The Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, publicly read an Islamic poem including the lines: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers…”
HAMMER THEIR HELMETS! BLUNT THEIR BAYONETS! (metaphorical reference to no more mosques).
Location: Square in front of Harrow Civic Centre, Station Road/Milton Road junction.
Date: 13th December 2009
Time: 14.00 – 16.00 (2pm – 4pm)
1. Approved anti-sharia and anti-Islamisation chants, banners and placards will be permitted. Official chants:-
Hammer their helmets! Blunt their bayonets! (this is a metaphorical reference to no more mosques).
No more mosques!
Stop kuffarphobia!
2. English, Welsh, Scottish, N. Irish, national flags, nationalflags of other countries, certain other national flags will bepermitted and encouraged. Some flags already known to be representedare:-
Serbia Israel
Let us know which flag you’ll be flying!
3. Certain other flags representing communities struggling againstIslamic colonisation such as Papua New Guinea and Biafra will bepermitted.
4. Certain civil rights flags, banners and placards will beencouraged provided they are displayed within the no-sharia context ofthe demonstration.
5. ALL MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ORGANISERS BEFORE THE PROTESTSpeakers using hand held megaphones will address the gathering. Namesof speakers will be provided to the police prior to the demonstration.Speeches must be approved by the organisers.
Speakers to explain Muslim persecution in Islamic countries.
Copts in Egypt
Hindus in Bangladesh
Hindus in Malayasia
Christians in Indonesia
Christians in Pakistan
Papuans in Indonesia
Jews everywhere
1. As with previous SIOE demonstrations, political parties are banned.
2. Any racist chanting, banners and placards will result inimmediate ejection of the perpetrators from the demo as will nazisalutes.
3. Totalitarian symbols such as nazi swastikas, communist hammer andsickles, Islamic star and crescent, UNLESS CLEARLY CROSSED OUT ORDEFACED WITH A STOP SIGN.
Banners, placards and speeches will be shown to the police prior to the protest starting if requested.