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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Bibi versus The Iceman (Obowma)
11/30/2009 6:14:59 AM
Hello Friends,

Time and again the international leaders and media create the false impression that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a land and borders issue. As I've written many times in the past nothing can be further from the truth and the recent statements coming out of the PA proves just that.

Their demands today are based on the B Hussein regime's demand that Israel freeze the building in Judea and Samaria.The Palestinians grabbed onto this as if to a life raft stating that without a total freeze they won't return to the Peace Talks. In the past this demand was never part of any negotiations but due to B Hussein's erroneous Middle East agenda it has become their life saver and allows them to continue refusing to return to the talks and regardless of what Israel does they will continue to refuse.

Unfortunately Bibi Netanyahu capitulated to US pressure and has frozen all future building in Judea and Samaria. Guess what the Palestinians still refuse to return to the peace talks. They aren't interested in peace talks and expect B Hussein to get everything they want from Israel without any negotiations. In this way to reach their goal of the total annihilation of Israel and all the Jews living in it.

I fear that in Israel there will be a strong grass roots campaign against Bibi's decision and the political future isn't all that clear at the moment.

Dry Bones shows in his brilliant way the impasse we're in at the moment and I wonder what the future will have in store for us.



I thought that I'd draw Obama and Bibi Netanyahu as battlingSuperHeroes, but they came out looking like a pair of phony costumed TVwrestlers putting on a show!
* * *
TheArab-Israeli conflict will end when the Arab states accept theexistence of a Jewish State in the region as natural. Politicalcorrectness requires that we ignore this obvious truth and pretend thatthe problem is simply a border dispute between "Palestinians" andIsraelis.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE:HSIG Egyptian Mufti Says Swiss Minaret Ban An Insult To Islam and All Muslims
12/1/2009 1:20:56 PM
Hello Friends,

A few days ago Robert and I discussed in short the referendum in Switzerland banning the building of Minarets that passed by a fairly large majority.

I was interested in seeing what the reactions will be and I found one of the first over at Jihad Watch which is quite interesting. What I find most interesting time after time is the utter gall of these Muslims when they complain about discrimination against Islam. What a farce. This Egyptian cleric condones attack against Coptics in Egypt and total discrimination against them. In most Islamic countries they don't even allow the building of Churches, Synagogues, Temples of other religions. Here the issue wasn't against mosques but minarets which have a different connotation then a regular mosque although no less dangerous as an avenue to preach radical jihad.

Yet, the world will probably acquiesce and reverse decisions of this sort due to fear of reprisals of the Muslims masses and of course that curse word Political Correctness. The freedom that Islam demands from the Western world isn't even a consideration in their countries since the koran forbids it and sharia law rules supreme.

I for one am happy to see the awakening of the Europeans and hope they continue and don't fold under the pressure and rampages of the Muslims within their countries and elsewhere in the world. The Muslim rampages already started in Switzerland and I'm curious to see how they will handle it in the long term.



Ali Gomaa is the statue-hatin', wife-beatin', Hizballah-supportin', Muhammad's-urine-drinkin' Mufti of Egypt, who some time ago denied reports that he had rejected the traditional Islamic death sentence for apostates. The delirious Dinesh D'Souza has praised him as a "traditional Muslim" with whom American conservatives should cultivate an alliance.

And now Ali Gomaa's poor little feelings are hurt. " not considered just an attack on freedom of beliefs, butalso an attempt to insult the feelings of the Muslim community in andoutside Switzerland."

"Egypt mufti says Swiss minaret ban insults Muslims," from AFP, November 29 (thanks to Maxwell):

CAIRO -- Egypt's Mufti Ali Gomaa denounced a vote to bannew minarets in Switzerland on Sunday as an "insult" to Muslims acrossthe world, while calling on Muslims not to be provoked by the move.

A solid majority of Swiss voters chose in a referendum to ban theconstruction of new minarets, the towers attached to mosques from whichthe call to prayers is announced.

"This not considered just an attack on freedom ofbeliefs, but also an attempt to insult the feelings of the Muslimcommunity in and outside Switzerland," Gomaa, the Egyptian government'sofficial interpreter of Islamic law, told the state-run news agencyMENA.

He encouraged Switzerland's 400,000-strong Muslim community to use"dialogue" and legal means to contest the ban, which he described as"provocative behaviour."

