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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - AG Says ACORN Can Be Paid For Pre-Banning Committments
11/28/2009 8:43:36 AM
Hello Friends,

Interesting developments in regard to ACORN funding. After Congress banned all funding to ACORN Obowma and his goons over at the AG's department decided that funding that was committed to prior to the congressional banning is permitted cos of semantics.

It's as if they're saying that all the illegal and criminal acts of this gangster organization prior to the banning is kosher and all acts after are criminal. How amusing if it wasn't so sad.

The same AG and his minions that decided to prosecute terrorists in a Federal Court are now legitimizing actions of home grown criminals in the same manner by awarding them millions of your tax dollars.

It's about time that the masses stood up and told this regime to stop with their massive stealing from the American people. Enough is enough.

Even the bilious New York Times saw fit to write about this unsavory topic. Not God forbid criticizing but at least for once reporting news instead of creating the news.



Justice Department Says Acorn Can Be Paid for Pre-Ban Contracts

Published: November 27, 2009
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has concluded that the Obama administration can lawfully pay the community group Acorn for services provided under contracts signed before Congress banned the government from providing money to the group.

The department’s conclusion, laid out in a recently disclosed five-page memorandumfrom David Barron, the acting assistant attorney general for the Officeof Legal Counsel, adds a new wrinkle to a sharp political debate overthe antipoverty group’s activities and recent efforts to distance thegovernment from it.

Since 1994, Acorn, which stands for theAssociation of Community Organizations for Reform Now, has receivedabout $53 million in federal aid, much of it grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for providing various services related to affordable housing.

But the group has become a prime target for conservative critics, and on Oct. 1, President Obamasigned into law a spending bill that included a provision that said notaxpayer money — including money authorized by previous legislation —could be “provided to” the group or its affiliates.

A Housing andUrban Development Department lawyer asked the Justice Departmentwhether the new law meant that pre-existing contracts with Acorn shouldbe broken. And in a memorandum signed Oct. 23 and posted online thisweek, Mr. Barron said the government should continue to make paymentsto Acorn as required by such contracts.

The new law “should notbe read as directing or authorizing HUD to breach a pre-existingbinding contractual obligation to make payments to Acorn or itsaffiliates, subsidiaries or allied organizations where doing so wouldgive rise to contractual liability,” Mr. Barron wrote.

The deputy director of national operations for Acorn, Brian Kettenring, praised Mr. Barron’s decision.

“Weare pleased that commitments will be honored relative to Acorn’s workto help keep America’s working families facing foreclosure in theirhomes,” Mr. Kettenring said.

Mr. Barron said he had based hisconclusion on the statute’s phrase “provided to.” This phrase, he said,has no clearly defined meaning in the realm of government spending —unlike words like “obligate” and “expend.”

Citing dictionaryand thesaurus entries, he said “provided to” could be interpreted asmeaning only instances in which an official was making “discretionarychoices” about whether to give the group money, rather than instancesin which the transfer of money to Acorn was required to satisfycontractual obligations.

Since there are two possible ways toconstrue the term “provided to,” Mr. Barron wrote, it makes sense topick the interpretation that allows the government to avoid breachingcontracts.

Moreover, he argued, requiring the government tocancel contracts with a specifically named entity — “including even incases where performance has already been completed but payment has notbeen rendered” — would raise constitutional concerns best avoided byinterpreting the law differently.

The Constitution prohibits“bills of attainder” — legislation intended to punish specific peopleor groups. Acorn has filed a lawsuit arguing that the statute banningthe government from providing it money amounts to a bill of attainder.

Foundedin Arkansas in 1970, Acorn describes itself as the nation’s largestgrass-roots community organizing group. It provides financial servicesto poor and middle-income families, conducts voter registration drives,and advocates for higher minimum wages and more affordable housing.

Conservativeshave long complained about Acorn’s voter drives in poor neighborhoods,citing instances in which workers fraudulently registered imaginaryvoters like Mickey Mouse.Acorn has argued that it is the real victim of such incidents, whichits employees have often brought to the attention of the authorities.

Criticism of Acorn escalated in September, when two conservative activists released videosthey had recorded using secret cameras of Acorn workers in severalcities. The activists had posed as a pimp and a prostitute seekingfinancial advice. Instead of raising objections, the Acorn employeescounseled the couple on how to hide their illicit activities and avoidpaying taxes.

Conservatives seized on the videos to criticize thegroup further, highlighting that the Obama campaign had paid an Acornaffiliate for get-out-the-vote efforts. Congress then enacted the banon providing money to it.

Acorn has fired several of the employees depicted in the videos.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/28/2009 9:15:47 AM

Switzerland to vote on plan to ban minarets.

Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/28/2009 9:49:34 AM

Switzerland to vote on plan to ban minarets.

Very interesting Robert. They are only referring to minarets and not to mosques. It appears that they fear the symbolism of the minaret but are in a way ignoring the dangers of the radical Muslims that are preaching Jihad in many of the mosques and there are quite a few of them in Switzerland.

It's definitely a step in the right direction and in a way quite surprising that Switzerland is the country proposing such a law. If you recall just a few months ago when they expelled Ghadaffi"s son from Switzerland he (Ghadaffi) went berserk and tried to have Switzerland removed as a Nation from the list of Nations in the world. The President (or is it PM in Switzerland) went to Libya in order to pacify the lunatic but to no avail. Yet as I said definitely a step in the right direction.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/28/2009 2:30:48 PM

Now this is rich, our admin and his cronies "Holder" have got to be kidding! Give them money anyway because it occurred before charges were brought? Now that is a empathetic and pathetic excuse for a President and his Attorney General to spew to continue their cronism of this Acorn organization.

I thought sh*t like this was going to end under this administration?!

It is definitely getting worse with the "Chosen Ones" in office. What a fatal farce that has been played on the American people, corraled like a bunch of wild hogs, by the "Oligarchy in Charge".

TeaParty NoIncumbents 2010

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/28/2009 5:19:32 PM

Now this is rich, our admin and his cronies "Holder" have got to be kidding! Give them money anyway because it occurred before charges were brought? Now that is a empathetic and pathetic excuse for a President and his Attorney General to spew to continue their cronism of this Acorn organization.

I thought sh*t like this was going to end under this administration?!

It is definitely getting worse with the "Chosen Ones" in office. What a fatal farce that has been played on the American people, corraled like a bunch of wild hogs, by the "Oligarchy in Charge".

TeaParty NoIncumbents 2010

You got that right Jim, things are getting much worse. The only option is to get rid of this guy through impeachment otherwise come 2012 there won't be much left of the US we know and love.

2010 is the first step in his downfall if impeachment isn't an option and I wish it was here already cos each day that goes by with him in office and the Dems in control of the House things will only get worse.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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