer from acromegaly, a condition caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland, a small organ that is situated just below the brain. When the tumor in the pituitary gland causes too much pressure in the brain, people start to see and hear things that are not there. Somers’s psychopathological diagnosis of Muhammad’s condition is: organic hallucinatory affliction with paranoid characteristics.

The German medical historian Armin Geus speaks of a paranoid hallucinatory schizophrenia. A similar analysis can be found in the book “The Medical Case of Muhammad” by the physician Dede Korkut.

In his book “Psychology of Mohammed: Inside the Brain of a Prophet” Dr. Masud Ansari calls Muhammad “the perfect personification of a psychopath in power.” Muhammad had a unhinged paranoid personality with an inferiority complex and megalomaniac tendencies. In his forties he starts having visions that lead him to believe he has a cosmic mission, and there is no stopping him.

The truth is not always pleasant or politically correct. On the basis of the research referred to above it can be argued that the Islamic creed obliges one and a half billion people around the world, including the one million living in the Netherlands, to take Muhammad as their example. There is no turning back once one has become a Muslim. For even though article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that every person has the right to “change his religion or belief,” in Islam there is a death penalty for leaving the faith.

Anyone who voices criticism of Islam and Muhammad is in grave personal danger – as I have experienced. And whoever attempts to escape from the influence of Islam and Muhammad risks death. We cannot continue to accept this state of affairs. A public debate about the true nature and character of Muhammad can provide insight and support to Muslims all over the world who wish to leave Islam.

Apostates are heroes and more than ever they deserve the support of freedom loving people all over the world. Party politics should not be at play in this matter. It is time for us to help these people by exposing Muhammad.

Geert Wilders is an MP in the Netherlands. He is the Chairman of the Party for Freedom (PVV). This article was published in the Dutch weekly magazine “HP/De Tijd” of March 30, 2011

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - B Hussein's Libyan Adventure
4/5/2011 6:18:36 AM
Hello Friends,

What I especially like about David Greenfield's articles is that he doesn't leave much need for comment. His arguments and ideas are very well structured, explained and thought out. In most cases he hits the nail on the head.

I will add this though. B Hussein claimed recently that the United States will stand by and support all peoples wanting freedom from tyrannical regimes. Possibly a legitimate and humanitarian observation on his part but the question that demands answering is where was he
with these beliefs when the Iranian people in their millions were protesting the stolen elections and begging for help from the United States? Where was he when they were being butchered, tortured, arrested, raped and so much more ? He then claimed it was an internal Iranian problem and was being checked out by the AYATOLLAHS!
Quite a different story isn't it and a totally different stance taken then by B Hussein who in essence supported the radical theocratic Iranian regime. Think about it. Had he helped the Greens in Iran in 2009 we most probably wouldn't be seeing all these protests and revolts today since the majority of them are being backed, supported and in many cases the cause behind these revolutions. Double standards???? No, he just loooooves those radial Islamic regimes and kowtows to them in public and behind the scenes.

Here's another question for you. Where is he now when Syria's Assad is murdering the protesters there?? Could it possibly be cause Syria even though it's a secular Islamic regime is Iran's partner in crime and part of the Iranian/Syrian (soon to be Turkish too) axis of evil?



Mr. Obama's Libyan Adventure

Posted: 02 Apr 2011 06:34 PM PDT

It's a lot easier to start a war than it is to finish it, as Mr. Obama is learning on his Libyan adventure. That is why wars are generally entered into after some consideration of the situation on the ground. There is only one excuse for a rush to war-- and that is either an imminent threat or in response to an act of war. Such was the case after September 11, and yet even then the United States waited longer to begin bombing the Taliban-- than we did before bombing Gaddafi.

