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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/5/2009 5:32:08 AM
Hi Evelyn,

I think we both got it from the same person :) and yes it's a great article. He hit the nail on the head on everything he wrote and I believe his predictions will come to be. I for one believe it to be inevitable.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG -Tit For Tat - Freedom Of Religion In All Muslim Countries vs Swiss Ban
12/5/2009 9:43:53 AM
Hello Friends,

The Swiss banning of Minarets in has become a complex issue throughout Europe, in Switzerland itself and of course in all the Muslim countries.

What's becoming evident is that the citizens of most European countries are in favor of the banning some going so far as to favor banning the building of Mosques as well (according to recent polls in many European countries). The leaders of many European countries apparently have the same attitude as our American leaders and politicians of not listening to what their constituents are saying and are trying to appease the Muslim by slamming the Swiss ban.

What the leaders seem to forget is that in the majority of Muslim countries and kingdoms building churches, temples, synagogues etc. are against the law. Shariah law of course. In those Muslim countries where there are places of worship of other religions they are being destroyed and the members of those religions are oppressed, attacked and killed. Let's go one step further. In many Muslim countries you aren't allowed to publicly preach your religion, carry a bible or any other holy book of other religions. In other words there is no freedom of religion in those countries yet they are insulted when a country bans the building of Minarets and are willing to go on a killing rampage to assuage their anger and what they consider an insult to their religion and their pedophile prophet.

There is a solution to this issue. Let's see those Muslim countries allow freedom of religion within their borders and the building of places of worship that aren't Islamic. Let's see them respect other religions as they expect us to respect theirs. Now I am for freedom of religion but when Muslims consider Islam to be the only true religion and see no reason to respect others they should be treated in the same way. The leaders are shaking in their boots out of fear of the Muslim masses and leaders and are not listening to their constituents. Let's get rid of them all world wide and put in a new breed of politician in their place.

Below is a short article written by a Pakistani Christian, well worth reading.



Will Saudi Arabia allow construction of Cathedrals to challenge Swiss ban on minarets ? Nazir Bhatti

Karachi: November 30, 2009. (PCP) Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, Presidentof Pakistan Christian Congress PCC expressed surprise on statement ofPakistani representatives in UNHRC expressing concern on Swiss vote banon construction of minarets on mosques and other Islamic institutionsin Switzerland when construction of new Churches in Pakistan has tofollow strict government guidelines which prohibits one furlong fromexisting mosque and use of loudspeakers.

Nazir Bhatti said “ Christ The King processions and other open ritualshave been banned in public places from decades but not any Muslim humanright activists have raised voice against government actions to damagetrue spirit of religious freedom in Pakistan but their protests in nameof human right against Swiss government vote to ban minarets is indexof substandard”

In a statement released by PCC Central office here today also urgedSaudi Arabia to allow construction of Churches in kingdom to challengeSwiss ban on minarets.

“The Human Right activists around world shall raise voice to press uponSaudi Arabia and other Islamic countries in Middle East to permitconstruction of Cathedrals and ensure religious freedom for Christianminorities” added Nazir S Bhatti

Meanwhile news agency Reuters have reported that unexpected vote andhigh turnout in Sunday's referendum gives a boost to the right-wingpopulist Swiss People's Party (SVP), a relatively new political forcethat has shaken up the country's traditionally cozy power-sharingsystem.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/5/2009 10:38:49 AM
A beautiful sound. No comments!
Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/5/2009 10:54:59 AM
A beautiful sound. No comments!

Hmmmm, Did you know Robert that B Hussein Obowma said that the call from the minaret is the most beautiful sound he's ever heard?



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Climategate, Global Warming And The Copenhagen Accord = NWO
12/6/2009 7:32:03 AM
Hello Friends,

A few weeks I posted a few articles and videos about the greatest scam/hoax of the past century. It puts Madoff to shame. With this one you'll not only lose your money but your freedom as well.

Lord Monckton warned about the false science of the Global Warming hoax and the imminent dangers of the Copenhagen Accord. So far it looks as if nothing will stop the world "leaders" in signing our freedoms away. NWO here we come.

Since Lord Monckton publicly took to task the fake science and invited Gore to a public debate (which he refused of course- he's refused to debate the issue with anyone to date) we've had the leaked emails and documents which are better known as Climategate. Very d*amning information showing the scam at it's dirtiest and if you think about it just goes to prove that people will do anything for money even scientists.

The world is in an uproar about Climategate but the world leaders are carrying on "business as usual"as if nothing's happened. Oh, that includes B Hussein Obowma. One interesting thing happened though. A scheduled meeting with the Al Gore in Denmark was canceled by big Al after Climategate hit not the presses but the internet the only source of trustworthy information cos mainstream media is ignoring the issue as are the world leaders. So Al knows he's in trouble and is in hiding I guess.

Below is a copy of one of the emails showing their duplicity at its worst. In addition here are 2 links for short ebooks in PDF format that will educate you about this scam and will give you the information "they"don't want you to have. Take the time to read them so you'll be informed and see for yourselves how they are scamming you. Cap and Trade or should I say Cap and Enslave should be scrapped and trashed as it deserves to be.



Phil Jones has temporarily stepped down from his position as head of the Climate Project. Hmmmm, wonder why?

At 09:41 AM 2/2/2005, Phil Jones wrote:

I presume congratulations are in order - so congrats etc !
Just sent loads of station data to Scott. Make sure he documents everything better
this time ! And don't leave stuff lying around on ftp sites - you never know who is
them. The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear
is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I'll delete the file rather than
to anyone.
Does your similar act in the US force you to respond to enquiries within
20 days? - our does ! The UK works on precedents, so the first request will test it.
We also
have a data protection act, which I will hide behind.
Tom Wigley has sent me a worried
when he heard about it - thought people could ask him for his model code. He
has retired officially from UEA so he can hide behind that. IPR should be relevant
but I can see me getting into an argument with someone at UEA who'll say we must adhere
to it !
Are you planning a complete reworking of your paleo series? Like to be involved if
you are.
Had a quick look at Ch 6 on paleo of AR4. The MWP side bar references Briffa, Bradley,
Mann, Jones, Crowley, Hughes, Diaz - oh and Lamb ! Looks OK, but I can't see it
getting past all the stages in its present form. MM and SB get dismissed. All the
emphasis is there, but the wording on occasions will be crucial. I expect this to be
main contentious issue in AR4. I expect (hope) that the MSU one will fade away. It
the more the CCSP (the thing Tom Karl is organizing) looks into Christy and Spencer's
series, the more problems/issues they are finding.
I might be on the NRC review panel,
so will keep you informed.
Rob van Dorland is an LA on the Radiative Forcing chapter, so he's a paleo expert
by GRL statndards.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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