The rightist Swiss People's Party (SVP) -- Switzerland's biggestparty -- had forced the referendum after collecting a mandatory 100,000signatures from eligible voters within 18 months.

Gomaa also called on Muslims not to be affected "by this provocation," adding that Islam "considers humanity a single family."


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - SIOE Protest In London 12/13/2009
12/1/2009 1:59:17 PM
Hello Friends,

Apparently there is an awakening of the PEOPLE not the governments to the dangers of radical Islam and their Jihad agenda world wide. As a result of the Swiss banning of Minarets citizens of different countries are starting to protest and make their voices heard.

There will be a SIOE demonstration in Harrow, London, England. I urge all our friends in England to support this demonstration. Full details below.



SIOE England

Harrow stop mosque building demo 13th December


The Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, publicly read an Islamic poem including the lines: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers…”

HAMMER THEIR HELMETS! BLUNT THEIR BAYONETS! (metaphorical reference to no more mosques).


Location: Square in front of Harrow Civic Centre, Station Road/Milton Road junction.

Date: 13th December 2009

Time: 14.00 – 16.00 (2pm – 4pm)


1. Approved anti-sharia and anti-Islamisation chants, banners and placards will be permitted. Official chants:-

Hammer their helmets! Blunt their bayonets! (this is a metaphorical reference to no more mosques).

No more mosques!

Stop kuffarphobia!

2. English, Welsh, Scottish, N. Irish, national flags, nationalflags of other countries, certain other national flags will bepermitted and encouraged. Some flags already known to be representedare:-



Serbia Israel

Let us know which flag you’ll be flying!

3. Certain other flags representing communities struggling againstIslamic colonisation such as Papua New Guinea and Biafra will bepermitted.

4. Certain civil rights flags, banners and placards will beencouraged provided they are displayed within the no-sharia context ofthe demonstration.

5. ALL MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ORGANISERS BEFORE THE PROTESTSpeakers using hand held megaphones will address the gathering. Namesof speakers will be provided to the police prior to the demonstration.Speeches must be approved by the organisers.


Speakers to explain Muslim persecution in Islamic countries.

Copts in Egypt

Hindus in Bangladesh

Hindus in Malayasia

Christians in Indonesia

Christians in Pakistan

Papuans in Indonesia

Jews everywhere


1. As with previous SIOE demonstrations, political parties are banned.

2. Any racist chanting, banners and placards will result inimmediate ejection of the perpetrators from the demo as will nazisalutes.

3. Totalitarian symbols such as nazi swastikas, communist hammer andsickles, Islamic star and crescent, UNLESS CLEARLY CROSSED OUT ORDEFACED WITH A STOP SIGN.

Banners, placards and speeches will be shown to the police prior to the protest starting if requested.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - SNL Finally Waking Up To The Obowma Hoax And Farce
12/2/2009 2:22:15 AM
Hello Friends,

It seems that Obowma's finally starting to get his just deserts from SNL. Not God forbid the main stream media but as has happened in the past they seem to "follow" the lead of a satirical program and sometimes question the actions of B Hussein Obowma.

Here's a SNL clip on B Hussein's disastrous Asian trip. Bowing to the Emperor, lying to the masses in China and so much more. His foreign policy is laughed at by most leaders in the world and so far each and every trip he's made has been a total failure and disaster. Accomplishments NIL. Failures 100%. Even his appeasement of the Muslim world has boomeranged on him. And Iran keeps on b*itch slapping him and he asks for more.

Ah, he deserves every bit of the satire cos unfortunately every word is true and worse.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Dry Bones Politically Correct???
12/2/2009 6:06:53 AM
Hello Friends,

I was in for a surprise when I saw today's Dry Bones. My brilliant satirist had a Politically Correct cartoon today! Is nothing sacred anymore? Satire politically correct? I hope and pray that he'll recover ASAP!!

I sincerely hope this is a case of temporary insanity and he'll recover tout suit (sp?). :)



The Bible quote is from the first of the five books of Moses. The King James translation renders the promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3as:
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
In my recent American speaking tour I discovered that the folks who once believed that George W. was either demonic or stupid now have perfect faith in Obama as a glowing Messianic figure.

I thought I'd do a cartoon about President Obama's surprising string of failures, but these days any criticism of the politician from Chicago is a violation of Political Correctness ...and an invitation to being called a racist!!?!

So I did this cartoon about "playing it safe".

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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