The term "
hockey stick" was coined by the head ofNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) GeophysicalFluid Dynamics Laboratory, Jerry Mahlman, to describe the pattern ofhistorical temperatures in the northern hemisphere (it kind of lookslike a hockey stick on its side). The chart, created by ProfessorMichael Mann of Penn State, shows relatively stable temperatures untilaround 100 year ago when we see a spike up. It is one of the keypieces of information used to prove that global warming is about todestroy the world.
To create most of the chart , climate change scientists had to usenatural sources (as opposed to someone taking the temperature with athermometer). Tree rings and ice core samples were used to measure thetemperature levels, which are standard procedure. What isn't standardprocedure is the revelation via the "stolen" CRU emails, that the treesamples were "cherry-picked to skew the study. You see, the
famous Hockey stick isfudged. The scientists substituted a different kind of tree, who'srings would not show a medieval warming spell with temperatures muchhotter than today. And it may be the cherry-picking of one kind ofSiberian tree that Phil Jones of the CRU may have meant when he talkedabout using Dr. Mann's "trick" to adjust the data :
Itis therefore vitally important that we should trust the methods bywhich these men have made their case. The supreme prize that they havebeen working for so long has been to establish that the world is warmertoday than ever before in recorded history. To do this it has beennecessary to eliminate a wealth of evidence that the world 1,000 yearsago was, for entirely natural reasons, warmer than today (the so-calledMedieval Warm Period).
The most celebrated attempt to demonstratethis was the "hockey stick" graph produced by Dr Mann in 1999, whichinstantly became the chief icon of the IPCC and the global warminglobby all over the world. But in 2003 a Canadian statistician, SteveMcIntyre, with his colleague Professor Ross McKitrick, showed how thegraph had been fabricated by a computer model that produced "hockeystick" graphs whatever random data were fed into it. A whollyunrepresentative sample of tree rings from bristlecone pines in thewestern USA had been made to stand as "proxies" to show that there wasno Medieval Warm Period, and that late 20th-century temperatures hadsoared to unprecedented levels.
Although McIntyre's exposure of the "hockey stick" was upheld in 2006 by two expert panels commissioned by the US Congress,the small group of scientists at the top of the IPCC brushed this asideby pointing at a hugely influential series of graphs originating fromthe CRU, from Jones and Briffa. These appeared to confirm the rewritingof climate history in the "hockey stick", by using quite different tree ring data from Siberia. Briffa was put in charge of the key chapter of the IPCC's fourth report, in 2007, which dismissed all McIntyre's criticisms.
At the forefront of those who foundsuspicious the graphs based on tree rings from the Yamal peninsula inSiberia was McIntyre himself, not least because for years the CRU refused to disclose the data used to construct them. This breached a basic rule of scientific procedure. Butlast summer the Royal Society insisted on the rule being obeyed, andtwo months ago Briffa accordingly published on his website some of thedata McIntyre had been after.
This was startling enough, as McIntyre demonstrated in an explosive series of posts on his Climate Audit blog, because itshowed that the CRU studies were based on cherry-picking hundreds ofSiberian samples only to leave those that showed the picture that waswanted. Other studies based on similar data had clearly shown theMedieval Warm Period as hotter than today. Indeed only the evidence from one tree, YADO61, seemed to show a "hockey stick" pattern, andit was this, in light of the extraordinary reverence given to the CRU'sstudies, which led McIntyre to dub it "the most influential tree in theworld".
This may turn out to be Dr. Mann's famous "trick" talkedabout in Phil Jones email released two weeks ago. It wasn't aboutmanipulating numbers, it was all about changing the trees:
The most quoted remark in those emails has been one fromProf Jones in 1999, reporting that he had used "Mike [Mann]'s Naturetrick of adding in the real temps" to "Keith's" graph, in order to"hide the decline". Invariably this has been quoted out of context. Itstrue significance, we can now see, is that what they intended to hidewas the awkward fact that, apart from that one tree, the Yamal datashowed temperatures not having risen in the late 20th century butdeclining. What Jones suggested, emulating Mann's procedure for the"hockey stick" (originally published in Nature), was that tree-ringdata after 1960 should be eliminated, and substituted – withoutexplanation – with a line based on the quite different data of measuredglobal temperatures, to convey that temperatures after 1960 had shot up.
A further devastating blow has now been dealt to the CRU graphs by an expert contributor to McIntyre's Climate Audit,known only as "Lucy Skywalker". She has cross-checked with the actualtemperature records for that part of Siberia, showing that in the past50 years temperatures have not risen at all.
In other words, what has become arguablythe most influential set of evidence used to support the case that theworld faces unprecedented global warming, developed, copied andpromoted hundreds of times, has now been as definitively kicked intotouch as was Mann's "hockey stick" before it. Yet it is on a blindacceptance of this kind of evidence that 16,500 politicians, officials,scientists and environmental activists will be gathering in Copenhagento discuss measures which, if adopted, would require us all in the Westto cut back on our carbon dioxide emissions by anything up to 80 percent, utterly transforming the world economy.
None of this has been reported by the Mainstream Media,who are single minded promoting the progressive agenda. Then there arethose college scientists getting rich off of government grants,whotrade in their scientific ethics and pile on to the supposed globalwarming consensus without bothering to investigate any of the glaringscientific discrepancies and procedural flaws. Over the coming fewyears, as the costs of global warming policies mount and the evidenceof a crisis continues to collapse, perhaps one day they will be allowedto tie their shoes without first getting permission from the likes ofProfessors Mann and Jones.