Obama rushed in when bombing Libya was popular, and now when it hasn't he's rushing out again. The US is ending combat operations almost as soon as it began them to avoid being associated with the failure of the Libyan intervention. Or rather to avoid associating Obama with its failure. Obama was happy to take credit for the fall of Mubarak until the Muslim Brotherhood stepped up to succeed him. He was happy to take credit for toppling Gaddafi until he realized that it wasn't going to happen without a full bore invasion. The Arab Revolt was cool, but now it isn't anymore. And Obama doesn't want to be associated with it anymore. Suddenly it's last year's Keffiyah lying in the trash.

Waiting is not a virtue in and of itself-- but planning is. That allows you to determine if the rebellion you are intervening to support only consists of a few hundred fighters-- some of whom are Al Qaeda. No general would have called for an assault before learning such simple facts and clarifying what the mission was to be. But the Summa Cum Anti-War grad of 2008, who has doubtless read Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky, and built a grass roots network based entirely on his opposition to the war, had spent too much time studying why war is wrong and not nearly enough time studying how wars are won.

A month ago the Arab League and European leaders were rushing to get on the right side of history. When the Libyan army, which had lost every war it ever fought, was pushed back by a few rebel attacks, the consensus was that Gaddafi was finished. Leading members of his own regime rushed to join the opposition. And the media triumphantly reported an inevitable rebel victory. There was just one problem. This time we were the ones getting our news about the war from 'Baghdad Bob'.

The Libyan army is probably the worst army in the Middle East. It may be the worst army in the world. The last time it fought a war was 1987 and it lost badly, even though it had tanks, jet planes and the African warlords it was fighting had Toyota pickup trucks. Despite 3 to 1 numerical superiority, Gaddafi's forces somehow managed to lose 7 men for every 1 they killed. And also lost nearly a 1,000 tanks, armored vehicles and aircraft to enemies who were driving Toyota pickup trucks. When you come equipped with top of the line Soviet equipment and lose it all in something called The Toyota War, your enemies have good reason not take you seriously.

With this in mind, it wasn't unreasonable to assume that the rebels could defeat Gaddafi. It was just unreasonable to assume that without knowing anything about the rebels.

On the last day of the Six Day War, Soviet citizens woke baffled to the news that the Israelis who had been on the edge of defeat for five days straight were suddenly threatening Cairo and storming through Jerusalem. It was inexplicable. But there was a simple explanation. They had been getting fed false information by the losing side in a war. And then reality caught up with them. Similarly, King Hussein jumped into the war because he believed reports that Egypt and Syria were on the verge of victory. Actually they were on the verge of defeat.

For weeks the media treated every Libyan rebel report as fact-based and every Gaddafi report as fiction. When the Libyan rebels began to lose, it was inexplicable. Our elites gaped like Baghdad Bob confronted with American troops. It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. So the elites convinced themselves that it was just air power making the difference. If we could shut down Gaddafi's air force, then the rebels would win. And so we did that. The No Fly Zone is here. The Libyan air force is toast. So why are the rebels still losing?

They're losing because the No Fly Zone was built on an illusion. The Libyan air force was never a major factor in anything. In the 1980's, it lost to African fighters in Toyotas brandishing Stinger missiles. And the entire Libyan army is mostly useless too. Arabs make terrible soldiers, but good skirmishers. The entire history of the Arab-Israeli wars should amply testify to that. An Arab country with a thousand tanks and jets is no threat to anyone. But a thousand fighters can cause serious havoc. Even win a war.

This makes no sense to First Worlders who have grown on images of massive armies clashing on the battlefield. But this is not the modern world. The Libyan civil war is primitive even by Arab standards. It's a typical African civil war, complete with pickup trucks and swords. A battle is won when a dozen men die and the other side runs away.

Once the Libyan army stopped pretending it was a modern military force, and whoever is in the field began ignoring whatever crazy orders were being issued by Gaddafi and his loyalists, and just started fighting this the old fashioned way-- the tide began to turn. A modern army is a complex instrument. If you don't use it properly, then it's worse than useless. But turn a couple of thousand fighters loose with machine guns and some artillery, and manpower becomes the crucial factor. And this time the African fighters are on Gaddafi's side, while the rebels are Arabs from different factions who don't trust each other.

