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John Leal

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/7/2009 11:04:50 AM

Hi Peter

Australia does have it's own cap-and-trade (Emissions Trading Scheme) but the Liberal opposition (after a leadership spill) tossed it out because it would have been a huge tax on all consumer items, the main being electricity. New leader, Tony Abbott, is a straight shooter and won't cop any crap from the likes of PM Kevin Rudd. Rudd wanted to take his ETS to Carbonhagen Copenhagen as a trophy to make himself a climate messiah.

Many climate scientists are now distancing themselves from previously flawed data to save their reputations. The world’s largest-ever gathering of global warming sceptics took place in New York City on March 8-10, 2009, to confront the issue, “Global warming: Was it ever really a crisis?” The answer was a resounding “No!”

The presenters at this year’s conference are the elite in the world among climate scientists.

Click here to watch videos of over 100 sceptical speakers at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change.

Click here for full proceedings on video and audio of the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change.
Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/7/2009 2:31:47 PM
Hi John,

Thanks for the links. Very interesting information and a full education on this hoax even before climategate hit the net.

One speaker mentioned that Prof Weinstein a law professor in Chicago who was a colleague of B Hussein Obowma at the time said that he was a very good listener but he never knew him to change his mind. That tells us a lot about the man and we can see evidence of that today.

With all the information available and the climategate scandal Obowma is carrying on as if nothing happened. That on its own should be fair warning to all that have a modicum of common sense. You'd expect the world leaders to take a time out and recheck the information at hand. But, none of them are which means their agenda has nothing to do with the facts and they'll do all they can to enslave us all with the nefarious agreements they are meant to sign in Copenhagen.

Thanks again.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/7/2009 2:39:55 PM

Hello Peter,

In light of this information and more it appears that a revolution by the people on a global scale is in the air, and the countries that still have freedoms and the people own their own protection systems, should prepare to lead the charge.

Just an observation not a uprising as yet.

Danger! Danger, Will Robinson, they are controlling the minds of our children using the History Channel!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/8/2009 9:37:27 AM

Hello Peter,

In light of this information and more it appears that a revolution by the people on a global scale is in the air, and the countries that still have freedoms and the people own their own protection systems, should prepare to lead the charge.

Just an observation not a uprising as yet.

Danger! Danger, Will Robinson, they are controlling the minds of our children using the History Channel!

Hi Jim,

The magnitude of the protest movement is in itself an uprising of the people saying enough is enough. Listen to us or you're on your way out. If the regime doesn't listen and takes actions that we're all hearing about then the real uprising will take place.

Now as for the history channel and mind control the schools are doing their dirty work in the same manner too. Change the books, rewrite history etc etc. It really is time to take action before it's to late.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
John Leal

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/11/2009 4:31:51 AM

Hi Peter

This is a Paris street.

So i’ts not surprising that some Parisien locals have now written to their President demanding the return of their streets.

Can it happen to your street in your city?


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