This is no longer a war between an army and guerrillas, but between militias, some of whom wear uniforms, most of whom don't. Gaddafi's men are handing out AK-47's to anyone willing to fight the rebels. We went in to protect civilians, but how do we do that when the civilians are massacring other civilians. Gaddafi is a butcher, the Arab rebels are violent racists. This is not a conflict between democracy and tyranny, but between tribes, clans and ethnicities. It is exactly the type of war we should have avoided like the plague because there is no up side to it. There is no right and wrong, just an explosion of tensions reined in by a tyrant, as every faction scrambles for power.

This is the dumb war we stumbled into with our new administration's smart power. We're tossing cruise missiles into a war being fought with pickup trucks. And we don't even quite know why we're here. Our intervention will drag out the conflict, perhaps indefinitely if we choose it. NATO forces may be enlisted to guard a few rebel strongholds, dividing Libya between the rebels and Gaddafi. And with Al Qaeda fighters pouring in to take advantage of our air strikes, that will make for a pretty picture.

Our unclear mission objectives mean that we've become a peacekeeping force with no goal or exit strategy. The Obama Administration is now warning Libyan rebels that if they kill civilians we will bomb them too. So not only are we at war with Gaddafi, we may now also be obligated to fight the rebels too. And how do we tell civilians from soldiers anyway. Once a weapon is picked up as loot, one body looks the same as any other. We could assume that all men are fighting men, but we went into Kosovo, because we treated Serbian executions of Muslim fighters as atrocities. Even though they were all men. If we apply the same rules to Libya, we'll have to start bombing everyone. Including ourselves.

This is what happens when you start a war without thinking it through.

Liberals have an ideological approach to war, as to all things. They are not concerned with whether a war can be won-- only whether it should be won. Either a war is right or it's not. If the war is not right, then it's also unwinnable. And if a war is right, then it is also winnable. Reality must comply with their ideology. That's how we came to have a 15 trillion dollar deficit to aid a 'recovery' in which families are struggling to put food on the table. And a democratic revolution in which the Islamists are set to take over. Reality meets ideology-- and their ideology crumbles every time.

From the 1860's, Democrats have been a party ideologically averse to war, and yet the party most likely to get into a war without really knowing what they're doing. JFK and LBJ got into Vietnam with tens of thousands of advisers and before they knew it there was a war on. The enthusiastic college students who came out for JFK, did their best to denounce Nixon for the war, but it was their man who had done it. The Vietnam War was a disaster for the simple reason that we lacked clear goals and tactics from the start. It was not a war we chose, but a war we stumbled into.

After World War II, liberal intellectuals fancied a new order in which military force would be used to enforce international law. Instead of wars, there would be police actions. And police actions are vague things. Euphemisms for war without its clarity. We know how to fight and win wars by applying force to achieve the destruction of enemy forces. But what is a police action. What are its goals? Implicitly it is to keep the peace. Not to win, but to stand as the Union Nation's towering beat cop on the block, waving our armed forces around like a billy club.

This is why we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, because we defined the objective not as the defeat of the Axis of Evil, but as rebuilding the target countries into havens of peace and democracy. The vaguer the objectives, the harder it is to accomplish them.

Obama treated Libya like an adventure, announcing a war from sunny Brazil, and ignoring congress and the public, until they forcefully made their objections clear. The war turned goalless, confused and contradictory-- with military leaders saying one thing and political leaders saying another. The coalition is confused and at odds with each other, packed full of frightened European and Arab leaders who are afraid that the world is changing, but have no idea what to do about it. Now Obama is running away from the war that he started. And Mr. Obama's Libyan Adventure is what happens when liberal leaders start wars with no idea how to see them through.
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG -One-Third of PA Arabs Support Massacre of Fogels
4/6/2011 5:04:57 PM
Hello Friends,

According to a poll conducted by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah (Palestinian Authority) 33% of the Palestinian Authority Arabs support the massacre of the Fogel family in Itamar last month. Unfortunately we don't know what the parameters of the poll were so we don't know how many were against the massacre or how many were indifferent to the massacre but a 1/3 of the PA population being in favor says much about their mindset and their basic denial or desire for peace.

We've seen them dancing in the streets celebrating the 911 terrorist attack, handing out sweets and candies after the Fogel massacre and much more.
The question remains are these legitimate partners for peace talks? Will these people ever be able to overcome their hatred and opt for peace? Even though I'm all for peace I have serious doubts that I'll see it on my lifetime.



Mourning at funerals for Fogel family terror
Israel news photo: Flash 90

One-Third of PA Arabs Support Massacre of Fogels

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

One-third of Palestinian Authority Arabs have expressed support for the brutal massacre of the Fogel family in Itamar last month, according to a poll conducted by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah

Arab terrorists slaughtered five members of the family, including the parents and a three-month old baby, while they were in their bedrooms on a Friday night, on the Jewish Sabbath.

The results of the survey cast further doubt on the likelihood of the PA being a “peace partner” for Israel. Evidence continues to pile up that the PA has sanctioned the incitement of the Arab community to carry out violent attacks on Israeli civilians and soldiers.

Concerning the chances of a copy-cat “uprising” that has spread throughout out Arab countries, there is little chance of it happening here, according to the respondents.

Two-thirds of the PA Arabs and almost three-quarters of Israelis said that demonstrations would not be capable of causing the erasure of a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria.

However, slightly more than half of the PA Arabs feel a need for Gaza Arabs to organize protests against the de facto Hamas government.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The Palestinian Wall Of Lies
4/15/2011 6:16:51 AM
Hello Friends,

A short while ago I had a discussion here in Adland (since deleted for reasons known only to the deleter) in which I stated that Israel was the only Democracy in the Middle East and a country in which all its citizens are equal under the law. I was told that the minorities in Israel didn't have fair representation and this unfounded claim was easily refuted.

That discussion made clear that people aren't aware of what Israel stands for and how the country is governed and run. Israel's population is comprised of Jews, Arabs (both Muslim and Christian), Christians of all denominations, Bahai (the international center for the Bahai faith is in Haifa on Mt. Carmel), Hindus, Budhists and the list goes on and on. All are equal under the law of the land as citizens and have equal rights.

The Knesset (Israeli parliament) has Arab MKs, the judicial system has judges of different faiths up to and including the Israeli Supreme Court, Mayors, lawyers, executives, the Universities have members of all faiths as students etc. There is no discrimination of any sort and yet the claims (unproven) of oppression are bounding all over the internet and MSM. Antisemitism and Anti Zionism (the new catch word for antisemitism) is at an all time high and the claim of being Antizionist is not the same as being an anti semite is ludicrous.

In the United States there is an ongoing campaign for quite a few years of blatant antisemitism by the Muslim students on campuses nation wide and by different Muslim organizations. When you hear the mantra chant of "from the Jordan to the sea Palestine will be free" what they are saying is let's kill all the Israelis cos that's where Israel is between the Jordan and the sea. They have no problem stating their desires outright and the uneducated and worse those that have no idea what Israel is all about are buying into these Muslim propaganda campaigns and aren't listening to what they are saying or researching the issues at hand in an intelligent manner.

The below video in a sense is quite chilling cos a university student outright said she's for the extermination of the Jews. The video is also an eye opener and should have many asking themselves why they're buying into the Muslim hate rhetoric and on the other hand after doing a bit of research understand they're the next victims as non believers.



A week or so ago I posted the below video with PM Benyamin Netanyahu replying to questions from world viewers. He explains well what Israel is all about and easily relates to the above video.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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